William King (doctor)

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Part of the series on
Types of Co-operatives

Housing cooperative
Building cooperative
Retailers' cooperative
Utility cooperative
Worker cooperative
Social cooperative
Consumers' cooperative
Agricultural cooperative
Credit union
Cooperative banking
Cooperative federation
Cooperative union
Cooperative wholesale society
Mutual insurance

Rochdale Principles

Voluntary and open membership
Democratic member control
Member economic participation
Autonomy and independence
Education, training, and information
Cooperation among cooperatives
Concern for community

Political and Economic Theories

Cooperative federalism
Cooperative individualism
Third way
Socially responsible investing
Social enterprise

Key Theorists

Robert Owen
William King
The Rochdale Pioneers
G.D.H. Cole
Charles Gide
Beatrice Webb
Friedrich Raiffeisen
David Griffiths


List of cooperatives
List of cooperative federations
International Co-operative Alliance
Co-operative Party

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Dr. William King (April 17, 1786 - October 19, 1865) was a British physician and philanthropist from Brighton. He is best known as an early supporter of the Cooperative Movement.

By 1827, Robert Owen had taken his ideas of a co-operative movement to the United States. But they were picked up and amplified by Dr. King. King founded a cooperative store in Brighton. Then in 1828 he started a paper, The Cooperator to promote these ideas. The Cooperator had a wide circulation and a great influence in the emerging movement. Though only published for slightly over two years, the paper served to educate and unify otherwise scattered groups. King's articles in the paper gave the movement some philosophical and practical basis that it had lacked before.

King's overriding rationale for the movement is best illustrated by the phrases repeated on the masthead of every issue of The Cooperator:

"Knowledge and union are power. Power, directed by knowledge is happiness. Happiness is the end of creation."