Wildman Whitehouse

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Edward Orange Wildman Whitehouse (1816 - January 26, 1890) was an English surgeon, better-known for his ultimately unsuccessful endeavours at electrical engineering on the transatlantic telegraph cable.


[edit] Life

Born in Liverpool to a merchant, he qualified as a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1840 and established a successful practice in Brighton.

In the 1850s, he conducted experiments that, he held, showed that feared problems with practical data rates on underwater cables would not prohibit a commercial service. Though his claims were disputed by William Thomson (later known as Lord Kelvin), he was an able propagandist for the undertakers of a proposed transatlantic cable.

Cyrus Field recruited Whitehouse as chief electrician to the Atlantic Telegraph Company; Thomson subsequently became scientific advisor, convinced that Whitehouse's theories were wrong but believing him to have the practical skill to make the scheme work.

When the cable finally opened for business, it was beset with the problems that Thomson had foreseen. Whitehouse's inadequate apparatus had to be replaced by Thomson's more sensitive mirror galvanometer and Whitehouse succeeded in fatally damaging the cable by delivering massive shocks of 2,000 volts in an attempt to rectify the problems. Whitehouse continually maintained that the cable and his equipment were a success. Though he put up a desperate public defence of his conduct and was more than ready to apportion blame among all other parties, an 1861 enquiry concluded that he should bear the majority of the responsibility.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Biography

  • Obituaries:
  • "Board of Trade Committee to Inquire into … Submarine Telegraph Cables’, Parl. papers (1860), 52.591, no. 2744
  • Bright, C. (1898) Submarine Telegraphs: Their History, Construction, and Working
  • de Cogan, D. (1985) "Dr E.O.W. Whitehouse and the 1858 transatlantic cable", History of Technology, volume 10, pages 1–15
  • Hunt, B.J. (1996) "Scientists, engineers and Wildman Whitehouse: measurement and credibility in early cable telegraphy", British Journal for the History of Science, volume 29 pages 155–169
  • Smith, C. & Wise M.N. (1989) Energy and Empire: A Biographical Study of Lord Kelvin
  • Thompson, S.P. (1910) The Life of William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs, 2 vols.

[edit] Works

  • Whitehouse, E.O.W. (1856) "The law of squares: is it applicable or not to the transmission of signals in submarine circuits ?", The Athenaeum, January 30, 1092
  • Whitehouse, E.O.W. (1855) "Report on a series of experimental observations"
  • Whitehouse, E.O.W (1858) The Atlantic Telegraph: The Rise, Progress, and Development of its Electrical Department

[edit] External links

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