Wildhammer Clan

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Wildhammer Dwarves on the back of a Gryphon.
Wildhammer Dwarves on the back of a Gryphon.

The Wildhammers Clan or Wildhammer Dwarves are a group of dwarves in Blizzard Entertainments video game and book series Warcraft.

The Wildhammer Dwarves differ from the regular Ironforge Bronzebeard Clan dwarves in that they prefer the heights at the peak of mountains and flying on gryphons as opposed to their earthbound brethren who prefer mining and subterranean living.


[edit] History

Like all dwarves, the dwarves of the Wildhammer Clan are descendants of the earthen.

Just prior to the War of the Three Hammers the Wildhammer Clan, ruled by Thane Khardros Wildhammer, inhabited the foothills and crags around the base of Ironforge. The Wildhammer Clan was successful in defending Ironforge from the Dark Iron Clan with aid from the Bronzebeard Clan. Khardros and his Wildhammer warriors traveled north through the barrier gates of Dun Algaz, and they founded their own kingdom within the distant peak of Grim Batol. There, the Wildhammers thrived and rebuilt their stores of treasure.

Thaurissan and his Dark Irons vowed revenge against Ironforge. Thaurissan and his sorceress wife, Modgud, launched a two-pronged assault against both Ironforge and Grim Batol. As Mogdud confronted the enemy warriors, she used her powers to strike fear into their hearts. Shadows moved at her command, and dark things crawled up from the depths of the earth to stalk the Wildhammers in their own halls. Eventually Modgud broke through the gates and laid siege to the fortress itself. The Wildhammers fought desperately, Khardros himself wading through the roiling masses to slay the sorceress queen. With their queen lost, the Dark Irons fled before the fury of the Wildhammers.

Once the immediate Dark Iron threat was eliminated the Wildhammers also returned home to Grim Batol. However, the death of the Modgud had left an evil stain on the mountain fortress, and the Wildhammers found it uninhabitable. Khardros took his people north towards the lands of Lordaeron. Settling within the lush forests of the Hinterlands, the Wildhammers crafted the city of Aerie Peak, where the Wildhammers grew closer to nature and even bonded with the mighty gryphons of the area.

[edit] Modern Wildhammers

The Wildhammer Clan currently makes its home at Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands. The most immediate threat to their security comes from the east in the form of the Witherbark Trolls. The Wildhammers do not share their Ironforge cousin's love of technology and do not care about their Titan ancestry. Wildhammers worship spirits and nature, though they are most famous for riding into battle atop Gryphons, wielding their Stormhammers.

[edit] Wildhammer Relations

The Wildhammer Clan is not part of the Alliance and is neutral to Alliance members. Their relationship with the gryphons of the Hinterlands has proven profitable as the Alliance has established an extensive travel network using these flying beasts. There are rumors of members of the Wildhammer Clan residing in the human city of Stormwind as well as the dwarven city of Ironforge. Wildhammers have a kinship with the High Elves, many reside at Aerie Peak and they have a hunting lodge near by.

The Wildhammer Clan considers members of the Horde to be their enemies.

[edit] Noteworthy Wildhammer Dwarves

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