Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Rugby league/Discussion forums/Project goals needed

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Ok, I'm finally interested in making an effort in organising this project. I've made recent sweeping changes that I hope will help us to better be able to formulate and organise our ideas and better still, get people behind them.

Also, I'd like some input into what I've changed and more importantly our Goals. I've put a list of goals already up there. We don't want airy fairy goals... I'm looking for goals that are measurable. Something that's, when done, we can cross it off.

Any Suggestions of goals shall be voted on. I'll set this up with the votes section once some goals have been collected from you. Suggest some now. POds 13:51, 3 April 2006 (UTC)

People should really be wanting to comment on this. We have 20 members, I fail to see how no one involved in this project would not want to comment on this topic. POds 12:01, 8 April 2006 (UTC)
Sorry about not commenting. For Australian Rugby league, is a great resource. Has lists of most of the NRL players since around the 1980s. To follow the cricket and AFL wikiprojects, I think we should find how many players have played for each club in the NRL and English Super League, then start a mass page creation frenzy. Once we have completed all rugby bios, we can improve each one as stubs to a more substantial length. I unfortunately don't know any good site for English rugby league players.
Also per WP:NN, I think club rugby league players should not yet have a page of their own, not until enough of professional players have been created. GizzaChat © 07:00, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
Ok, so you'd be suggesting that our some of our goals, be to have every professional footballer profiled in his own wikipedia article? Thats a large job. How about i suggest a change of topic. Rather than Figuring out a list of goals, what don't we start trying to acheive one of the goals I have already set out. I.e. Organise the project into child projects.
I think child projects is one of the best ways we could get this project doing all the right things. So lets start suggesting child projects. Going by what you've said, perhaps we need a child project for Players. Perhaps Wikipedia:WikiProject Rugby league players? Or Wikipedia:WikiProject Rugby league people? POds 08:52, 10 April 2006 (UTC)
I think it is great to see so much time and effort going into getting this off the ground. I am thinking along your lines too. A page for each and every player would be almost insane. Why not a page for key players at each individual club? Or what about a roster page for each club with a small right up on each player? that way it wont be 1000's of pages insteqad just one page on each clubs key players

Bradley O'Neill 014:15, 13 April 2006 (UTC)