Wikipedia talk:Wikipedians New Europe

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What the hell? New Europe? Why is Wikipedia using this rather degoratory and ambiguous name to refer to anything, outside of the New Europe article. Are we actually supposed to catagorise Wikipedians into catagories dreamed up by Donald Rumsfeld, when he was trying to spin polling data?

"You're thinking of Europe as Germany and France.
I don't.
I think that's old Europe."

Does anyone object, here and now, to deletion of this page (and its companion)? -- Ec5618 06:07, 28 September 2005 (UTC)

Delete, please. Or move to the humour section. All your New AmeriKKKA belong to us. - So said King Shrub the everlasting when paying for the money for erecting a new terrier. ;-)

Scoo 13:57, 15 December 2005 (UTC)