Talk:Windows code page
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the generator code is given below, readtxt.pas can be obtained from most of the data used came from the .mspx.html files used where didn't have a mapping availible for the code page in question are from
program byposition; uses sysutils,readtxt; //we use our own text reader as the delphi one can't handle //unix format text const maxcharset =12;//9; startat = $80; {$define showallchars} {$define breakbeforecodepoint} var buildarray : array[0..255,0..maxcharset] of longint; names : array[0..31] of string; procedure processcharset(name:string;number:byte;filename:string); var t: treadtext; line:string; i,j:integer; begin names[number] := name; readtext_init(t,filename); repeat line := readtext_line(t); if (length(line)>=11) and (line[2]='x') and (line[7]='x') then begin; //writeln('processing line '+line); // format buildarray[strtoint('$'+copy(line,3,2)),number] := strtoint('$'+copy(line,8,4)); end else if (length(line)>=11) and (copy(line,3,5)=' = U+') then begin; //ms format buildarray[strtoint('$'+copy(line,1,2)),number] := strtoint('$'+copy(line,8,4)); end; until readtext_eof(t); end; var t: textfile; i,j,k : integer; firstline : boolean; goodline : boolean; rowcounter : integer; comparevalue : integer; begin for i := 0 to 255 do for j := 0 to maxcharset do buildarray[i,j] := -1; {processcharset('windows-874|874',0,'CP874.txt'); processcharset('windows-1250|1250',1,'CP1250.txt'); processcharset('windows-1251|1251',2,'CP1251.txt'); processcharset('windows-1252|1252',3,'CP1252.txt'); processcharset('windows-1253|1253',4,'CP1253.txt'); processcharset('windows-1254|1254',5,'CP1254.txt'); processcharset('windows-1255|1255',6,'CP1255.txt'); processcharset('windows-1256|1256',7,'CP1256.txt'); processcharset('windows-1257|1257',8,'CP1257.txt'); processcharset('windows-1258|1258',9,'CP1258.txt');} processcharset('code page 437|437',0,'CP437.txt'); processcharset('code page 720|720',1,'720.mspx.html'); processcharset('code page 737|737',2,'CP737.txt'); processcharset('code page 775|775',3,'CP775.txt'); processcharset('code page 850|850',4,'CP850.txt'); processcharset('code page 852|852',5,'CP852.txt'); processcharset('code page 855|855',6,'CP855.txt'); processcharset('code page 857|857',7,'CP857.txt'); processcharset('code page 858|858',8,'858.mspx.html'); processcharset('code page 862|862',9,'CP862.txt'); processcharset('code page 866|866',10,'CP866.txt'); processcharset('windows-874|874',11,'CP874.txt'); processcharset('windows-1258|1258',12,'CP1250.txt'); assignfile(t,'output.txt'); rewrite(t); writeln(t,'<table {{prettytable}}>'); firstline := true; rowcounter := 0; for i := startat to 255 do begin goodline := false; comparevalue := buildarray[i,0]; {$ifdef showallchars} goodline := true; {$else} for j := 1 to maxcharset do begin if comparevalue <> buildarray[i,j] then goodline := true; end; {$endif} if goodline then begin if (rowcounter and ($1F shr(0{$ifndef twocol}+1{$endif} {$ifdef breakbeforecodepoint}+1{$endif} ))) = 0 then begin write(t,'<tr>'); {$ifdef twocol}for j := 1 to 2 do{$endif} begin write(t,'<td>position<br>([[hexadecimal|hex]])'); for k := 0 to maxcharset do begin; write(t,'<td>[['+names[k]+']]'); end; end; end; {$ifdef twocol}if (rowcounter and 1) =0 then{$endif} write(t,'<tr>'); write(t,'<td>'+inttohex(i,2)); inc(rowcounter); //if firstline then begin // firstline := false; // write(t,'<td>{{uplusfirst}}'+inttohex(i,4)); //end else begin //end; for j := 0 to maxcharset do begin write(t,'<td>'); case buildarray[i,j] of -1 : ; $00 : write(t,'[[NUL]]'); $01 : write(t,'[[SOH]]'); $02 : write(t,'[[STX]]'); $03 : write(t,'[[ETX]]'); $04 : write(t,'[[EOT]]'); $05 : write(t,'[[ENQ]]'); $06 : write(t,'[[ACK]]'); $07 : write(t,'[[BEL]]'); $08 : write(t,'[[BS]]'); $09 : write(t,'[[TAB]]'); $0A : write(t,'[[LF]]'); $0B : write(t,'[[VT]]'); $0C : write(t,'[[FF]]'); $0D : write(t,'[[CR]]'); $0E : write(t,'[[SO]]'); $0F : write(t,'[[SI]]'); $10 : write(t,'[[DLE]]'); $11 : write(t,'[[DC1]]'); $12 : write(t,'[[DC2]]'); $13 : write(t,'[[DC3]]'); $14 : write(t,'[[DC4]]'); $15 : write(t,'[[NAK]]'); $16 : write(t,'[[SYN]]'); $17 : write(t,'[[ETB]]'); $18 : write(t,'[[CAN]]'); $19 : write(t,'[[EM]]'); $1A : write(t,'[[SUB]]'); $1B : write(t,'[[ESC]]'); $1C : write(t,'[[FS]]'); $1D : write(t,'[[GS]]'); $1E : write(t,'[[RS]]'); $1F : write(t,'[[US]]'); $80 : write(t,'[[PAD]]'); $81 : write(t,'[[HOP]]'); $82 : write(t,'[[BPH]]'); $83 : write(t,'[[NBH]]'); $84 : write(t,'[[IND]]'); $85 : write(t,'[[NEL]]'); $86 : write(t,'[[SSA]]'); $87 : write(t,'[[ESA]]'); $88 : write(t,'[[HTS]]'); $89 : write(t,'[[HTJ]]'); $8A : write(t,'[[VTS]]'); $8B : write(t,'[[PLD]]'); $8C : write(t,'[[PLU]]'); $8D : write(t,'[[RI]]'); $8E : write(t,'[[SS2]]'); $8F : write(t,'[[SS3]]'); $90 : write(t,'[[DCS]]'); $91 : write(t,'[[PU1]]'); $92 : write(t,'[[PU2]]'); $93 : write(t,'[[STS]]'); $94 : write(t,'[[CCH]]'); $95 : write(t,'[[MW]]'); $96 : write(t,'[[SPA]]'); $97 : write(t,'[[EPA]]'); $98 : write(t,'[[SOS]]'); $99 : write(t,'[[SGCI]]'); $9A : write(t,'[[SCI]]'); $9B : write(t,'[[CSI]]'); $9C : write(t,'[[ST]]'); $9D : write(t,'[[OSC]]'); $9E : write(t,'[[PM]]'); $9F : write(t,'[[APC]]'); $A0 : write(t,'[[NBSP]]'); $AD : write(t,'[[SHY]]'); else write(t,'[[&#x'+inttohex(buildarray[i,j],4)+';]]'); end; {$ifdef breakbeforecodepoint} if buildarray[i,j] >=0 then write(t,'<br><small>U+'+inttohex(buildarray[i,j],4)+'</small>'); {$else} if buildarray[i,j] >=0 then write(t,'<sub>U+'+inttohex(buildarray[i,j],4)+'</sub>'); {$endif} end; writeln(t,'</td>'); end; end; writeln(t,'</table>'); closefile(t); //for counter := 0 to 65535 do begin; end.
[edit] ANSI or not?
Once and for all, is it correct to say "ANSI" to the Windows code pages? Currently, some pages on wikipedia say it's wrong (as ANSI never defined these code pages, but Microsoft just says "ANSI" to it anyway), while this article makes the impression that it is ok. --Abdull 23:53, 17 March 2006 (UTC)
- Well microsofts technical documents use that term all over the place and i don't belive anyone uses the term ansi code page for anything else. I can't imagine ANSI are particularlly happy about having thier name put to something that isn't thiers though. I guess it all depends on how you define right and wrong ;) Plugwash 10:44, 18 March 2006 (UTC)