Wikipedia:WikiProject Ships/footers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

People have defined various ship class footers in the Wikipedia:MediaWiki namespace. Here is a list of ones that have been defined. This is for informational purposes: listing here does not imply endorsement.

See also: Category:United States military ship navigational boxes


[edit] Royal Navy

[edit] Aircraft Carriers

Template:Audacious class aircraft carrier

Audacious-class aircraft carrier
Eagle | Ark Royal

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Bogue class escort carrier

Bogue-class escort carrier
Royal Navy
Battler | Attacker | Hunter | Chaser | Fencer | Stalker | Pursuer | Striker | Searcher | Ravager | Tracker | Slinger | Atheling | Emperor | Ameer | Begum | Trumpeter | Empress | Khedive | Speaker | Nabob | Premier | Shah | Patroller | Rajah | Ranee | Trouncer | Thane | Queen | Ruler | Arbiter | Smiter | Puncher | Reaper
United States Navy
Bogue | Card | Copahee | Core | Nassau | Altamaha | Barnes | Block Island | Breton | Croatan | Prince William

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy
List of escort aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Centaur class aircraft carrier

Centaur-class aircraft carrier
Centaur | Albion | Bulwark | Hermes

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Charger class escort carrier

Avenger class escort carrier/Charger-class escort carrier
Royal Navy
Avenger | Biter | Dasher
United States Navy

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy
List of escort aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Colossus class aircraft carrier

Colossus-class aircraft carrier
Royal Navy
Colossus | Glory | Ocean | Vengeance | Pioneer | Venerable | Warrior | Perseus | Theseus | Triumph
Royal Australian Navy
Royal Canadian Navy
Royal Netherlands Navy
Karel Doorman (ex-Venerable)
French Navy
Arromanches (ex-Colossus)
Argentine Navy
Veinticinco de Mayo (ex-Venerable) | Independencia (ex-Warrior)
Brazilian Navy
Minas Gerais (ex-Vengeance)

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Glorious class aircraft carrier

Glorious-class aircraft carrier
Glorious | Courageous

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Illustrious class aircraft carrier

Illustrious-class aircraft carrier
Illustrious | Formidable | Victorious
Preceded by: single ship designs - Followed by: Implacable class

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Implacable class aircraft carrier

Implacable-class aircraft carrier
Implacable | Indefatigable
Preceded by: Illustrious class - Followed by: Audacious class

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Invincible class aircraft carrier

Invincible-class aircraft carrier
Invincible | Illustrious | Ark Royal

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Long Island class escort carrier

Long Island-class escort carrier
Long Island | Archer

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy
List of escort aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Majestic class aircraft carrier

Majestic-class aircraft carrier
Flag of Royal Navy Royal Navy
Majestic | Terrible | Magnificent | Leviathan | Hercules | Powerful
Royal Australian Navy
Melbourne (ex-Majestic) | Sydney (ex-Terrible)
Royal Canadian Navy
Magnificent | Bonaventure (ex-Powerful)
Indian Navy
Vikrant (ex-Hercules)

List of aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

[edit] Amphibious Assault Ships

Template:Albion class landing platform dock

Albion-class landing platform dock
Albion | Bulwark

List of amphibious assault ships of the Royal Navy

Template:Fearless class landing platform dock

Fearless-class landing platform dock
Fearless | Intrepid

List of amphibious assault ships of the Royal Navy

[edit] Battlecruisers

Template:Indefatigable class battlecruiser

Indefatigable-class battlecruiser
Indefatigable | New Zealand | Australia
Preceded by: Invincible class - Followed by: Lion class

List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Lion class battlecruiser

Lion-class battlecruiser
Lion | Princess Royal | Queen Mary
Preceded by: Indefatigable class - Followed by: Tiger class

List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Renown class battlecruiser

Renown-class battlecruiser
Renown | Repulse
Preceded by: Tiger class - Followed by: Admiral class

List of battlecruisers of the Royal Navy

[edit] Battleships

Template:Bellerophon class battleship

Bellerophon-class battleship
Bellerophon | Superb | Temeraire
Preceded by HMS Dreadnought Succeeded by St. Vincent class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Canopus class battleship

Canopus-class battleship
Albion | Canopus | Glory | Goliath | Ocean | Vengeance

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Formidable class battleship

Formidable-class battleship
Formidable | Irresistible | Implacable | London | Bulwark | Venerable | Queen | Prince of Wales

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Iron Duke class battleship

Iron Duke-class battleship
Iron Duke | Marlborough | Benbow | Emperor of India
Preceded by: King George V class - Followed by: Queen Elizabeth class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:King George V class battleship (1939)

King George V-class battleship
King George V | Prince of Wales | Duke of York | Anson | Howe
Preceded by: Nelson class - Followed by: Lion class (planned)

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:King George V class battleship 1911

King George V-class battleship (1911)
King George V | Centurion | Audacious | Ajax
Preceded by: Orion class - Followed by: Iron Duke class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Majestic class battleship

Majestic-class battleship

Caesar | Hannibal | Illustrious | Jupiter | Magnificent | Majestic | Mars | Prince George | Victorious

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Nelson class battleship

Nelson-class battleship
Nelson | Rodney
Preceded by: N3 class (planned) - Followed by: King George V class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Neptune class battleship

Neptune-class battleship
Neptune | Colossus | Hercules
Preceded by: St Vincent class - Followed by: Colossus class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Orion class battleship

Orion-class battleship
Orion | Monarch | Conqueror | Thunderer
Preceded by: Colossus class - Followed by: King George V class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Queen Elizabeth class battleship

Queen Elizabeth-class battleship
Queen Elizabeth | Warspite | Valiant | Barham | Malaya
Preceded by: Iron Duke class - Followed by: Revenge class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:Revenge class battleship

Revenge-class battleship
Revenge | Royal Sovereign | Ramillies | Resolution | Royal Oak
Preceded by: Queen Elizabeth class - Followed by: N3 class (planned)

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

Template:St Vincent class battleship

St. Vincent-class battleship
St. Vincent | Collingwood | Vanguard
Preceded by: Bellerophon class - Followed by: Neptune class

List of battleships of the Royal Navy

[edit] Corvettes

Template:Castle class corvette

Template:Castle class corvette

Template:Flower class corvette

Template:Flower class corvette

[edit] Cruisers

Template:Arethusa class cruiser (1912)

Arethusa-class cruiser
Arethusa | Aurora | Galatea | Inconstant | Penelope | Phaeton | Royalist | Undaunted

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Arethusa class cruiser (1934)

Arethusa-class cruiser

Arethusa | Aurora | Galatea | Penelope

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:C class cruiser

C-class cruisers
Caroline group | Caroline | Carysfort | Cleopatra | Comus | Conquest | Cordelia
Calliope group | Calliope | Champion
Cambrian group | Cambrian | Canterbury | Castor | Constance
Centaur group | Centaur | Concord
Caledon group | Caledon | Calypso | Cassandra | Caradoc
Ceres group | Cardiff | Ceres | Coventry | Curacoa | Curlew
Carlisle group | Cairo | Calcutta | Capetown | Carlisle | Colombo

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Cavendish class cruiser

Hawkins-class cruiser

Effingham | Frobisher | Hawkins | Raleigh | Vindictive

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:County class cruiser

County-class cruiser
Royal Navy
Kent class - Berwick | Cumberland | Cornwall | Kent | Suffolk
London class - Devonshire | London | Shropshire | Sussex
Dorsetshire class - Dorsetshire | Norfolk
Royal Australian Navy
Kent class - Australia | Canberra
London class - Shropshire (transferred)

List of cruiser classes of the Royal Navy
List of major warship classes of the Royal Australian Navy

Template:Cressy class cruiser

Cressy-class cruiser

Aboukir | Bacchante | Cressy | Euryalus | Hogue | Sutlej

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Crown Colony class cruiser

Crown Colony-class cruiser
Royal Navy
Fiji group
Bermuda | Fiji | Gambia | Jamaica | Kenya | Mauritius | Nigeria | Trinidad
Ceylon group
Ceylon | Newfoundland | Uganda
Royal Canadian Navy
Quebec (ex-Uganda)
Indian Navy
Mysore (ex-Nigeria)
Peruvian Navy
Almirante Grau (ex-Newfoundland) | Coronel Bolognesi (ex-Ceylon)

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Danae class cruiser

Danae-class cruiser
Danae | Dauntless | Delhi | Despatch | Diomede | Dragon | Dunedin | Durban

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Dido class cruiser

Royal Navy
Dido group
Argonaut | Bonaventure | Charybydis | Cleopatra | Dido | Euryalus | Hermione | Naiad | Phoebe | Scylla | Sirius
Bellona group
Bellona | Black Prince | Diadem | Royalist | Spartan
Royal New Zealand Navy
Bellona | Black Prince | Royalist
Pakistan Navy
Babur (ex-Diadem)

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Emerald class cruiser

Emerald-class cruiser

Emerald | Enterprise

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Leander class cruiser 1931

Leander-class cruiser
Royal Navy
Achilles | Ajax | Amphion | Apollo | Leander | Neptune | Orion | Phaeton
Royal Australian Navy
Hobart (ex-Apollo) | Perth (ex-Amphion) | Sydney (ex-Phaeton)
Royal New Zealand Navy
Achilles | Leander
Indian Navy
Delhi (ex-Achilles)

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy
List of major warship classes of the Royal Australian Navy

Template:Swiftsure class cruiser

Minotaur-class cruiser
Royal Navy
Swiftsure | Superb | Minotaur
Hawke | Bellerophon (not completed)
Blake | Defence later Lion | Bellerophon later Tiger completed as Tiger class
Royal Canadian Navy
Ontario (ex-Minotaur)

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Tiger class cruiser

Tiger-class cruiser
Blake | Lion | Tiger

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

Template:Town class cruiser 1910

Town-class cruiser
Royal Navy
Bristol class
Bristol |Glasgow | Gloucester | Liverpool | Newcastle
Weymouth class
Weymouth | Yarmouth | Dartmouth | | Falmouth
Chatham class
Chatham | Dublin | Southampton
Birmingham class
Birmingham | Lowestoft | Nottingham
Birkenhead class
Birkenhead | Chester
Royal Australian Navy
Chatham class
Brisbane | Melbourne | Sydney
Birmingham class
List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

List of major warship classes of the Royal Australian Navy

Template:Town class cruiser 1936

Town-class cruiser
Southampton sub class

Birmingham | Glasgow | Newcastle | Sheffield | Southampton

Gloucester sub class

Gloucester | Liverpool | Manchester

Edinburgh sub class

Belfast | Edinburgh

List of cruisers of the Royal Navy

[edit] Destroyers

Template:A class destroyer

A-class destroyer
Royal Navy
Codrington (leader) | Acasta | Achates | Acheron | Active | Antelope | Anthony | Ardent | Arrow
Royal Canadian Navy
Saguenay | Skeena

List of destroyers of the Royal Navy

Template:Admiralty Leader class destroyer

Template:Admiralty Leader class destroyer

Template:Admiralty R class destroyer

Template:Admiralty R class destroyer

Template:Admiralty S class destroyer

Template:Admiralty S class destroyer

Template:Admiralty V class destroyer

Template:Admiralty V class destroyer

Template:Admiralty W class destroyer

Template:Admiralty W class destroyer

Template:Admiralty Modified W class destroyer

Template:Admiralty Modified W class destroyer

Template:B class destroyer

B-class destroyer
Keith (leader) | Basilisk | Beagle | Blanche | Boadicea | Boreas | Brazen | Brilliant | Bulldog

List of destroyers of the Royal Navy

Template:Battle class destroyer

Battle-class destroyer
Agincourt | Aisne | Alamein | Armada | Barfleur | Barrosa | Cadiz | Camperdown | Corunna | Dunkirk | Finisterre | Gabbard | Gravelines | Hogue | Jutland | Lagos | Matapan | St. James | St. Kitts | Saintes | Sluys | Solebay | Trafalgar | Vigo
Anzac class destroyer
Anzac | Tobruk

List of destroyers of the Royal Navy
List of major warship classes of the Royal Australian Navy

Template:C class destroyer

Template:C class destroyer

Template:County class destroyer

County-class destroyer
Devonshire | Hampshire | London | Kent | Fife | Glamorgan | Antrim | Norfolk

List of destroyers of the Royal Navy

Template:D class destroyer

Template:D class destroyer

Template:Daring class destroyer (1949)

Daring-class destroyer
Royal Navy
Dainty | Daring | Decoy | Defender | Delight | Diamond | Diana | Duchess
Peruvian Navy
Palacios (ex-Diana) | Ferré (ex-Decoy)
Royal Australian Navy
Duchess | Vampire | Vendetta | Voyager

List of destroyers of the Royal Navy
List of major warship classes of the Royal Australian Navy

Template:E class destroyer

Template:E class destroyer

Template:F class destroyer

Template:F class destroyer

Template:G class destroyer

Template:G class destroyer

Template:H class destroyer

Template:H class destroyer

Template:Havant class destroyer

Template:Havant class destroyer

Template:Hunt class destroyer

Template:Hunt class destroyer

Template:I class destroyer

General Characteristics
Type: Destroyer
Displacement: 1,340 tons (except Inglefield 1456 tons) (standard)
1,980 tons (full load)
Length: 323 ft (98 m) (except Inglefield 337 ft)
Beam: 33 ft
Draught: 12 ft 5 inch (13 ft 4 inch full load)
Propulsion: Parsons geared turbines, 2 shafts, 3 boilers, 34,000 hp (30 MW)
Speed: 36 knots (70 km/h)
Complement: 145
Armament: four (Inglefield 5) 4.7 inch (120 mm) guns
eight 0.5 inch (13 mm) AA machine guns
10 21 inch (533 mm) torpedo tubes, (2 x5) (8 torpedo tubes in ex "Turkish" ships)
45 depth charges.
Aircraft: none
Source: Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1922-1946

Template:J class destroyer

Template:J class destroyer

Template:K class destroyer

Template:K class destroyer

Template:L class destroyer

Template:L class destroyer

Template:M class destroyer

Template:M class destroyer

Template:N class destroyer

Template:N class destroyer

Template:O class destroyer

Template:O class destroyer

Template:P class destroyer

Template:P class destroyer

Template:Q class destroyer

Template:Q class destroyer

Template:R class destroyer

Template:R class destroyer

Template:S class destroyer

Template:S class destroyer

Template:Shakespeare class destroyer

Template:Shakespeare class destroyer

Template:T class destroyer

Template:T class destroyer

Template:Tribal class destroyer

Template:Tribal class destroyer

Template:Town class destroyer

Template:Town class destroyer

Template:Type 42 destroyer

Type 42 destroyer
Royal Navy
Sheffield | Birmingham | Newcastle | Glasgow | Cardiff | Coventry | Exeter | Southampton | Nottingham | Liverpool | Manchester | Gloucester | Edinburgh | York
Argentine Navy
Hércules | Santísima Trinidad

List of destroyers of the Royal Navy

Template:U class destroyer

Template:U class destroyer

Template:V class destroyer

Template:V class destroyer

Template:W class destroyer

Template:W class destroyer

Template:Z class destroyer

Template:Z class destroyer

[edit] Frigates

Template:Bay class frigate

Bay-class frigate
Bigbury Bay | Burghead Bay | Cardigan Bay | Carnarvon Bay | Cawsand Bay | Enard Bay | Hollesley Bay | Largo Bay | Morecambe Bay | Mounts Bay | Padstow Bay | Porlock Bay | St Austell Bay | St Brides Bay | Start Bay | Tremadoc Bay | Veryan Bay | Whitesand Bay | Widemouth Bay | Wigtown Bay

Admiralty yachts - Alert | Surprise

Survey vessels - Cook | Dalrymple | Dampier | Owen

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Blackwood class frigate

Blackwood-class frigate
Blackwood | Duncan | Dundas | Exmouth | Grafton | Hardy | Keppel | Malcolm | Murray | Palliser | Pellew | Russell

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Captain class frigate

Template:Captain class frigate

Template:Colony class frigate

Template:Colony class frigate

Template:Leander class frigate

Leander-class frigate
Royal Navy (Leander class)
Achilles | Ajax | Andromeda | Apollo | Arethusa | Ariadne | Argonaut | Aurora | Bacchante | Charybdis | Cleopatra | Danae | Dido | Diomede | Euryalus | Galatea | Hermione | Juno | Jupiter | Leander | Minerva | Naiad | Penelope | Phoebe | Scylla | Sirius
Royal Australian Navy (River class)
Parramatta | Yarra | Stuart | Derwent | Swan | Torrens
Royal New Zealand Navy (Leander class)
Waikato | Canterbury
Indian Navy (Nilgiri class)
Nilgiri | Himgiri | Udaygiri | Dunagiri | Taragiri | Vindhyagiri
Royal Netherlands Navy (Van Speijk class)
Van Speijk | Van Galen | Tjerk Hiddes | Van Nes | Isaac Sweers | Evertsen

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Leopard class frigate

Leopard class frigate
Leopard | Jaguar | Lynx | Puma

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Loch class frigate

Template:Loch class frigate

Template:Salisbury class frigate

Salisbury-class frigate
Salisbury | Chichester | Llandaff | Lincoln

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:River class frigate

Template:River class frigate

Template:Rothesay class frigate

Rothesay class frigate
Royal Navy
Rothesay | Londonderry | Brighton | Yarmouth | Falmouth | Rhyl | Lowestoft | Berwick | Plymouth
Royal New Zealand Navy
List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Tribal class frigate

Tribal-class frigate
Ashanti | Eskimo | Gurkha | Mohawk | Nubian | Tartar | Zulu

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Type 21 frigate

Type 21 frigate
Amazon | Antelope | Active | Ambuscade | Arrow | Alacrity | Ardent | Avenger

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Type 22 frigate

Type 22 frigate
Royal Navy
Broadsword | Battleaxe | Brilliant | Brazen | Boxer | Beaver | Brave | London | Sheffield | Coventry | Cornwall | Cumberland | Campbeltown | Chatham
Brazilian Navy
Greenhalgh | Bosisio | Dodsworth | Rademaker
Romanian Navy
Regina Maria | Regele Ferdinand
Chilean Navy
Almirante Williams

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Type 23 frigate

Type 23 frigate
Norfolk | Argyll | Lancaster | Marlborough | Iron Duke | Monmouth | Montrose | Westminster | Northumberland | Richmond | Somerset | Grafton | Sutherland | Kent | Portland | St Albans

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

Template:Whitby class frigate

Whitby-class frigate

Blackpool | Eastbourne | Scarborough | Tenby | Torquay | Whitby

List of frigates of the Royal Navy

[edit] Fast Patrol Boats

Template:Archer class fast patrol boat

Archer-class fast patrol boat
Archer | Biter | Smiter | Pursuer | Blazer | Dasher | Puncher | Charger | Ranger | Trumpeter | Express | Example | Explorer | Exploit | Tracker | Raider

List of fast patrol boats of the Royal Navy

Template:Scimitar class fast patrol boat

Scimitar-class fast patrol boat
Scimitar | Sabre

List of fast patrol boats of the Royal Navy

[edit] Minehunters

Template:Hunt class minehunter

Hunt-class mine countermeasures vessels
Brecon | Ledbury | Cattistock | Cottesmore | Brocklesby | Middleton | Dulverton | Bicester | Chiddingfold | Atherstone | Hurworth | Berkeley | Quorn

List of mine countermeasure vessels of the Royal Navy

Template:Sandown class minehunter

Sandown-class minehunter
Sandown | Inverness | Cromer | Walney | Bridport | Penzance | Pembroke | Grimsby | Bangor | Ramsey | Blyth | Shoreham

List of mine countermeasure vessels of the Royal Navy

[edit] Minesweepers

Template:Catherine class minesweeper

Catherine-class minesweeper
Catherine | Cato | Pique | Chamois | Strenuous | Tourmaline | Chance | Combatant | Gazelle | Cynthia | Gorgon | Grecian | Tattoo | Staedfast | Magic | Pylades | Elfreda | Fairy | Florizel | Foam | Frolic | Jasper

List of minesweepers of the Royal Navy

[edit] Offshore Patrol Vessels

Template:Castle class opv

Castle-class patrol vessel

Leeds Castle | Dumbarton Castle

List of patrol vessels of the Royal Navy

Template:Island class opv

Island-class patrol vessel

Jersey | Shetland | Alderney | Anglesey | Guernsey | Lindisfarne | Orkney

List of patrol vessels of the Royal Navy

Template:River class opv

River-class patrol vessel

Mersey | Severn | Tyne | Clyde

List of patrol vessels of the Royal Navy

[edit] Sloops

Template:Banff class sloop

Template:Banff class sloop

Template:Bittern class sloop

Template:Bittern class sloop

Template:Black Swan class sloop

Template:Black Swan class sloop

Template:Bridgewater class sloop

Template:Bridgewater class sloop

Template:Egret class sloop

Template:Egret class sloop

Template:Falmouth class sloop

Template:Falmouth class sloop

Template:Folkstone class sloop

Template:Folkstone class sloop

Template:Grimsby class sloop

Template:Grimsby class sloop

Template:Shoreham class sloop

Template:Shoreham class sloop

[edit] Submarines

Template:A class submarine

Template:A class submarine

Template:Astute class submarine

Astute-class submarine

Astute | Ambush | Artful

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:Churchill class submarine

Churchill-class submarine

Churchill | Conqueror | Courageous

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:H class submarine

Template:H class submarine

Template:L class submarine

Template:L class submarine

Template:O class submarine

Template:O class submarine

Template:Oberon class submarine

Oberon-class submarine
Flag of Royal Navy Royal Navy
Oberon | Ocelot | Odin | Olympus | Onslaught | Onyx | Opportune | Opossum | Oracle | Orpheus | Osiris | Otter | Otus
Royal Australian Navy
Onslow | Orion | Otama | Otway | Ovens | Oxley
Royal Canadian Navy
Ojibwa | Okanagan | Onondaga | Olympus | Osiris
Brazilian Navy
Humaita | Riachuelo | Tonelero
Chilean Navy
O'Brien | Hyatt

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:P class submarine

Template:P class submarine

Template:P 611 class submarine

Template:P 611 class submarine

Template:British Porpoise class submarine

Porpoise-class submarine

Cachalot | Finwhale | Grampus | Narwhal | Porpoise | Rorqual | Sealion | Walrus

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:British Porpoise class submarine (1931)

Template:British Porpoise class submarine (1931)

Template:R class submarine

Template:R class submarine

Template:R-1 class submarine

Template:R-1 class submarine

Template:Resolution class submarine

Resolution-class submarine

Resolution | Repulse | Renown | Revenge

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:River class submarine

Template:River class submarine

Template:British S class submarine

S-class submarine
First Group

Swordfish | Sturgeon | Seahorse | Starfish

Second Group

Sealion | Salmon | Shark | Snapper | Spearfish | Sterlet | Sea Devil | Sunfish | Seawolf

Third Group

Saracen | Satyr | Safari | Sanguine | Saga | Sahib | Sceptre | Scythian | Scotsman | Scorcher | Sea Scout | Seneschal | Sentinel | Selene | Sea Dog | Sea Nymph | Sea Rover | Seraph | Shakespeare | Shalimar | Sibyl | Sickle | Simoom | Surf | Stubborn | Sirdar | Sidon | Sleuth | Solent | Splendid | Spiteful | Sportsman | Spearhead | Spur | Springer | Spark | Spirit | Stoic | Storm | Stonehenge | Strongbow | Statesman | Sturdy | Stratagem | Stygian | Supreme | Subtle | Syrtis |

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:S-1 class submarine

Template:S-1 class submarine

Template:Swiftsure class submarine

Swiftsure-class submarine

Swiftsure | Sovereign | Superb | Sceptre | Spartan | Splendid

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:T class submarine

Template:T class submarine

Template:Trafalgar class submarine

Trafalgar-class submarine

Trafalgar | Turbulent | Tireless | Torbay | Trenchant | Talent | Triumph

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:U class submarine

Template:U class submarine

Template:Upholder class submarine

Upholder-class submarine Royal Navy Ensign

Upholder | Unseen | Ursula | Unicorn

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy
Victoria-class submarine Naval jack of Canada

Victoria (ex-Unseen) | Windsor (ex-Unicorn) | Corner Brook (ex-Ursula) | Chicoutimi (ex-Upholder)

List of ships of the Canadian Navy

Template:V class submarine

Template:V class submarine

Template:Valiant class submarine

Valiant-class submarine

Valiant | Warspite

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

Template:Vanguard class submarine

Vanguard-class submarine

Vanguard | Victorious | Vigilant | Vengeance

List of submarines of the Royal Navy
List of submarine classes of the Royal Navy

[edit] Survey Vessels

Template:Echo class survey vessel

Echo-class survey vessel

Echo | Enterprise

List of survey vessels of the Royal Navy

[edit] Royal Fleet Auxiliary

[edit] Amphibious Assault Ships

Template:Bay class landing ship dock

Bay-class landing ship dock (auxiliary)
Largs Bay | Lyme Bay | Mounts Bay | Cardigan Bay

List of amphibious assault ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Template:Round Table class landing ship logistics

Round Table-class landing ship logistics
Sir Lancelot | Sir Bedivere | Sir Galahad | Sir Geraint | Sir Percivale | Sir Tristram

List of amphibious assault ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

[edit] Stores Vessels

Template:Fort class replenishment ship

Fort Victoria-class replenishment oiler
Fort Victoria | Fort George

List of replenishment ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Template:Fort class stores ship

Fort-class replenishment ship
Fort Rosalie | Fort Austin

List of replenishment ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Template:Ness class combat stores ship

Ness class combat stores ship
Lyness | Tarbatness | Stromness

List of replenishment ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

[edit] Tankers

Template:Rover class tanker

Rover-class tanker
Green Rover | Grey Rover | Blue Rover | Gold Rover | Black Rover

List of replenishment ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

Template:Wave Knight class tanker

Wave Knight-class tanker
Wave Knight | Wave Ruler

List of replenishment ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary

[edit] United States Navy

[edit] Aircraft Carriers

Template:Bogue class escort carrier

Bogue-class escort carrier
Royal Navy
Battler | Attacker | Hunter | Chaser | Fencer | Stalker | Pursuer | Striker | Searcher | Ravager | Tracker | Slinger | Atheling | Emperor | Ameer | Begum | Trumpeter | Empress | Khedive | Speaker | Nabob | Premier | Shah | Patroller | Rajah | Ranee | Trouncer | Thane | Queen | Ruler | Arbiter | Smiter | Puncher | Reaper
United States Navy
Bogue | Card | Copahee | Core | Nassau | Altamaha | Barnes | Block Island | Breton | Croatan | Prince William

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy
List of escort aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Casablanca class escort carrier

Casablanca-class escort carrier
Casablanca | Liscome Bay | Anzio | Corregidor | Mission Bay | Guadalcanal | Manila Bay | Natoma Bay | St. Lo | Tripoli | Wake Island | White Plains | Solomons | Kalinin Bay | Kasaan Bay | Fanshaw Bay | Kitkun Bay | Tulagi | Gambier Bay | Nehenta Bay | Hoggatt Bay | Kadasahan Bay | Marcus Island | Savo Island | Ommaney Bay | Petrof Bay | Rudyerd Bay | Saginaw Bay | Sargent Bay | Shamrock Bay | Shipley Bay | Sitkoh Bay | Steamer Bay | Cape Esperance | Takanis Bay | Thetis Bay | Makassar Strait | Windham Bay | Makin Island | Lunga Point | Bismarck Sea | Salamaua | Hollandia | Kwajalein | Admiralty Islands | Bougainville | Matanikau | Attu | Roi | Munda

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Charger class escort carrier

Avenger class escort carrier/Charger-class escort carrier
Royal Navy
Avenger | Biter | Dasher
United States Navy

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy
List of escort aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Commencement Bay class escort carrier

Commencement Bay-class escort carrier
Commencement Bay | Block Island | Gilbert Islands | Kula Gulf | Cape Gloucester | Salerno Bay | Vella Gulf | Siboney | Puget Sound | Rendova | Bairoko | Badoeng Strait | Saidor | Sicily | Point Cruz | Mindoro | Rabaul | Palau | Tinian | Lingayen | Okinawa

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Essex class aircraft carrier

Essex-class aircraft carrier

Short-hull carriers
Essex | Yorktown | Intrepid | Hornet | Franklin | Lexington | Bunker Hill | Wasp | Bennington | Bonhomme Richard | Kearsarge | Oriskany

Long-hull (Ticonderoga-class) carriers
Ticonderoga | Randolph | Hancock | Boxer | Leyte | Kearsarge | Reprisal | Antietam | Princeton | Shangri-La | Lake Champlain | Tarawa | Valley Forge | Iwo Jima | Philippine Sea

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Forrestal class aircraft carrier

Forrestal-class aircraft carrier
Forrestal | Saratoga | Ranger | Independence

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Independence class aircraft carrier

Independence-class aircraft carrier
Independence | Princeton | Belleau Wood | Cowpens | Monterey | Langley | Cabot | Bataan | San Jacinto

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Kitty Hawk class aircraft carrier

Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier
Kitty Hawk | Constellation | America

John F. Kennedy (Improved Kitty Hawk)-class aircraft carrier
John F. Kennedy

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Ticonderoga class aircraft carrier

Ticonderoga-class aircraft carrier
Ticonderoga | Randolph | Hancock | Boxer | Leyte | Kearsarge | Reprisal | Antietam | Princeton | Shangri-la | Lake Champlain | Tarawa | Valley Forge | Iwo Jima | Philippine Sea

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Lexington class aircraft carrier

Lexington-class aircraft carriers (converted from battlecruisers in accordance with the Washington Treaty)
Lexington | Saratoga
Lexington-class battlecruisers (scrapped in accordance with the Washington Treaty)
Constellation | Ranger | Constitution | United States

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Long Island class escort carrier

Long Island-class escort carrier
Long Island | Archer

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy
List of escort aircraft carriers of the Royal Navy

Template:Midway class aircraft carrier

Midway-class aircraft carrier
Midway | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Coral Sea

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Nimitz class aircraft carrier

Nimitz-class aircraft carrier
Nimitz | Dwight D. Eisenhower | Carl Vinson

Modified Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (Theodore Roosevelt-subclass)
Theodore Roosevelt | Abraham Lincoln | George Washington | John C. Stennis | Harry S. Truman | Ronald Reagan

Modified Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (George H. W. Bush-subclass)
George H. W. Bush

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Saipan class aircraft carrier

Saipan-class aircraft carrier
Saipan | Wright

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Sangamon class escort carrier

Sangamon-class escort carrier
Sangamon | Suwannee | Chenango | Santee

List of escort aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

Template:Yorktown class aircraft carrier

Yorktown-class aircraft carrier
Yorktown | Enterprise | Hornet

List of aircraft carriers of the United States Navy

[edit] Amphibious Assault Ships

Template:Anchorage class dock landing ship

Anchorage-class dock landing ship

Anchorage | Portland | Pensacola | Mount Vernon | Fort Fisher

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Ashland class dock landing ship

Ashland-class dock landing ship
Ashland | Belle Grove | Carter Hall | Epping Forest | Gunston Hall | Lindenwald | Oak Hill | White Marsh

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Austin class landing platform dock

Austin-class landing platform dock
Austin | Ogden | Duluth | Cleveland | Dubuque | Denver | Juneau | Coronado | Shreveport | Nashville | Trenton | Ponce

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Blue Ridge class command ship

Blue Ridge-class command ship
Blue Ridge | Mount Whitney

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Casa Grande class dock landing ship

Casa Grande-class dock landing ship

Casa Grande | Rushmore | Shadwell | Cabildo | Catamount | Colonial | Comstock | Donner | Fort Mandan | Fort Marion | Fort Snelling | San Marcos | Tortuga | Whetstone

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Charles Lawrence class transport

Charles Lawrence-class high-speed transport

Charles Lawrence | Daniel T. Griffin | Barr | Bowers | Gantner | George W. Ingram | Ira Jeffery | Lee Fox | Amesbury | Bates | Blessman | Joseph E. Campbell | Sims | Hopping | Reeves | Hubbard | Chase | Laning | Loy | Barber | Newman | Liddle | Kephart | Cofer | Lloyd | Burke | Enright | Yokes | Pavlic | Odum | Jack C. Robinson | Bassett | John P. Gray | Weber | Schmitt | Frament | Bull | Bunch | Hayter | Tatum | Borum | Maloy | Haines | Runels | Hollis

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Charleston class amphibious cargo ship

Charleston-class amphibious cargo ship
Charleston | Durham | Mobile | St. Louis | El Paso

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Cleveland class landing platform dock

Cleveland-class landing platform dock
Cleveland | Dubuque | Denver | Juneau | Coronado | Shreveport | Nashville

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Crosley class transport

Crosley-class high-speed transport

Crosley  | Cread | Ruchamkin | Kirwin | Kinzer | Register | Brock | John Q. Roberts | William M. Hobby | Ray K. Edwards | Arthur L. Bristol | Truxton | Upham | Ringness | Knudson | Rednour | Tollberg | William J. Pattison | Myers | Walter B. Cobb | Earle B. Hall | Harry L. Corl | Belet | Julis A. Raven | Walsh | Hunter Marshall | Earhart | Walter S. Gorka | Rogers Blood | Francovich | Joseph M. Auman | Don O. Woods | Beverly W. Reid | Kline | Raymon W. Herndon | Scribner | Diachenko | Horace A. Bass | Wantuck | Gosselin | Begor | Cavallaro | Donald W. Wolf | Cook | Walter X. Young | Balduck | Burdo | Kleinsmith | Weiss | Carpellotti | Bray

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Gilliam class transport

Gilliam-class attack transport

Gilliam | Appling | Audrain | Banner | Barrow | Berrien | Bladen | Bracken | Briscoe | Brule | Burleson | Butte | Carlisle | Carteret | Catron | Clarendon | Cleburne | Colusa | Cortland | Crenshaw | Crittenden | Cullman | Dawson | Elkhart | Fallon | Fergus | Fillmore | Garrard | Gasconade | Geneva | Niagara | Presidio

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Harpers Ferry class landing ship dock

Harpers Ferry-class dock landing ship
Harpers Ferry | Carter Hall | Oak Hill | Pearl Harbor

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Haskell class attack transport

Haskell-class attack transport

Haskell | Hendry | Highlands | Hinsdale | Hocking | Kenton | Kittson | La Grange | Lanier | St. Mary's | Allendale | Arenac | Marvin H. McIntyre | Attala | Bandera | Barnwell | Beckham | Bland | Bosque | Botetourt | Bowie | Braxton | Broadwater | Brookings | Buckingham | Clearfield | Clermont | Clinton | Colbert | Collingsworth | Cottle | Crockett | Audubon | Bergen | La Porte | Latimer | Laurens | Lowndes | Lycoming | Mellette | Napa | Newberry | Darke | Deuel | Dickens | Drew | Eastland | Edgecombe | Effingham | Fond Du Lac | Freestone | Gage | Gallatin | Gosper | Granville | Grimes | Hyde | Jerauld | Karnes | Kershaw | Kingsbury | Lander | Lauderdale | Lavaca | APA-181 to APA-186 - canceled | Oconto | Olmstead | Oxford | Pickens | Pondera | Rutland | Sanborn | Sandoval | Lenawee | Logan | Lubbock | McCracken | Magoffin | Marathon | Menard | Menifee | Meriwether | Sarasota | Sherburne | Sibley | Mifflin | Talladega | Tazwell | Telfair | Missoula | Montrose | Mountrail | Natrona | Navarro | Neshoba | New Kent | Noble | Okaloosa | Okanogan | Onedia | Pickaway | Pitt | Randall | Bingham | Rawlins | Renville | Rockbridge | Rockingham | Rockwall | Saint Croix | San Saba | Sevier | Bollinger | Bottineau | Bronx | Bexar | Dane | Glynn | APA-240 to APA-247 - named, canceled

List of United States Navy amphibious assault ships

Template:Iwo Jima class amphibious assault ship

Iwo Jima-class amphibious assault ship
Iwo Jima | Okinawa | Guadalcanal | Guam | Tripoli | New Orleans | Inchon

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Newport class landing ship tank

Newport-class tank landing ship
Newport | Manitowoc | Sumter | Fresno | Peoria | Frederick | Schenectady | Cayuga | Tuscaloosa | Saginaw | San Bernardino | Boulder | Racine | Spartanburg County | Fairfax County | La Moure County | Barbour County | Harlan County | Barnstable County | Bristol County

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Raleigh class landing platform dock

Raleigh-class landing platform dock
Raleigh | Vancouver | La Salle

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:San Antonio class amphibious transport dock

San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock
San Antonio | New Orleans | Mesa Verde | Green Bay | New York | San Diego | Anchorage | Arlington | Somerset

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Tarawa class amphibious assault ship

Tarawa-class amphibious assault ship
Tarawa | Saipan | Belleau Wood | Nassau | Peleliu

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Thomaston class landing ship dock

Thomaston-class dock landing ship

Thomaston | Plymouth Rock | Fort Snelling | Point Defiance | Spiegel Grove | Alamo | Hermitage | Monticello

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Tolland class attack cargo ship

Tolland-class attack cargo ship
Tolland | Shoshone | Southampton | Starr | Stokes | Suffolk | Tate | Todd | Caswell | New Hanover | Lenoir | Alamance | Torrance | Towner | Trego | Trousdale | Tyrrell | Valencia | Venango | Vinton | Waukesha | Wheatland | Woodford | Prentiss | Rankin | Seminole | Union | Vermilion | Washburn | San Joaquin

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Trenton class landing platform dock

Trenton-class landing platform dock
Trenton | Ponce

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Wasp class amphibious assault ship

Wasp-class amphibious assault ship
Wasp | Essex | Kearsarge | Boxer | Bataan | Bonhomme Richard | Iwo Jima | Makin Island

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

Template:Whidbey Island class landing ship dock

Whidbey Island-class dock landing ship
Whidbey Island | Germantown | Fort McHenry | Gunston Hall | Comstock | Tortuga | Rushmore | Ashland

List of amphibious assault ships of the United States Navy

[edit] Auxiliary Ships

[edit] Ammunition Ships

Template:Kilauea class ammunition ship

Kilauea-class ammunition ship
Kilauea | Butte | Santa Barbara | Mount Hood | Flint | Shasta | Mount Baker | Kiska

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Lassen class ammunition ship

Lassen-class ammunition ship
Lassen | Mount Baker | Rainier | Shasta | Mauna Loa | Mazama | Akutan

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Mount Hood class ammunition ship

Mount Hood-class ammunition ship
Mount Hood | Wrangell | Firedrake | Vesuvius | Mount Katmai | Great Sitkin | Paricutin | Diamond Head

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Nitro class ammunition ship

Nitro-class ammunition ship
Nitro | Pyro | Haleakala

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Pyro class ammunition ship

Pyro-class ammunition ship
Pyro | Nitro

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Suribachi class ammunition ship

Suribachi-class ammunition ship
Suribachi | Mauna Kea

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Stores Ships

Template:Arctic class stores ship

Arctic-class stores ship
Arctic | Boras | Yukon

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Aldebaran class stores ship

Aldebaran-class stores ship
Aldebaran | Polaris

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Mizar class stores ship

Mizar-class stores ship
Mizar | Tarazed | Talamanca | Merak | Ariel

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Hyades class stores ship

Hyades-class stores ship
Hyades | Graffias

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Adria class stores ship

Adria-class stores ship
Adria | Arequipa | Corduba | Karin | Kerstin | Latona | Lioba | Malabar | Merapi | Palisana | Athanasia | Bondia | Gordonia | Laurentia | Lucidor | Octavia | Valentine

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Alstede class stores ship

Alstede-class stores ship
Alstede | Zelima | Bald Eagle | Blue Jacket | Golden Eagle | Pictor | Aludra | Procyon | Bellatrix

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Denebola class stores ship

Denebola-class stores ship
Denebola | Regulus | Perseus

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Collier Ships

Template:Proteus class collier

Proteus-class collier
Proteus | Nereus | Jupiter | Cyclops

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Combat Stores Ships

Template:Mars class combat stores ship

Mars-class combat stores ship

Mars | Sylvania | Niagara Falls | White Plains | Concord | San Diego | San Jose

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Sirius class combat stores ship

Sirius-class combat stores ship
Sirius | Spica | Saturn

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Attack Cargo Ships

Template:Andromeda class attack cargo ship

Andromeda-class attack cargo ship
Andromeda | Aquarius | Centaurus | Cepheus | Thuban | Virgo | Achernar | Algol | Alshain | Arneb | Capricornus | Chara | Diphda | Leo | Muliphen | Sheliak | Theenim | Uvalde | Warrick | Whiteside | Whitley | Wyandot | Yancey | Winston | Marquette | Mathews | Merrick | Montague | Rolette | Oglethorpe | Ottawa | Skagit | Sedgwick | Whitfield

List of United States Navy amphibious assault ships

Template:Artemis class attack cargo ship

Artemis-class attack cargo ship
Artemis | Athene | Aurelia | Birgit | Circe | Corvus | Devosa | Hydrus | Lacerta | Lumen | Medea | Mellena | Ostara | Pamina | Polana | Renate | Roxane | Sappho | Sarita | Scania | Selinur | Sidonia | Sirona | Sylvania | Tabora | Troilus | Turandot | Valeria | Vanadis | Veritas | Xenia | Zenobia

List of United States Navy amphibious assault ships

[edit] Dry Cargo Ships

Template:2nd Lt John P. Bobo class dry cargo ship

2nd Lt John P. Bobo-class dry cargo ship

2nd Lt John P. Bobo | PFC Dewayne T. Williams | 1st Lt Baldomero Lopez | 1st Lt Jack Lummus | Sgt William R. Button

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Cpl. Louis J. Hauge Jr. class dry cargo ship

Cpl. Louis J. Hauge Jr.-class dry cargo ship

Cpl Louis J. Hauge Jr. | PFC William B. Baugh | PFC James Anderson Junior | 1st Lt Alex Bonnyman | PVT Franklin J. Phillips

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Lewis and Clark class dry cargo ship

Lewis and Clark-class dry cargo ship
Lewis and Clark | Sacagawea | Alan Shepard | Richard E. Byrd | Robert E. Peary | T-AKE-6 | T-AKE-7 | T-AKE-8

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Sgt. Matej Kocak class dry cargo ship

Sgt. Matej Kocak-class dry cargo ship

Sgt. Matej Kocak | PFC Eugene A. Obregon | Maj Stephen W. Pless

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Vehicle Cargo Ships

Template:Algol class vehicle cargo ship

Algol-class vehicle cargo ship
Algol | Bellatrix | Denebola | Pollux | Altair | Regulus | Capella | Antares

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Bob Hope class vehicle cargo ship

Bob Hope-class vehicle cargo ship
Bob Hope | Fisher | Seay | Mendonca | Pililaau | Brittin | Benavidez

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Gordon class vehicle cargo ship

Gordon-class vehicle cargo ship
Gordon | Gilliland

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Watson class vehicle cargo ship

Watson-class vehicle cargo ship
Watson | Sisler | Dahl | Red Cloud | Charlton | Watkins | Pomeroy | Soderman

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Fleet Replenishment Oilers

Template:Ashtabula class fleet replenishment oiler

Ashtabula-class fleet replenishment oiler
Ashtabula | Cacapon | Caliente | Chikaskia | Elokomin | Aucilla | Marias | Manatee | Mississinewa | Nantahala | Severn | Taluga | Chipola | Tolovana | Allagash | Caloosahatchee | Canisteo | Chukawan | Mispillion | Navasota | Passumpsic | Pawcatuck | Waccamaw

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Chicopee class fleet replenishment oiler

Chicopee-class fleet replenishment oiler
Chicopee | Housatonic

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Chiwawa class fleet replenishment oiler

Chiwawa-class fleet replenishment oiler
Chiwawa | Enoree | Escalante | Neshanic | Niobrara

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Cimarron class fleet replenishment oiler (1939)

Cimarron-class fleet replenishment oiler (1939)
Cimarron | Neosho | Platte | Sabine | Salamonie | Kaskaskia | Chemung | Guadalupe
Converted to escort carriers
Sangamon | Santee | Chenango | Suwannee

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Cimarron class fleet replenishment oiler (1979)

Cimarron-class fleet replenishment oiler (1979)
Cimarron | Monongahela | Merrimack | Willamette | Platte

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Escambia class fleet replenishment oiler

Escambia-class fleet replenishment oiler
Escambia | Kennebago | Cahaba | Mascoma | Olkawaha | Pamanset | Ponaganset | Sebec | Tomahawk | Pasig | Soubarissen | Anacostia | Caney | Tamalpais | Cohocton

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Henry J. Kaiser class fleet replenishment oiler

Henry J. Kaiser-class fleet replenishment oiler
Henry J. Kaiser | Joshua Humphreys | John Lenthall | Andrew J. Higgins | Benjamin Isherwood | Henry Eckford | Walter S. Diehl | John Ericsson | Leroy Grumman | Kanawha | Pecos | Big Horn | Tippecanoe | Guadalupe | Patuxent | Yukon | Laramie | Rappahannock

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Kanawha class fleet replenishment oiler

Kanawha / Maumee Class Fleet Replenishment Oilers

Kanawha | Maumee | Cuyama | Brazos | Neches | Pecos

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Kaweah class fleet replenishment oiler

Kaweah-class fleet replenishment oiler
Kaweah | Laramie | Mattole

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Kennebec class fleet replenishment oiler

Kennebec-class fleet replenishment oiler
Kennebec | Merrimack | Winooski | Kankakee | Lackawanna | Neosho

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Mattaponi class fleet replenishment oiler

Mattaponi-class fleet replenishment oiler
Mattaponi | Monongahela | Tappahannock | Patuxent | Neches

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Neosho class fleet replenishment oiler

Neosho-class fleet replenishment oiler
Neosho | Mississinewa | Hassayampa | Kawishiwi | Truckee | Ponchatoula

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Patoka class fleet replenishment oiler

Patoka-class fleet replenishment oiler
Patoka | Sapelo | Ramapo | Trinity | Rapidan | Salinas | Sepulga | Tippecanoe

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Suamico class fleet replenishment oiler

Suamico-class fleet replenishment oiler
Suamico | Tallulah | Pecos | Cache | Millicoma | Saranac | Saugatuck | Schuylkill | Cossatot | Chepachet | Cowanesque

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Fast Combat Support Ships

Template:Sacramento class fast combat support ship

Sacramento-class fast combat support ship
Sacramento | Camden | Seattle | Detroit

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Supply class fast combat support ship

Supply-class fast combat support ship
Supply | Rainier | Arctic | Bridge

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Replenishment Oilers

Template:Wichita class replenishment oiler

Wichita-class replenishment oiler
Wichita | Milwaukee | Kansas City | Savannah | Wabash | Kalamazoo | Roanoke

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Cable Repair Ships

Template:Aeolus class cable repair ship

Aeolus-class cable repair ship
Aeolus | Thor

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Destroyer Tenders

Template:Altair class destroyer tender

Altair-class destroyer tender

Altair | Denebola |

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Dixie class destroyer tender

Dixie-class destroyer tender
Dixie | Prairie | Piedmont | Sierra | Yosemite

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Submarine Tenders

Template:Emory S. Land class submarine tender

Emory S. Land-class submarine tender
Emory S. Land | Frank Cable | McKee

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Fulton class submarine tender

Fulton-class submarine tender
Fulton | Sperry | Bushnell | Howard W. Gilmore | Nereus | Orion | Proteus

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Hunley class submarine tender

Hunley-class submarine tender
Hunley | Holland

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:L. Y. Spear class submarine tender

L. Y. Spear-class submarine tender
L. Y. Spear | Dixon

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Simon Lake class submarine tender

Simon Lake-class submarine tender
Simon Lake | Holland

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Seaplane Tenders

Template:Currituck class seaplane tender

Currituck-class seaplane tender
Currituck | Norton Sound | Pine Island | Salisbury Sound

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Curtiss class seaplane tender

Curtiss-class seaplane tender
Curtiss | Albemarle

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Whiting class seaplane tender

Whiting-class seaplane tender
Kenneth Whiting | Hamlin | St George | Cumberland Sound

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:Barnegat class small seaplane tender

Barnegat-class small seaplane tender

Barnegat | Biscayne | Casco | Mackinac | Humboldt | Matagorda | Absecon | Chincoteague | Coos Bay | Half Moon | Rockaway | San Pablo | Unimak | Yakutat | Barataria | Bering Strait | Castle Rock | Cook Inlet | Corson | Duxbury Bay | Gardiners Bay | Floyds Bay | Greenwich Bay | Onslow | Orca | Rehoboth | San Carlos | Shelikof | Suisun

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Transports

Template:Elizabeth C. Stanton class transport

Elizabeth C. Stanton-class transport

Elizabeth C. Stanton | Florence Nightingale | Lyon | Anne Arundel

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

Template:La Salle class transport

La Salle-class transport

La Salle | Comet | John Land | War Hawk | Golden City | Winged Arrow | Herald of the Morning

List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy

[edit] Battleships

Template:Colorado class battleship

Colorado-class battleship
Colorado | Maryland | Washington | West Virginia

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Connecticut class battleship

Connecticut-class battleship
Connecticut | Louisiana | Vermont | Kansas | Minnesota | New Hampshire

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Delaware class battleship

Delaware-class battleship
Delaware | North Dakota

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Florida class battleship

Florida-class battleship
Florida | Utah

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Illinois class battleship

Illinois-class battleship
Illinois | Alabama | Wisconsin

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Indiana class battleship

Indiana-class battleship
Indiana | Massachusetts | Oregon

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Iowa class battleship

Iowa-class battleship
Iowa | New Jersey | Missouri | Wisconsin | Illinois | Kentucky

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Kearsarge class battleship

Kearsarge-class battleship
Kearsarge | Kentucky

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Maine class battleship

Maine-class battleship
Maine | Missouri | Ohio

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Mississippi class battleship

Mississippi-class battleship
United States Navy
Mississippi | Idaho
Royal Hellenic Navy
Limnos | Kilkis

List of battleships of the United States Navy
List of naval ships of Greece

Template:Montana class battleship

Montana-class battleship
Montana | Ohio | Maine | New Hampshire | Louisiana

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Nevada class battleship

Nevada-class battleship
Nevada | Oklahoma

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:New Mexico class battleship

New Mexico-class battleship
New Mexico | Mississippi | Idaho

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:New York class battleship

New York-class battleship
New York | Texas

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:North Carolina class battleship

North Carolina-class battleship
North Carolina | Washington

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Pennsylvania class battleship

Pennsylvania-class battleship
Pennsylvania | Arizona

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:South Carolina class battleship

South Carolina-class battleship
South Carolina | Michigan

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:South Dakota class battleship

South Dakota-class battleship
South Dakota | Indiana | Massachusetts | Alabama

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Tennessee class battleship

Tennessee-class battleship
Tennessee | California

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Virginia class battleship

Virginia-class battleship
Virginia | Nebraska | Georgia | New Jersey | Rhode Island

List of battleships of the United States Navy

Template:Wyoming class battleship

Wyoming-class battleship
Wyoming | Arkansas

List of battleships of the United States Navy

[edit] Cruisers

Template:Alaska class large cruiser

Alaska-class large cruiser
Alaska | Guam | Hawaii | Philippines | Puerto Rico | Samoa

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Atlanta class cruiser

Atlanta-class cruiser
Atlanta | Juneau (CL-52) | San Diego | San Juan | Oakland | Reno | Flint | Tucson | Juneau (CL-119) | Spokane | Fresno

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Baltimore class cruiser

Baltimore-class cruiser
Baltimore | Boston | Canberra | Quincy | Pittsburgh | Saint Paul | Columbus | Helena | Bremerton | Fall River | Macon | Toledo | Los Angeles | Chicago
Oregon City-class cruiser
Oregon City | Albany | Rochester

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Brooklyn class cruiser

Brooklyn-class cruiser
Brooklyn | Philadelphia | Savannah | Nashville | Phoenix | Boise | Honolulu

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:California class cruiser

California-class cruiser
California | South Carolina

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Chester class cruiser

Chester-class cruiser
Chester | Birmingham | Salem

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Cleveland class cruiser

Cleveland-class cruiser
Cleveland | Columbia | Montpelier | Denver | Santa Fe | Birmingham | Mobile | Vincennes | Pasadena | Springfield | Topeka | Biloxi | Houston | Providence | Manchester | Vicksburg | Duluth | Miami | Astoria | Oklahoma City | Little Rock | Galveston | Amsterdam | Portsmouth | Wilkes-Barre | Atlanta | Dayton

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Denver class cruiser

Denver-class cruiser
Denver | Des Moines | Chattanooga | Galveston | Tacoma | Cleveland

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Des Moines class cruiser

Des Moines-class cruiser
Des Moines | Salem | Newport News

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Fargo class cruiser

Fargo-class cruiser
Fargo | Huntington | Newark | Helena | Tallahassee

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:New Orleans class cruiser

New Orleans-class cruiser
New Orleans | Astoria | Minneapolis | Tuscaloosa | San Francisco | Quincy | Vincennes

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:New Orleans class cruiser (1896)

New Orleans-class cruiser
New Orleans | Albany

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Northampton class cruiser

Northampton-class cruiser
Northampton | Chester | Louisville | Chicago | Houston | Augusta

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Omaha class cruiser

Omaha-class cruiser
Omaha | Milwaukee | Cincinnati | Raleigh | Detroit | Richmond | Concord | Trenton | Marblehead | Memphis

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Pennsylvania class cruiser

Pennsylvania-class armored cruiser
Pennsylvania | West Virginia | California | Colorado | Maryland | South Dakota

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Pensacola class cruiser

Pensacola-class cruiser
Pensacola | Salt Lake City

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Portland class cruiser

Portland-class cruiser
Portland | Indianapolis

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:St Louis class cruiser

St Louis-class cruiser
St. Louis | Helena

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Ticonderoga class cruiser

Ticonderoga-class cruiser
Mark-26 twin-arm missile launcher ships:
Ticonderoga | Yorktown | Vincennes | Valley Forge | Thomas S. Gates
Mark-41 Vertical Launching System ships:
Bunker Hill | Mobile Bay | Antietam | Leyte Gulf | San Jacinto | Lake Champlain | Philippine Sea | Princeton | Normandy | Monterey | Chancellorsville | Cowpens | Gettysburg | Chosin | Hué City | Shiloh | Anzio | Vicksburg | Lake Erie | Cape St. George | Vella Gulf | Port Royal

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Virginia class cruiser

Virginia-class guided missile cruiser
Virginia | Texas | Mississippi | Arkansas

List of United States Navy cruisers

Template:Worcester class cruiser

Worcester-class cruiser
Worcester | Roanoke

List of cruisers of the United States Navy

[edit] Destroyers

Template:Allen M. Sumner class destroyer

Allen M. Sumner-class destroyer
Allen M. Sumner | Moale | Ingraham | Cooper | English | Charles S. Sperry | Ault | Waldron | Haynsworth | John W. Weeks | Hank | Wallace L. Lind | Borie | Compton | Gainard | Soley | Harlan R. Dickson | Hugh Purvis | Barton | Walke | Laffey | O'Brien | Meredith | De Haven | Mansfield | Lyman K. Swenson | Collett | Maddox | Hyman | Mannert L. Abele | Purdy | Drexler | Blue | Brush | Taussig | Samuel N. Moore | Harry E. Hubbard | Alfred A. Cunningham | John R. Pierce | Frank E. Evans | John A. Bole | Beatty | Putnam | Strong | Lofberg | John W. Thomason | Buck | Henley | Lowry | Hugh W. Hadley | Willard Keith | James C. Owens | Zellars | Massey | Douglas H. Fox | Stormes | Robert K. Huntington | Bristol

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Aylwin class destroyer

Aylwin-class destroyer
Aylwin | Parker | Benham | Balch

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Arleigh Burke class destroyer

Arleigh Burke-class destroyer
Flight I ships: Arleigh Burke | Barry | John Paul Jones | Curtis Wilbur | Stout | John S. McCain | Mitscher | Laboon | Russell | Paul Hamilton | Ramage | Fitzgerald | Stethem | Carney | Benfold | Gonzalez | Cole | The Sullivans | Milius | Hopper | Ross
Flight II ships: Mahan | Decatur | McFaul | Donald Cook | Higgins | O'Kane | Porter
Flight IIA ships: 5"/54 variant: Oscar Austin | Roosevelt | 5"/62 variant: Winston S. Churchill | Lassen | Howard | Bulkeley | McCampbell | Shoup | Mason | Preble | Mustin | Chafee | Pinckney | Momsen | Chung-Hoon | Nitze | James E. Williams | Bainbridge | Halsey | Forrest Sherman | Farragut | Kidd | Gridley | Sampson | Truxtun | Sterett | Dewey | Stockdale | Gravely | Wayne E. Meyer

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Bagley class destroyer

Bagley-class destroyer
Bagley | Blue | Helm | Mugford | Ralph Talbot | Henley | Patterson | Jarvis

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Bainbridge class destroyer

Bainbridge-class destroyer
Bainbridge | Barry | Chauncey | Dale | Decatur | Hopkins | Hull | Lawrence | Macdonough | Paul Jones | Perry | Preble | Stewart

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Belknap class destroyer leader

Belknap-class guided missile frigate/cruiser (DLG/CG-26 class)
Belknap | Josephus Daniels | Wainwright | Jouett | Horne | Sterett | William H. Standley | Fox | Biddle

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Benham class destroyer

Benham-class destroyer

Benham | Ellet | Lang | Mayrant | Trippe | Rhind | Rowan | Stack | Sterett | Wilson

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Benson class destroyer

Benson-class destroyer
Benson | Mayo | Madison | Lansdale | Hilary P. Jones | Charles F. Hughes | Laffey | Woodworth | Farenholt | Bailey | Bancroft | Barton | Boyle | Champlin | Meade | Murphy | Parker | Caldwell | Coghlan | Frazier | Gansevoort | Gillespie | Hobby | Kalk | Kendrick | Laub | MacKenzie | McLanahan | Nields | Ordronaux

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Caldwell class destroyer

Caldwell-class destroyer
Caldwell | Craven | Gwin | Conner | Stockton | Manley

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Cassin class destroyer

Cassin-class destroyer
Cassin | Cummings | Downes | Duncan

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Charles F Adams class destroyer

Charles F. Adams-class destroyer
US Navy
Charles F. Adams | John King | Lawrence | Biddle/Claude V. Rickets | Barney | Henry B. Wilson | Lynde McCormick | Towers | Sampson | Sellers | Robison | Hoel | Buchanan | Berkeley | Joseph Strauss | Conyngham | Semmes | Tattnall | Goldsborough | Cochrane | Benjamin Stoddert | Richard E. Byrd | Waddell
German Navy (Lütjens class)
Lütjens | Mölders | Rommel
Royal Australian Navy (Perth class)
HMAS Perth | HMAS Hobart | HMAS Brisbane
Hellenic Navy
HS Kimon | HS Nearchos | HS Formion | HS Themistocles

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Clemson class destroyer

Clemson-class destroyer
Clemson | Dahlgren | Goldsborough | Semmes | Satterlee | Mason | Graham | Abel P. Upshur | Hunt | Welborn C. Wood | George E. Badger | Branch | Herndon | Dallas | Chandler | Southard | Hovey | Long | Broome | Alden | Smith Thompson | Barker | Tracy | Borie | John D. Edwards | Whipple | Parrott | Edsall | MacLeish | Simpson | Bulmer | McCormick | Stewart | Pope | Peary | Pillsbury | John D. Ford | Truxtun | Paul Jones | Hatfield | Brooks | Gilmer | Fox | Kane | Humphreys | McFarland | James K. Paulding | Overton | Sturtevant | Childs | King | Sands | Williamson | Reuben James | Bainbridge | Goff | Barry | Hopkins | Lawrence | Belknap | McCook | McCalla | Rodgers | Osmond Ingram | Bancroft | Welles | Aulick | Turner | Gillis | Delphy | McDermut | Laub | McLanahan | Edwards | Greene | Ballard | Shubrick | Bailey | Thornton | Morris | Tingey | Swasey | Meade | Sinclair | McCawley | Moody | Henshaw | Meyer | Doyen | Sharkey | Toucey | Breck | Isherwood | Case | Lardner | Putnam | Worden | Flusser | Dale | Converse | Reid | Billingsley | Charles Ausburn | Osborne | Chauncey | Fuller | Percival | John Francis Burnes | Farragut | Somers | Stoddert | Reno | Farquhar | Thompson | Kennedy | Paul Hamilton | William Jones | Woodbury | S. P. Lee | Nicholas | Young | Zeilin | Yarborough | La Vallette | Sloat | Wood | Shirk | Kidder | Selfridge | Marcus | Mervine | Chase | Robert Smith | Mullany | Coghlan | Preston | Lamson | Bruce | Hull | Macdonough | Farenholt | Sumner | Corry | Melvin | Litchfield | Zane | Wasmuth | Trever | Perry | Decatur | Hulbert | Noa | William B. Preston | Preble | Sicard | Pruitt

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Farragut class destroyer (1934)

Farragut-class destroyer (1934)
Farragut | Dewey | Hull | Macdonough | Worden | Dale | Monaghan | Aylwin

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Farragut class destroyer (1958)

Farragut-class destroyer (1958)
Farragut | Luce | Macdonough | Coontz | King | Mahan | Dahlgren | William V. Pratt | Dewey | Preble

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Fletcher class destroyer

Fletcher-class destroyer
Fletcher | Radford | Jenkins | La Vallette | Nicholas | O'Bannon | Chevalier | Saufley | Waller | Strong | Taylor | De Haven | Bache | Beale | Guest | Bennett | Fullam | Hudson | Hutchins | Pringle | Stanly | Stevens | Halford | Leutze | Philip | Renshaw | Ringgold | Schroeder | Sigsbee | Conway | Cony | Converse | Eaton | Foote | Spence | Terry | Thatcher | Anthony | Wadsworth | Walker | Brownson | Daly | Isherwood | Kimberly | Luce | Abner Read | Ammen | Mullany | Bush | Trathen | Hazelwood | Heermann | Hoel | McCord | Miller | Owen | The Sullivans | Stephen Potter | Tingey | Twining | Yarnall | Boyd | Bradford | Brown | Cowell | Capps | David W. Taylor | Evans | John D. Henley | Franks | Haggard | Hailey | Johnston | Laws | Longshaw | Morrison | Prichett | Robinson | Ross | Rowe | Smalley | Stoddard | Watts | Wren | Aulick | Charles Ausburne | Claxton | Dyson | Harrison | John Rodgers | McKee | Murray | Sproston | Wickes | William D. Porter | Young | Charrette | Conner | Hall | Halligan | Haraden | Newcomb | Bell | Burns | Izard | Paul Hamilton | Twiggs | Howorth | Killen | Hart | Metcalf | Shields | Wiley | Abbot | Braine | Erben | Hale | Sigourney | Stembel | Albert W. Grant | Caperton | Cogswell | Ingersoll | Knapp | Bearss | John Hood | Van Valkenburgh | Charles J. Badger | Colahan | Dashiell | Bullard | Kidd | Bennion | Heywood L. Edwards | Richard P. Leary | Bryant | Black | Chauncey | Clarence K. Bronson | Cotten | Dortch | Gatling | Healy | Hickox | Hunt | Lewis Hancock | Marshall | McDermut | McGowan | McNair | Melvin | Hopewell | Porterfield | Stockham | Wedderburn | Picking | Halsey Powell | Uhlmann | Remey | Wadleigh | Norman Scott | Mertz | Callaghan | Cassin Young | Irwin | Preston | Benham | Cushing | Monssen | Jarvis | Porter | Colhoun | Gregory | Little | Rooks

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Forrest Sherman class destroyer

Forrest Sherman-class destroyer
Forrest Sherman | John Paul Jones | Barry | Decatur | Davis | Jonas Ingram | Manley | Du Pont | Bigelow | Blandy | Mullinnix | Hull | Edson | Somers | Morton | Parsons | Richard S. Edwards | Turner Joy

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Gearing class destroyer

Gearing-class destroyer

Gearing | Eugene A. Greene | Gyatt | Kenneth D. Bailey | William R. Rush | William M. Wood | Wiltsie | Theodore E. Chandler | Hamner | Epperson | Frank Knox | Southerland | William C. Lawe Lloyd Thomas | Keppler | Lansdale | Seymour D. Owens | Rowan | Gurke | McKean | Henderson | Richard B. Anderson | James E. Kyes | Hollister | Eversole | Shelton | Seaman | Chevalier | Higbee | Benner | Dennis J. Buckley | Corry | New | Holder | Rich | Johnston | Robert H. McCard | Samuel B. Roberts | Basilone | Carpenter | Agerholm | Robert A. Owens | Timmerman | Myles C. Fox | Everett F. Larson | Goodrich | Hanson | Herbert J. Thomas | Turner | Charles P. Cecil | George K. MacKenzie | Sarsfield | Ernest G. Small | Power | Glennon | Noa | Fiske | Warrington | Perry | Bausell | Ozbourn | Robert L. Wilson | Witek | Richard E. Kraus | Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. | Rupertus | Leonard F. Mason | Charles H. Roan | Fred T. Berry | Norris | McCaffery | Harwood | Vogelgesang | Steinaker | Harold J. Ellison | Charles R. Ware | Cone | Stribling | Brownson | Arnold J. Isbell | Fechteler | Damato | Forrest Royal | Hawkins | Duncan | Henry W. Tucker | Rogers | Perkins | Vesole | Leary | Dyess | Bordelon | Furse | Newman K. Perry | Floyd B. Parks | John R. Craig | Orleck | Brinkley Bass | Stickell | O'Hare | Meredith

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Gleaves class destroyer

Gleaves-class destroyer
Gleaves | Niblack | Livermore | Eberle | Plunkett | Kearny | Gwin | Meredith | Grayson | Monssen | Woolsey | Ludlow | Edison | Ericsson | Wilkes | Nicholson | Swanson | Ingraham | Bristol | Ellyson | Hambleton | Rodman | Emmons | Macomb | Forrest | Fitch | Corry | Hobson | Aaron Ward | Buchanan | Duncan | Lansdowne | Lardner | McCalla | Mervine | Quick | Carmick | Doyle | Endicott | McCook | Frankford | Davison | Edwards | Glennon | Jeffers | Maddox | Nelson | Baldwin | Harding | Satterlee | Thompson | Welles | Cowie | Knight | Doran | Earle | Butler | Gherardi | Herndon | Shubrick | Beatty | Tillman | Stevenson | Stockton | Thorn | Turner

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Gridley class destroyer

Gridley-class destroyer
Gridley | Craven | McCall | Maury

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Leahy class destroyer leader

Leahy-class guided missile frigate/cruiser (DLG/CG-16 class)
Leahy | Harry E. Yarnell | Worden | Dale | Richmond K. Turner | Gridley | England | Halsey | Reeves

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of cruisers of the United States Navy

Template:Mahan class destroyer

Mahan-class destroyer
Mahan | Cummings | Drayton | Lamson | Flusser | Reid | Case | Conyngham | Cassin | Shaw | Tucker | Downes | Cushing | Perkins | Smith | Preston | Dunlap | Fanning

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Mitscher class destroyer

Mitscher-class destroyer
Mitscher | John S. McCain | Willis A. Lee | Wilkinson

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:O'Brien class destroyer

O'Brien-class destroyer

O'Brien | Nicholson | Winslow | McDougal | Cushing | Ericsson

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Paulding class destroyer

Paulding-class destroyer
Paulding | Drayton | Roe | Terry | Perkins | Sterett | McCall | Burrows | Warrington | Mayrant | Monaghan | Trippe | Walke | Ammen | Patterson | Fanning | Jarvis | Henley | Beale | Jouett | Jenkins

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Porter class destroyer

Porter-class destroyer
Porter | Selfridge | McDougal | Winslow | Phelps | Clark | Moffett | Balch

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Robert H. Smith class destroyer

Robert H. Smith-class destroyer
Robert H. Smith | Thomas E. Fraser | Shannon | Harry F. Bauer | Adams | Tolman | Henry A. Wiley | Shea | J. William Ditter | Lindsey | Gwin | Aaron Ward

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Sampson class destroyer

Sampson-class destroyer
Sampson | Rowan | Davis | Allen | Wilkes | Shaw

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Sims class destroyer

Sims-class destroyer

Sims | Hughes | Anderson | Hammann | Mustin | Russell | O'Brien | Walke | Morris | Roe | Wainwright | Buck

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Smith class destroyer

Smith-class destroyer
Smith | Lamson | Preston | Flusser | Reid

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Somers class destroyer

Somers-class destroyer
Somers | Warrington | Sampson | Davis | Jouett

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Spruance class destroyer

Spruance-class destroyer

Spruance | Paul F. Foster | Kinkaid | Hewitt | Elliot | Arthur W. Radford | Peterson | Caron | David R. Ray | Oldendorf | John Young | Comte de Grasse | O'Brien | Merrill | Briscoe | Stump | Conolly | Moosbrugger | John Hancock | Nicholson | John Rodgers | Leftwich | Cushing | Harry W. Hill | O'Bannon | Thorn | Deyo | Ingersoll | Fife | Fletcher | Hayler

Kidd (Modified Spruance)-class destroyer

Kidd | Callaghan | Scott | Chandler

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Truxtun class destroyer

Truxtun-class destroyer
Truxtun | Whipple | Worden

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

Template:Wickes class destroyer

Wickes-class destroyer

Wickes | Philip | Woolsey | Evans | Little | Kimberly | Sigourney | Gregory | Stringham | Dyer | Colhoun | Stevens | McKee | Robinson | Ringgold | McKean | Harding | Gridley | Fairfax | Taylor | Bell | Stribling | Murray | Israel | Luce | Maury | Lansdale | Mahan | Schley | Champlin | Mugford | Chew | Hazelwood | Williams | Crane | Hart | Ingraham | Ludlow | Rathburne | Talbot | Waters | Dent | Dorsey | Lea | Lamberton | Radford | Montgomery | Breese | Gamble | Ramsay | Tattnall | Badger | Twiggs | Babbitt | DeLong | Jacob Jones | Buchanan | Aaron Ward | Hale | Crowninshield | Tillman | Boggs | Kilty | Kennison | Ward | Claxton | Hamilton | Tarbell | Yarnall | Upshur | Greer | Elliot | Roper | Breckinridge | Barney | Blakeley | Biddle | Du Pont | Bernadou | Ellis | Cole | J. Fred Talbott | Dickerson | Leary | Schenck | Herbert | Palmer | Thatcher | Walker | Crosby | Meredith | Bush | Cowell | Maddox | Foote | Kalk | Burns | Anthony | Sproston | Rizal | MacKenzie | Renshaw | O'Bannon | Hogan | Howard | Stansbury | Hopewell | Thomas | Haraden | Abbot | Bagley

List of destroyers of the United States Navy
List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy

[edit] Destroyer Escorts/Frigates

Template:Buckley class destroyer escort

Buckley-class destroyer escort

Buckley | Charles Lawrence | Daniel T. Griffin | Donnell | Fogg | Foss | Gantner | George W. Ingram | Ira Jeffery | Lee Fox | Amesbury | Bates | Blessman | Joseph E. Campbell | Reuben James | Sims | Hopping | Reeves | Fechteler | Chase | Laning | Loy | Barber | Lovelace | Manning | Neuendorf | James E. Craig | Eichenberger | Thomason | Jordan | Newman | Liddle | Kephart | Cofer | Lloyd | Otter | Hubbard | Hayter | William T. Powell | Scott | Burke | Enright | Coolbaugh | Darby | J. Douglas Blackwood | Francis M. Robinson | Solar | Fowler | Spangenberg | Ahrens | Barr | Alexander J. Luke | Robert I. Paine | Foreman | Whitehurst | England | Witter | Bowers | Willmarth | Gendreau | Fieberling | William C. Cole | Paul G. Baker | Damon M. Cummings | Vammen | Jenks | Durik | Wiseman | Weber | Schmitt | Frament | Harmon | Greenwood | Loeser | Gillette | Underhill | Henry R. Kenyon | Bull | Bunch | Rich | Spangler | George | Raby | Marsh | Currier | Osmus | Earl V. Johnson | Holton | Cronin | Frybarger | Tatum | Borum | Maloy | Haines | Runels | Hollis | Gunason | Major | Weeden | Varian | Scroggins | Jack W. Wilke

List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

Template:Cannon class destroyer escort

Cannon-class destroyer escort
United States Navy
Cannon | Christopher | Alger | Thomas | Bostwick | Breeman | Burrows | Cronin | Carter | Clarence L. Evans | Levy | McConnell | Osterhaus | Parks | Baron | Acree | Amick | Atherton | Booth | Carroll | Cooner | Eldridge | Marts | Pennewill | Micka | Reybold | Herzog | McAnn | Trumpeter | Straub | Gustafson | Samuel S. Miles | Wesson | Riddle | Swearer | Stern | O'Neill | Bronstein | Baker | Coffman | Eisner | Garfield Thomas | Wingfield | Thornhill | Rinehart | Roche | Bangust | Waterman | Weaver | Hilbert | Lamons | Kyne | Snyder | Hemminger | Bright | Tills | Roberts | McClelland | Cates | Gandy | Earl K. Olsen | Slater | Oswald | Ebert | Neal A. Scott | Muir | Sutton
Free French Navy
Algérien | Sénégalais | Somali | Hova | Marocain | Tunisien

List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

Template:Claud Jones class destroyer escort

Claud Jones-class destroyer escort
Claud Jones | John R. Perry | Charles Berry | McMorris
List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

Template:Dealey class destroyer escort

Dealey-class destroyer escort

Dealey | Cromwell | Hammerberg | Courtney | Lester | Evans | Bridget | Bauer | Hooper | John Willis | Van Voorhis | Hartley | Joseph K. Taussig

List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

Template: Edsall class destroyer escort

Edsall-class destroyer escort
Edsall | Jacob Jones | Hammann | Robert E. Peary | Pillsbury | Pope | Flaherty | Frederick C. Davis | Herbert C. Jones | Douglas L. Howard | Farquhar | J.R.Y. Blakely | Hill | Fessenden | Fiske | Frost | Huse | Inch | Blair | Brough | Chatelain | Neunzer | Poole | Peterson | Stewart | Sturtevant | Moore | Keith | Tomich | J. Richard Ward | Otterstetter | Sloat | Snowden | Stanton | Swasey | Marchand | Hurst | Camp | Howard D. Crow | Pettit | Ricketts | Sellstrom | Harveson | Joyce | Kirkpatrick | Leopold | Menges | Mosley | Newell | Pride | Falgout | Lowe | Gary | Brister | Finch | Kretchmer | O'Reilly | Koiner | Price | Strickland | Forster | Daniel | Roy O. Hale | Dale W. Peterson | Martin H. Ray | Ramsden | Mills | Rhodes | Richey | Savage | Vance | Lansing | Durant | Calcaterra | Chambers | Merrill | Haverfield | Swenning | Willis | Janssen | Wilhoite | Cockrill | Stockdale | Hissem | Holder

List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

Template:Evarts class destroyer escort

Evarts-class destroyer escort
Evarts | Wyfells | Griswold | Steele | Carlson | Bebas | Crouter | Brennan | Doherty | Austin | Edgar G. Chase | Edward C. Daly | Gilmore | Burden R. Hastings | Le Hardy | Harold C. Thomas | Wileman | Charles R. Greer | Whitman | Wintle | Dempsey | Duffy | Emery | Stadtfield | Martin | Sederstrom | Fleming | Tisdale | Eisele | Fair | Manlove | Greiner | Wyman | Lovering | Sanders | Brackett | Reynolds | Mitchell | Donaldson | Andres | Drury | Decker | Dobler | Doneff | Engstrom | Seid | Smartt | Walter S. Brown | William C. Miller | Cabana | Dionne | Canfield | Deede | Elden | Cloues | Lake | Lyman | Crowley | Rall | Halloran | Connolly | Finnegan | O'Toole | John J. Powers | Mason | John M. Bermingham
6 missing according to count on DE list page

List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

Template:John C. Butler class destroyer escort

John C. Butler-class destroyer escort
John C. Butler | O'Flaherty | Raymond | Richard W. Suesens | Abercrombie | Oberrender | Robert Brazier | Edwin A. Howard | Jesse Rutherford | Key | Gentry | Traw | Maurice J. Manuel | Naifeh | Doyle C. Barnes | Kenneth M. Willett | Jaccard | Lloyd E. Acree | George E. Davis | Mack | Woodson | Johnnie Hutchins | Walton | Rolf | Pratt | Rombach | McGinty | Alvin C. Cockrell | French | Cecil J. Doyle | Thaddeus Parker | John L. Williamson | Presley | Williams | Richard S. Bull | Richard M. Rowell | Eversole | Dennis | Edmonds | Shelton | Straus | La Prade | Jack Miller | Stafford | Walter C. Wann | Samuel B. Roberts | Le Ray Wilson | Lawrence C. Taylor | Melvin R. Nawman | Oliver Mitchell | Tabberer | Robert F. Keller | Leland E. Thomas | Chester T. O'Brien | Douglas A. Munro | Dufilho | Haas | Corbesier | Conklin | McCoy Reynolds | William Seiverling | Ulvert M. Moore | Kendal C. Campbell | Goss | Grady | Charles E. Brannon | Albert T. Harris | Cross | Hanna | Joseph E. Connolly | Gilligan | Formoe | Heyliger | Edward H. Allen | Tweedy | Howard F. Clark | Silverstein | Lewis | Bivin | Rizzi | Osberg | Wagner | Vandivier | Sheehan | Oswald A. Powers | Groves | Alfred Wolf

List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

Template:Knox class frigate

Knox-class frigate
Knox | Roark | Gray | Hepburn | Connole | Rathburne | Meyerkord | W. S. Sims | Lang | Patterson | Whipple | Reasoner | Lockwood | Stein | Marvin Shields | Francis Hammond | Vreeland | Bagley | Downes | Badger | Blakely | Robert E. Perry | Harold E. Holt | Trippe | Fanning | Ouellet | Joseph Hewes | Bowen | Paul | Aylwin | Elmer Montgomery | Cook | McCandless | Donald B. Beary | Brewton | Kirk | Barbey | Jesse L. Brown | Ainsworth | Miller | Thomas C. Hart | Capodanno | Pharris | Truett | Valdez | Moinester

List of frigates of the United States Navy

Template:Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate

Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate
United States Navy
Oliver Hazard Perry | McInerney | Wadsworth | Duncan | Clark | George Philip | Samuel Eliot Morison | Sides | Estocin | Clifton Sprague | John A. Moore | Antrim | Flatley | Fahrion | Lewis B. Puller | Jack Williams | Copeland | Gallery | Mahlon S. Tisdale | Boone | Stephen W. Groves | Reid | Stark | John L. Hall | Jarrett | Aubrey Fitch | Underwood | Crommelin | Curts | Doyle | Halyburton | McClusky | Klakring | Thach | De Wert | Rentz | Nicholas | Vandegrift | Robert G. Bradley | Taylor | Gary | Carr | Hawes | Ford | Elrod | Simpson | Reuben James | Samuel B. Roberts | Kauffman | Rodney M. Davis | Ingraham
Royal Australian Navy
Adelaide | Canberra | Sydney | Darwin | Melbourne | Newcastle
Armada Española
Santa Maria | Victoria | Numancia | Reina Sofia | Navarra | Canarias
Republic of China Navy (Cheng Kung class)
Cheng Kung | Cheng Ho | Chi Kuang | Yueh Fei | Tzu I | Pan Chao | Chang Chien | Tian Dan
Polish Navy
ORP Pułaski | ORP Kościuszko

List of frigates of the United States Navy

Template:Rudderow class destroyer escort

Rudderow-class destroyer escort
Rudderow | Day | Chaffee | Hodges | Riley | Leslie L.B. Knox | McNulty | Metivier | George A. Johnson | Charles J. Kimmel | Daniel A. Joy | Lough | Thomas F. Nickel | Peiffer | Tinsman | DeLong | Coates | Eugene E. Elmore | Holt | Jobb | Parle | Bray

List of destroyer escorts of the United States Navy

[edit] Mine Warfare Ships

Template:Admirable class minesweeper

Admirable-class minesweeper
Admirable | Adopt | Advocate | Agent | Alarm | Alchemy | Apex | Arcade | Arch | Armada | Aspire | Assail | Astute | Augury | Barrier | Bombard | Bond | Buoyant | Candid | Capable | Captivate | Caravan | Caution | Change | Clamour | Climax | Compel | Concise | Control | Counsel | Craig | Cruise | Deft | Delegate | Density | Design | Device | Diploma | Disdain | Dour | Eager | Elusive | Embattle | Execute | Facility | Fancy | Fixity | Garland | Gayety | Hazard | Hilarity | Inaugural | Implicit | Improve | Incessant | Incredible | Indicative | Inflict | Instill | Intrique | Invade | Jubilant | Knave | Lance | Logic | Lucid | Magnet | Mainstay | Marvel | Measure | Method | Mirth | Nimble | Notable | Nucleus | Opponent | Palisade | Penetrate | Peril | Phantom | Pinnacle | Pirate | Pivot | Pledge | Project | Prime | Prowess | Quest | Rampart | Ransom | Rebel | Recruit | Reform | Refresh | Reign | Report | Salute | Saunter | Scout | Scrimmage | Scuffle | Sentry | Serene | Shelter | Signet | Skirmish | Skurry | Spectacle | Specter | Staunch | Strategy | Strength | Success | Superior | Creddock | Dipper | Dunlin | Gadwall | Gavia | Graylag | Harlequin | Harrier

List of minesweepers of the United States Navy

Template:Aggressive class minesweeper

Aggressive-class minesweeper

Aggressive | Avenge | Bold | Bulwark | Conflict | Constant | Dynamic | Engage | Embattle | Endurance | Energy | Enhance | Esteem | Excel | Exploit | Exultant | Fearless | Fidelity | Firm | Force | Fortify | Guide | Illusive | Imperious

List of minesweepers of the United States Navy

Template:Auk class minesweeper

Auk-class minesweeper
Auk | Broadbill | Chickadee | Nuthatch | Pheasant | Sheldrake | Skylark | Starling | Swallow | Heed | Herald | Motive | Oracle | Pilot | Pioneer | Portent | Prevail | Pursuit | Requisite | Revenge | Sage | Seer | Sentinel | Staff | Skill | Speed | Strive | Steady | Sustain | Sway | Swerve | Swift | Symbol | Threat | Tide | Token | Tumult | Velocity | Vital | Usage | Zeal | Champion | Chief | Competent | Defense | Devasator | Gladiator | Impeccable | Spear | Triumph | Vigilance | Ardent | Dextrous | Minivet | Murrelet | Peregrine | Pigeon | Pochard | Ptarmigan | Quail | Redstart | Roselle | Ruddy | Scoter | Shoveler | Surfbird | Sprig | Tanager | Tercel | Toucan | Towhee | Waxwing | Wheatear

List of mine warfare vessels of the United States Navy

Template:Avenger class mine countermeasures ship

Avenger-class mine countermeasure ship

Avenger | Defender | Sentry | Champion | Guardian | Devastator | Patriot | Scout | Pioneer | Warrior | Gladiator | Ardent | Dextrous | Chief

List of mine countermeasure ships of the United States Navy

Template:Lapwing class minesweeper

Lapwing-class minesweeper
Lapwing | Owl | Robin | Swallow | Tananger | Cardinal | Oriole | Curlew | Finch | Heron | Turkey | Woodcock | Quail | Partridge | Thrush | Avocet | Bobolink | Lark | Widgeon | Teal | Brant | Kingfisher | Rail | Pelican | Falcon | Osprey | Seagull | Tern | Flamingo | Penguin | Swan | Whippoorwill | Bittern | Sanderling | Auk | Chewlink | Cormorant | Gannet | Grebe | Mallard | Ortolan | Peacock | Pigeon | Redwing | Sandpiper | Vireo | Warbler | Willet

List of minesweepers of the United States Navy

Template:Raven class minesweeper

Raven-class minesweeper
Raven | Osprey

List of minesweepers of the United States Navy

[edit] Monitors

Template:Amphitrite class monitor

Amphitrite-class monitor

Amphitrite | Monadnock | Terror | Miantonomoh

List of monitors of the United States Navy

Template:Arkansas class monitor

Arkansas-class monitor

Arkansas | Nevada | Florida | Wyoming

List of monitors of the United States Navy

Template:Canonicus class monitor

Canonicus-class monitor

Canonicus | Saugus | Tecumseh | Manhattan | Mahopac | Wyandotte | Ajax | Catawba | Oneota

List of monitors of the United States Navy

Template:Milwaukee class monitor

Miantonomoh-class monitor

Milwaukee | Winnebago | Chickasaw | Kickapoo

List of monitors of the United States Navy

Template:Miantonomoh class monitor

Miantonomoh-class monitor

Miantonomoh | Monadnock | Agamenticus | Tonawanda

List of monitors of the United States Navy

Template:Passaic class monitor

Passaic-class monitor

Passaic | Montauk | Nahant | Patapsco | Weehawken | Sangamon | Catskill | Nantucket | Lehigh | Camanche

List of monitors of the United States Navy

[edit] Patrol Vessels

Template:Tacoma class patrol frigate

Tacoma-class frigate
Tacoma | Sausalito | Hoquiam | Pasco | Albuquerque | Everett | Pocatello | Brownsville | Grand Forks | Casper | Pueblo | Grand Island | Annapolis | Bangor | Key West | Alexandria | Huron | Gulfport | Bayonne | Gloucester | Shreveport | Muskegon | Charlottesville | Poughkeepsie | Newport | Emporia | Groton | Hingham | Grand Rapids | Woonsocket | Dearborn | Long Beach | Belfast | Glendale | San Pedro | Coronado | Ogden | Eugene | El Paso | Van Buren | Orange | Corpus Christi | Hutchinson | Bisbee | Gallup | Rockford | Muskogee | Carson City | Burlington | Allentown | Machias | Sandusky | Bath | Covington | Sheboygan | Abilene | Beaufort | Charlotte | Manitowoc | Gladwyne | Moberly | Knoxville | Uniontown | Reading | Peoria | Brunswick | Davenport | Evansville | New Bedford | Lorain | Milledgeville | Orlando | Racine | Greensboro | Forsyth

List of frigates of the United States Navy

[edit] Submarines

Template:Plunger class submarine

Plunger-class submarine

Plunger | Adder | Grampus | Moccasin | Pike | Porpoise | Shark

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States B class submarine

B-class submarine

B-1 (ex-Viper) | B-2 (ex-Cuttlefish) | B-3 (ex-Tarantula)

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States C class submarine

C-class submarine

C-1 (ex-Octopus) | C-2 (ex-Stingray) | C-3 (ex-Tarpon) | C-4 (ex-Bonita) | C-5 (ex-Snapper)

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States D class submarine

D-class submarine

D-1 (ex-Narwhal) | D-2 (ex-Grayling) | D-3 (ex-Salmon)

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States F class submarine

Template:United States F class submarine

Template:United States E class submarine

E-class submarine
E-1 (ex-Skipjack) | E-2 (ex-Sturgeon)

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States G class submarine

G-class submarine

G-1 (ex-Seal) | G-2 (ex-Tuna) | G-3 (ex-Turbot) | G-4 (ex-Thrasher)

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States H class submarine

H-class submarine
Built for the United States Navy

H-1 | H-2 | H-3

Built for the Imperial Russian Navy, purchased by the United States Navy

H-4 | H-5 | H-6 | H-7 | H-8 | H-9

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States K class submarine

K-class submarine

K-1 | K-2 | K-3 | K-4 | K-5 | K-6 | K-7 | K-8 |

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States L class submarine

L-class submarine
Designed by Electric Boat

L-1 | L-2 | L-3 | L-4 | L-9 | L-10 | L-11

Designed by Lake Torpedo Boat

L-5 | L-6 | L-7 | L-8

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States N class submarine

N-class submarine
Built by Seattle Construction and Drydock

N-1 N-2 | N-3

Built by Lake Torpedo Boat

N-4 | N-5 | N-6 | N-7

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States O class submarine

O-class submarine
Designed by Electric Boat

O-1 | O-2 | O-3 | O-4 | O-5 | O-6 | O-7 | O-8 | O-9 | O-10 |

Designed by Lake Torpedo Boat

O-11 | O-12 | O-13 | O-14 | O-15 | O-16

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States R class submarine

R-class submarine
Built by Fore River Shipbuilding

R-1 | R-2 | R-3 | R-4 | R-5 | R-6 | R-7 | R-8 | R-9 | R-10 | R-11 | R-12 | R-13 | R-14

Built by Union Iron Works

R-15 | R-16 | R-17 | R-18 | R-19 | R-20

Built by Lake Torpedo Boat Company

R-21 | R-22 | R-23 | R-24 | R-25 | R-26 | R-27

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States S class submarine   (disambig from British, Italian S-classes)

S-class submarine
Prototypes: S-1 (Holland design) - S-2 (Lake design) - S-3 (Government design)
Government (S-3) Group: S-4 - S-5 - S-6 - S-7 - S-8 - S-9 - S-10 - S-11 - S-12 - S-13 - S-14 - S-15 - S-16
Holland (S-1) Group: S-17 - S-18 - S-19 - S-20 - S-21 - S-22 - S-23 - S-24 - S-25 - S-26 - S-27 - S-28 - S-29 - S-30 - S-31 - S-32 - S-33 - S-34 - S-35 - S-36 - S-37 - S-38 - S-39 - S-40 - S-41
Third (S-42) Group: S-42 - S-43 - S-44 - S-45 - S-46 - S-47
Fourth (S-48) Group: S-48 - S-49 - S-50 - S-51
List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:AA-1 class submarine

AA-1-class submarine

AA-1 (T-1) | AA-2 (T-2) | AA-3 (T-3)

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy



Barracuda | Bass | Bonita
Narwhal | Nautilus
Cachalot | Cuttlefish

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:United States Porpoise class submarine (disambig from British Porpoise-class)

Porpoise-class submarine

P-1 Type
Porpoise | Pike

P-3 Type
Shark | Tarpon

P-5 Type
Perch | Pickerel | Permit | Plunger | Pollack | Pompano

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Salmon class submarine

Salmon-class submarine

Salmon | Seal | Skipjack | Snapper | Stingray | Sturgeon

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Sargo class submarine

Sargo-class submarine

Sargo | Saury | Spearfish | Sculpin | Sailfish (ex-Squalus) | Swordfish | Seadragon | Sealion | Searaven | Seawolf

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Tambor class submarine

Tambor-class submarine

Tambor | Tautog | Thresher | Triton | Trout | Tuna
Gar | Grampus | Grayback | Grayling | Grenadier | Gudgeon

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Mackerel class submarine

Mackerel-class submarine

Mackerel | Marlin

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Gato class submarine

Gato-class submarine

Gato | Greenling | Grouper | Growler | Grunion | Guardfish | Albacore | Amberjack | Barb | Blackfish | Bluefish | Bonefish | Cod | Cero | Corvina | Darter | Drum | Flying Fish | Finback | Haddock | Halibut | Herring | Kingfish | Shad | Silversides | Trigger | Wahoo | Whale | Angler | Bashaw | Bluegill | Bream | Cavalla | Cobia | Croaker | Dace | Dorado | Flasher | Flier | Flounder | Gabilan | Gunnel | Gurnard | Haddo | Hake | Harder | Hoe | Jack | Lapon | Mingo | Muskallunge | Paddle | Pargo | Peto | Pogy | Pompon | Puffer | Rasher | Raton | Ray | Redfin | Robalo | Rock | Runner | Sawfish | Scamp | Scorpion | Snook | Steelhead | Sunfish | Tunny | Tinosa | Tullibee

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Balao class submarine

Balao-class submarine

Balao | Billfish | Bowfin | Cabrilla | Capelin | Cisco | Crevalle | Devilfish | Dragonet | Escolar | Hackleback | Lancetfish | Ling | Lionfish | Manta | Moray | Roncador | Sabalo | Sablefish | Seahorse | Skate | Tang | Tilefish | Apogon | Aspro | Batfish | Archer-Fish | Burrfish | Perch | Shark | Sealion | Barbel | Barbero | Baya | Becuna | Bergall | Besugo | Blackfin | Caiman | Blenny | Blower | Blueback | Boarfish | Charr | Chub | Brill | Bugara | Bullhead | Bumper | Cabezon | Dentuda | Capitaine | Carbonero | Carp | Catfish | Entemedor | Chivo | Chopper | Clamagore | Cobbler | Cochino | Corporal | Cubera | Cusk | Diodon | Dogfish | Greenfish | Halfbeak | Dugong | Eel | Espada | Jawfish | Ono | Garlopa | Garrupa | Goldring | Golet | Guavina | Guitarro | Hammerhead | Hardhead | Hawkbill | Icefish | Jallao | Kete | Kraken | Lagarto | Lamprey | Lizardfish | Loggerhead | Macabi | Mapiro | Menhaden | Mero | Needlefish | Nerka | Sand Lance | Picuda | Pampanito | Parche | Bang | Pilotfish | Pintado | Pipefish | Piranha | Plaice | Pomfret | Sterlet | Queenfish | Razorback | Redfish | Ronquil | Scabbardfish | Segundo | Sea Cat | Sea Devil | Sea Dog | Sea Fox | Atule | Spikefish | Sea Owl | Sea Poacher | Sea Robin | Sennet | Piper | Threadfin | Spadefish | Trepang | Spot | Springer | Stickleback | Tiru

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Tench class submarine

Tench-class submarine

Tench | Thornback | Tigrone | Tirante | Trutta (ex-Tomtate) | Toro | Torsk | Quillback (ex-Trembler) | Trumpetfish | Tusk | Turbot | Ulua | Unicorn | Vendace | Walrus | Whitefish | Whiting | Wolffish | Corsair | Unicorn | Walrus | Argonaut | Runner | Conger | Cutlass | Diablo | Medregal | Requin | Irex | Sea Leopard | Odax | Sirago | Pomodon | Remora | Sarda | Spinax | Volador | Pompano | Grayling | Needlefish | Sculpin | Wahoo | Wahoo | Amberjack | Grampus | Pickerel | Grenadier | Dorado | Comber | Sea Panther | Tiburon

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Tang class submarine

Tang-class submarine

Tang | Trigger | Wahoo | Trout | Gudgeon | Harder

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Sailfish class submarine

Sailfish-class submarine

Sailfish | Salmon

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Grayback class submarine

Grayback-class submarine

Grayback | Growler

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Skate class submarine

Skate-class submarine

Skate | Swordfish | Sargo | Seadragon

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Barbel class submarine

Barbel-class submarine

Barbel | Blueback | Bonefish

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Skipjack class submarine

Skipjack-class submarine

Skipjack | Scamp | Scorpion | Sculpin | Shark | Snook

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Permit class submarine

Thresher/Permit-class submarine

Thresher | Permit | Plunger | Barb | Pollack | Haddo | Jack | Tinosa | Dace | Guardfish | Flasher | Greenling | Gato | Haddock

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:George Washington class submarine

George Washington-class submarine

George Washington | Patrick Henry | Theodore Roosevelt | Robert E. Lee | Abraham Lincoln

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Ethan Allen class submarine

Ethan Allen-class submarine

Ethan Allen | Sam Houston | Thomas A. Edison | John Marshall | Thomas Jefferson

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Lafayette class submarine

Lafayette-class submarine

Lafayette | Alexander Hamilton | Andrew Jackson | John Adams | James Monroe | Nathan Hale | Woodrow Wilson | Henry Clay | Daniel Webster

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:James Madison class submarine

James Madison-class submarine

James Madison | Tecumseh | Daniel Boone | John C. Calhoun | Ulysses S. Grant | Von Steuben | Casimir Pulaski | Stonewall Jackson | Sam Rayburn | Nathanael Greene

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Sturgeon class submarine

Sturgeon-class submarine

Short Hull

Sturgeon | Whale | Tautog | Grayling | Pogy | Aspro | Sunfish | Pargo | Queenfish | Puffer | Ray | Sand Lance | Lapon | Gurnard | Hammerhead | Sea Devil | Guitarro | Hawkbill | Bergall | Spadefish | Seahorse | Finback | Pintado | Flying Fish | Trepang | Bluefish | Billfish | Drum

Long Hull

Archerfish | Silversides | William H. Bates | Batfish | Tunny | Parche | Cavalla | L. Mendel Rivers | Richard B. Russell

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Benjamin Franklin class submarine

Benjamin Franklin-class submarine

Benjamin Franklin | Simon Bolivar | Kamehameha | George Bancroft | Lewis and Clark | James K. Polk | George C. Marshall | Henry L. Stimson | George W. Carver | Francis Scott Key | Mariano G. Vallejo | Will Rogers

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Los Angeles class submarine

Los Angeles-class submarine

Los Angeles | Baton Rouge | Philadelphia | Memphis | Omaha | Cincinnati | Groton | Birmingham | New York City | Indianapolis | Bremerton | Jacksonville | Dallas | La Jolla | Phoenix | Boston | Baltimore | City of Corpus Christi | Albuquerque | Portsmouth | Minneapolis–Saint Paul | Hyman G. Rickover | Augusta | San Francisco | Atlanta | Houston | Norfolk | Buffalo | Salt Lake City | Olympia | Honolulu


Providence | Pittsburgh | Chicago | Key West | Oklahoma City | Louisville | Helena | Newport News


San Juan | Pasadena | Albany | Topeka | Miami | Scranton | Alexandria | Asheville | Jefferson City | Annapolis | Springfield | Columbus | Santa Fe | Boise | Montpelier | Charlotte | Hampton | Hartford | Toledo | Tucson | Columbia | Greeneville | Cheyenne

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Ohio class submarine

Ohio-class submarine

SSGN 726 Class:
Ohio | Michigan | Florida | Georgia

SSBN 726 Class:
Henry M. Jackson | Alabama | Alaska | Nevada | Tennessee | Pennsylvania | West Virginia | Kentucky | Maryland | Nebraska | Rhode Island | Maine | Wyoming | Louisiana

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Seawolf class submarine

Seawolf-class submarine

Seawolf | Connecticut | Jimmy Carter

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

Template:Virginia class submarine

Virginia-class submarine

Virginia | Texas | Hawaii | North Carolina | New Hampshire | New Mexico

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy

[edit] Soviet/Russian Navy

[edit] Submarines

Template:Alfa class submarine

Alfa-class submarine

Project 705, 705K Lira

K-377 (ex-K-47) | K-123 | K-432 | K-463 | K-493 | K-373 | K-316

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

MediaWiki:Bravo class submarine

Template:Bravo class submarine

Template:Charlie class submarine

Charlie-class submarine

Projekt 670A Skat (Charlie-I, all Pacific Fleet)
K-43 | K-212 | K-25 | K-121 | K-313 | K-308 | K-320 | K-302 | K-325 | K-429 | K-201

Projekt 670M Skat-M (Charlie-II, all Northern Fleet)
K-452 Berkut | K-458 | K-479 | K-503 | K-508 | K-209

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

MediaWiki:Delta class submarine

Template:Delta class submarine

MediaWiki:Echo class submarine

Echo-class submarine

Projects 659 and 659T (Echo-I) (all Soviet Pacific Fleet)
K-45 | K-59 | K-66 | K-122 | K-259

Projects 675, 675M, 675MU, 675MKV (Echo-II)
Northern Fleet
K-166 (K-71) | K-170 (K-86, KS-86) | K-47 (B-47) | K-172 (K-192) | K-1 | K-28 (K-428) | K-74 | K-22 (B-22) | K-35 | K-90 (K-111) | K-104 | K-125 | K-128 (K-62) | K-131 (B-131) | K-135 (K-235)
Soviet Pacific Fleet
fourteen (14) subs go here

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

MediaWiki:Foxtrot class submarine

Foxtrot-class submarine

Project 641
B-94 | B-95 | B-37† | B-133/B-833 B-135 | B-139 | B-57 | B-116 | B-130 | B-143 | B-85 | B-156 | B-59 | B-4 Chelyabinky Komsomolets | B-153 | B-164 | B-33† | B-7 | B-105 | B-169 | B-38 | B-53 | B-50 | B-8 | B-31 | B-2 | B-55 (B-855) | B-98 | B-101 | B-6 | B-15 | B-103 | B-109 | B-107 | B-112 | B-25 | B-21 | B-9 | B-26 Yaroslavsky Komsomolets B-28 | B-34 | B-40 | B-29 | B-41 | B-46 | B-49 Valdimirsky Komsomolets | B-39 | B-397 | B-400 | B-413 | B-416 | B-205 | B-213 | B-435 | B-440 | B-409 | B-427 | B-807 | B-213

Project 641I, for export to India
B-51 | B-401 | B-405 | B-402 | B-456 | B-470 | B-464 | B-522

Project 641I, for export to Libya
B-311 | B-330 | B-533 | B-587 | B-588 | B-590

Project 641K, for export to Cuba
B-309 | B-586 | B-510

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

MediaWiki:Golf class submarine

Template:Golf class submarine

MediaWiki:Hotel class submarine

Hotel-class submarine

K-16 | K-19 | K-33 | K-40 | K-55 | K-145 | K-149 Ukrainsky Komsomolets | K-178

List of submarines of the Soviet Navy
List of submarine classes of the Soviet Navy

MediaWiki:India class submarine

Template:India class submarine

MediaWiki:Juliet class submarine

Template:Juliet class submarine

MediaWiki:Kilo class submarine

Template:Kilo class submarine

MediaWiki:Lima class submarine

Template:Lima class submarine

MediaWiki:Mike class submarine

Template:Mike class submarine

Template:November class submarine

November-class submarine

K-3 | K-5 | K-8 | K-52 | K-21 | K-11 | K-181 | K-159 | K-50 (K-60)

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

Template:Oscar class submarine

Soviet naval ensign Russian naval ensign
Oscar-class submarine

Project 949 Granit (Oscar-I)
All Northern Fleet
K-525 Minskiy Komsomolets | K-206 Murmansk

Project 949A Antey (Oscar-II)
Northern Fleet
K-148 Krasnodar | K-119 Voronezh | K-410 Smolensk | K-266 Orel (ex-Severodvinsk) | K-186 Omsk | K-141 Kursk
Russian Pacific Fleet
K-132 Belgorod | K-173 Chelyabinsk | K-150 Tomsk | K-456 Kasatka

List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

MediaWiki:Quebec class submarine

Template:Quebec class submarine

MediaWiki:Romeo class submarine

Template:Romeo class submarine

Template:Sierra class submarine

Sierra-class submarine

Projekt 945 Barrakuda ("Sierra I")
K-239 Tula (ex-Karp) | K-276 Krab

Projekt 945A Kondor ("Sierra II")
K-534 Pskov | K-336 Nizhny Novgorod (ex-Okun) | K-123 Mars

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

MediaWiki:Tango class submarine

Template:Tango class submarine

MediaWiki:Uniform class submarine

Template:Uniform class submarine

Template:Victor class submarine

Victor-class submarine

Project 671, 671 V, 671 K — Yersh — Victor-I

Northern Fleet

K-38 | B-369 (ex-K-69) | K-147 | K-53 | K-306 | K-323 | K-370 | K-438 | K-367 | K-314 | K-398 | K-454 | K-462 | K-469 | K-481

Project 671 RT — Victor-II
Northern Fleet

K-387 | K-371 | K-476 | K-513 | K-517 | K-488 | K-495 |

Project 671 RTM — Shuka — Victor-III
Northern Fleet

K-138 | K-292 | K-324 | K-388 | K-327 | K-218 | K-254 | K-298 | K-502 | K-244 | K-255 | K-299 | K-358 | K-114 | K-448 | K-524

Pacific Fleet

K-242 | K-247 | K-251 | K-264 | K-305 | K-355 | K-360 | K-412 | K-492 | K-507

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

MediaWiki:Whiskey class submarine

Template:Whiskey class submarine

MediaWiki:X-Ray class submarine

Template:X-Ray class submarine

MediaWiki:Yankee class submarine

Template:Yankee class submarine

MediaWiki:Zulu class submarine

Template:Zulu class submarine

Template:Akula class submarine

Akula-class submarine

Projekt 971, 971U Schuka-B ("Akula-I")
K-480 Bars | K-317 Pantera | K-461 Volk | K-328 Leopard | K-154 Tigr

Projekt 971A, 971M Schuka-B ("Akula-II")
K-157 Vepr | K-335 Gepard | K-337 Kuguar

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

Template:Typhoon class submarine

Typhoon-class submarine

Projekt 941 Akula
Dmitri Donskoi (ТК-208) | ТК-202 | Simbirsk (ТК-12) | ТК-13 | Arkhangelsk (ТК-17) | Severstal (ТК-20) | ТК-210 (cancelled)

List of Soviet and Russian submarines
List of Soviet and Russian submarine classes

[edit] Canadian Forces Maritime Command

[edit] Frigates

Template:Halifax class frigate

Halifax-class multi-role patrol frigate

Halifax | Vancouver | Ville de Québec | Toronto | Regina | Calgary | Montréal | Fredericton | Winnipeg | Charlottetown | St. John's | Ottawa

List of ships of the Canadian Navy

[edit] Submarines

Template:Victoria class submarine

Victoria-class (SSK) submarine

Victoria | Windsor | Corner Brook | Chicoutimi |

List of ships of the Canadian Navy

[edit] Royal Australian Navy

[edit] Frigates

Template:Anzac class frigate

Anzac class frigate
Royal Australian Navy
Anzac | Arunta | Warramunga | Stuart | Parramatta | Ballarat | Toowoomba | Perth

Royal New Zealand Navy
Te Kaha | Te Mana

List of major warship classes of the Royal Australian Navy

[edit] Submarines

Template:Collins class submarine

Collins-class submarine

Collins | Farncomb | Waller | Dechaineux | Sheean | Rankin

List of ships of the Royal Australian Navy

[edit] Royal Norwegian Navy

[edit] Coastal battleships

Template:Norwegian coastal battleships

Norwegian coastal battleships
Tordenskjold class: Tordenskjold, Harald Haarfagre
Eidsvold class: Eidsvold, Norge
Bjørgvin class: Bjørgvin, Nidaros

Battleships of the Royal Norwegian Navy

[edit] Destroyers

Template:Norwegian destroyers

Norwegian destroyers
Draug class: Draug, Troll, Garm
Sleipner class: Sleipner, Gyller, Æger, Odin, Balder, Tor
S class: Svenner, Stord
Town class: Lincoln, St Albans, Mansfield, Bath, Newport
All Town class vessels was loaned from the Royal Navy
C class: Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger
Hunt class: Arendal, Haugesund, Tromsø

Destroyers of the Royal Norwegian Navy

[edit] Monitors

Template:Norwegian monitors

Norwegian monitors
Skorpionen class: Skorpionen, Mjølner, Thrudvang
Thor class: Thor

Monitors of the Royal Norwegian Navy

[edit] Gunships

Template:Norwegian gunships

Norwegian gunships
1. class:
Ellida, Sleipner, Viking and Frithjof
2. class:
Vale class: Vale, Brage, Nor, Uller and Vidar
Gor class: Gor and Tyr

Gunships of the Royal Norwegian Navy

[edit] Minelayers

Template:Norwegian minelayers

Norwegian minelayers
Glommen class: Glommen, Laugen
Olav Tryggvason
Vale (N53)
Gor class: Brage, Gor, Uller, Tyr
Formerly US Navy Auk class

Minelayers of the Royal Norwegian Navy

[edit] Japanese Navy

[edit] Aircraft carriers

Template:Akitsu Maru class aircraft carrier Template:Akitsu Maru class aircraft carrier

Template:Chitose class aircraft carrier

Chitose-class aircraft carrier

Chitose | Chiyoda

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Junyō class aircraft carrier Template:Junyō class aircraft carrier

Template:Shinane Maru class aircraft carrier Template:Shinane Maru class aircraft carrier

Template:Shōkaku class aircraft carrier

Shōkaku-class aircraft carrier

Shōkaku | Zuikaku

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Sōryū class aircraft carrier

Sōryū-class aircraft carrier

Sōryū | Hiryū

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Taiyō class aircraft carrier

Taiyō-class aircraft carrier

Taiyō | Chuyo | Unyo | Kaiyo | Shinyo

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Unryū class aircraft carrier

Unryū-class aircraft carrier

Unryū | Amagi | Katsuragi | Kasagi | Aso | Ikoma

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Yamashiro Maru class aircraft carrier Template:Yamashiro Maru class aircraft carrier

Template:Zuihō class aircraft carrier Template:Zuihō class aircraft carrier

[edit] Battleships

Template:Fuji class battleship

Fuji-class battleship

Fuji | Yashima

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Fusō class battleship

Fusō-class battleship

Fusō | Yamashiro

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Ise class battleship

Ise-class battleship

Ise | Hyūga

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Katori class battleship Template:Katori class battleship

Template:Kawachi class battleship Template:Kawachi class battleship

Template:Kongō class battleship

Kongō-class battlecruiser

Kongō | Hiei | Kirishima | Haruna

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Nagato class battleship

Nagato-class battleship

Nagato | Mutsu

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Satsuma class battleship Template:Satsuma class battleship

Template:Shikishima class battleship Template:Shikishima class battleship

Template:Yamato class battleship

Yamato-class battleship
Yamato | Musashi
Shinano-class aircraft carrier

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

[edit] Heavy cruisers

Template:Aoba class cruiser Template:Aoba class cruiser

Template:Asama class cruiser Template:Asama class cruiser

Template:Furutaka class cruiser

Furutaka-class cruiser

Furutaka | Kako | Aoba | Kinugasa

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Ibuki class cruiser

Ibuki-class cruiser

Ibuki | Kurama

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Kasuga class cruiser Template:Kasuga class cruiser

Template:Mogami class cruiser

Mogami-class cruiser

Mogami | Mikuma | Suzuya | Kumano

List of cruisers of the Imperial Japanese Navy
List of cruiser classes of the Imperial Japanese Navy

Template:Myōkō class cruiser

Myōkō-class cruiser

Myōkō | Ashigara | Nachi | Haguro

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Takao class cruiser

Takao-class cruiser

Takao | Maya | Chōkai | Atago

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Tone class cruiser

Tone-class cruiser

Tone | Chikuma

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Tsukuba class cruiser

Tsukuba-class cruiser

Tsukuba | Ikoma

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

[edit] Light cruisers

Template:Agano class cruiser

Agano-class cruiser

Agano | Yahagi | Noshiro | Sakawa

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Akashi class cruiser Template:Akashi class cruiser

Template:Chikuma class cruiser Template:Chikuma class cruiser

Template:Chitose class cruiser Template:Chitose class cruiser

Template:Katori class cruiser

Katori-class cruiser

Katori | Kashima | Kashii

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Kuma class cruiser

Kuma-class cruiser

Kuma | Tama | Kitakami | Oi | Kiso

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Matsushima class cruiser Template:Matsushima class cruiser

Template:Nagara class cruiser

Nagara-class cruiser

Nagara | Isuzu | Yura | Natori | Kinu | Abukuma

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Naniwa class cruiser Template:Naniwa class cruiser

Template:Ōyodo class cruiser Template:Ōyodo class cruiser

Template:Sendai class cruiser Template:Sendai class cruiser

Template:Tenryū class cruiser

Tenryū-class cruiser

Tenryū | Tatsuta

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Tsushima class cruiser Template:Tsushima class cruiser

Template:Yodo class cruiser Template:Yodo class cruiser

[edit] Destroyers

Template:Akatsuki class destroyer

Akatsuki-class destroyer

Akatsuki | Hibiki | Ikazuchi | Inazuma

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Akizuki class destroyer

Akizuki-class destroyer

Akizuki | Teruzuki | Suzutsuki | Hatsuzuki | Niizuki | Wakatsuki | Shimotsuki | Fuyuzuki | Hanazuki | Yoizuki | Haruzuki | Natsuzuki

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Asashio class destroyer

Asashio-class destroyer

Asashio | Oshio | Michishio | Arashio | Natsugumo | Yamagumo | Minegumo | Asagumo | Arare | Kasumi

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Fubuki class destroyer

Fubuki-class destroyer

Type I (Fubuki)
Fubuki | Shirayuki | Hatsuyuki | Miyuki | Murakumo | Shinonome | Usugumo | Shirakumo | Isonami | Uranami

Type II (Ayanami)
Ayanami | Shikinami | Asagiri | Yugiri | Amagiri | Sagiri | Oboro | Akebono | Sazanami | Ushio

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Hatsuharu class destroyer

Hatsuharu-class destroyer

Hatsuharu | Ariake | Hatsushimo | Nenohi | Wakaba | Yugure

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Kagero class destroyer

Kagero-class destroyer

Kagero | Kuroshio | Oyashio | Hatsukaze | Natsushio | Yukikaze | Hayashio | Maikaze | Isokaze | Shiranuhi | Amatsukaze | Tokitsukaze | Urakaze | Hamakaze | Nowaki | Arashi | Hagikaze | Tanikaze | Akigumo

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Kamikaze class destroyer

Kamikaze-class destroyer

Kamikaze | Harukaze | Asakaze | Matsukaze | Yunagi | Hatakaze | Oite | Hayate | Asanagi

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Matsu class destroyer

Matsu-class destroyer

Matsu | Momo | Take | Ume | Kuwa | Maki | Kiri | Sugi | Momi | Hinoki | Kashi | Kaya | Kaede | Sakura | Nara | Tsubaki | Keyaki | Yanagi | Tachibana | Nire | Tsuta | Hagi | Kaki | Shii | Nashi | Sumire | Enoki | Kusunoki | Odake | Hatsuzakura | Kaba | Hatsuume

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Minekaze class destroyer

Minekaze-class destroyer

Minekaze | Sawakaze | Okikaze | Hakaze | Yakaze | Akikaze | Shiokaze | Yukaze | Hokaze | Tachikaze | Nokaze | Namikaze | Numakaze

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Momi class destroyer Template:Momi class destroyer

Template:Mutsuki class destroyer

Mutsuki-class destroyer

Mutsuki | Fumizuki | Kikuzuki | Kisaragi | Mikazuki | Minazuki | Mochizuki | Nagatsuki | Satsuki | Uzuki | Yayoi | Yuzuki

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Otori class destroyer Template:Otori class destroyer

Template:Shiratsuyu class destroyer

Shiratsuyu-class destroyer

Shiratsuyu | Shigure | Murasame | Yudachi | Samidare | Harusame | Yamakaze | Kawakaze | Umikaze | Suzukaze

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

Template:Tachibana class destroyer Template:Tachibana class destroyer

Template:Tomozuru class destroyer Template:Tomozuru class destroyer

Template:Wakatake class destroyer Template:Wakatake class destroyer

Template:Yugumo class destroyer

Yugumo-class destroyer

Yugumo | Kazagumo | Makigumo | Makinami | Takanami | Naganami | Tamanami | Suzunami | Onami | Fujinami | Kishinami | Hayanami | Kiyonami | Okinami | Hamanami | Asashimo | Kiyoshimo | Hayashimo | Akishimo

List of ships of the Japanese Navy

[edit] Confederate States Navy

Template:CSN Armed Tugboats

Tugboats of the Confederate States Navy
Beaufort | Resolute

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN Cruisers

Cruisers of the Confederate States Navy
Alabama | Archer | Chickamauga | Clarence | Florida | Georgia | Nashville | Rappahannock | Shenandoah | Sumter | Tacony | Tallahassee

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN Gunboats

Gunboats of the Confederate States Navy
Chattahoochee | Curlew | Drewry | Ellis | Gaines | George Page | Governor Moore | Grand Duke | Hampton | Isondiga | Jackson | Lady Davis | McRae | Morgan | Oregon | Queen of the West | Sampson | Savannah | Teaser | Water Witch

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN Ironclads

Ironclads of the Confederate States Navy
Albemarle | Arkansas | Baltic | Chicora | Charleston | Columbia | Fredericksburg | Georgia | Louisiana | Manassas | Mississippi | Muscogee | Nashville | Neuse | North Carolina | Palmetto State | Raleigh | Richmond | Savannah | Stonewall | Tennessee I | Tennessee II | Texas | Virginia | Virginia II

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN Steamers

Steamers of the Confederate States Navy
Atlanta | Bombshell | Curlew | George Page | Governor Moore | Grand Duke | Jamestown | Nashville | Patrick Henry | Raleigh | Sea Bird | Selma

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN armed tugboats

Tugboats of the Confederate States Navy
Beaufort | Resolute

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN blockade runners

Blockade runners of the Confederate States Navy
Florida | Owl | Robert E. Lee
Caroline | PS Lelia | Memphis

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN cottonclad rams

Cottonclad rams of the Confederate States Navy
General Sterling Price

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN submersibles

Submersibles of the Confederate States Navy
H. L. Hunley

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN torpedo boats

Torpedo boats of the Confederate States Navy
David | Scorpion

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

‎Template:CSN transports

Transports of the Confederate States Navy
Bombshell | Cotton Plant

List of ships of the Confederate States Navy

[edit] German Navy

Template:Kaiser class battleship

Kaiser-class battleship

Kaiser | Friedrich der Große | Kaiserin| Prinzregent Luitpold | König Albert

List of German Imperial Navy ships

Template:K class cruiser

K-class cruiser

Königsberg | Karlsruhe | Köln

List of Kriegsmarine ships