William Van Mildert

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William Van Mildert (17651836) was the last Prince-Bishop of Durham (18261836), and one of the founders of the University of Durham. His name survives in Van Mildert College, founded in 1965.

He was Bishop of Llandaff from 1819 to 1826, from whence he translated to Durham; prior to this, he had been rector of the church of St. Mary-le-Bow in London as well as Dean of St Paul's between 1820 and 1826.

As part of the foundation of the University, behind which he was the driving force, he moved his residence from Durham Castle to Lumley Castle, and gifted the castle to the University, where it became the home of University College. In addition, he gifted a large number of buildings on Palace Green, between the Castle and the Cathedral, which are currently in use by various departments of the University (principally law, music and a small portion of the University Library).