Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Missing diseases/5
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- Faces syndrome
- Facial asymmetry temporal seizures
- Facial clefting corpus callosum agenesis
- Facial dysmorphism macrocephaly myopia Dandy Walker type
- Facial dysmorphism shawl scrotum joint laxity syndrome
- Facial paralysis
- Facies unusual arthrogryposis advanced skeletal malformations
- Facio digito genital syndrome recessive form
- Facio skeletal genital syndrome Rippberger type
- Facio thoraco genital syndrome
- Faciocardiomelic dysplasia lethal
- Faciocardiorenal syndrome
- Faciooculoacousticorenal syndrome
- Fahr's disease
- Fairbank disease
- Familial aortic dissection
- Familial band heterotopia
- Familial Cold Autoinflamatory Syndrome (FCAS)
- Familial Colorectal Cancer
- Familial deafness
- Familial dilated cardiomyopathy
- Familial emphysema
- Familial hyperchylomicronemia
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type I
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type III
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia type IV
- Familial hyperlipoproteinemia
- Familial hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- Familial hypertension
- Familial hypopituitarism
- Familial hypothyroidism
- Familial intestinal polyatresia syndrome
- Familial multiple trichodiscomas
- Familial myelofibrosis
- Familial nasal acilia
- Familial non-immune hyperthyroidism
- Familial opposable triphalangeal thumbs duplication
- Familial partial epilepsy with variable focus
- Familial porencephaly
- Familial supernumerary nipples
- Familial symmetric lipomatosis
- Familial Treacher Collins syndrome
- Familial veinous malformations
- Familial ventricular tachycardia
- Familial visceral myopathy
- Familial wilms tumor 2
- Fanconi anemia type 1
- Fanconi anemia type 2
- Fanconi anemia type 3
- Fanconi Bickel syndrome
- Fanconi ichthyosis dysmorphism
- Fanconi like syndrome
- Fanconi pancytopenia
- Fanconi syndrome, renal, with nephrocalcinosis and renal stones
- Fara Chlupackova syndrome
- Fas deficiency
- Faulk Epstein Jones syndrome
- Faye Petersen Ward Carey syndrome
- Fealty syndrome
- Fechtner syndrome
- Feigenbaum Bergeron Richardson syndrome
- Feigenbaum Bergeron syndrome
- Feingold Trainer syndrome
- Felty's Syndrome
- Female pseudohermaphrodism Genuardi type
- Female pseudohermaphrodism
- Femoral facial syndrome
- Femur bifid with monodactylous ectrodactyly
- Femur fibula ulna syndrome
- Fenton Wilkinson Toselano syndrome
- Ferlini Ragno Calzolari syndrome
- Fernhoff Blackston Oakley syndrome
- Ferrocalcinosis cerebro vascular
- Fetal acitretin syndrome
- Fetal akinesia syndrome X linked
- Fetal aminopterin syndrome
- Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
- Fetal antihypertensive drugs syndrome
- Fetal brain disruption sequence
- Fetal cytomegalovirus syndrome
- Fetal edema
- Fetal enterovirus syndrome
- Fetal indomethacin syndrome
- Fetal iodine syndrome
- Fetal left ventricular aneurysm
- Fetal methimazole syndrome
- Fetal minoxidil syndrome
- Fetal parainfluenza virus type 3 syndrome
- Fetal phenothiazine syndrome
- Fetal prostaglandin syndrome
- FG syndrome
- Fiber type disproportion, congenital
- Fibrinogen deficiency, congenital
- Fibrochondrogenesis
- Fibrolipomatosis
- Fibromatosis gingival hypertrichosis
- Fibromatosis multiple non ossifying
- Fibromuscular dysplasia of arteries
- Fibrosing alveolitis
- Fibrosing Mediastinitis
- Fibula aplasia complex brachydactyly
- Fibular aplasia ectrodactyly
- Fibular hypoplasia femoral bowing oligodactyly
- Fibular hypoplasia scapulo pelvic dysplasia absent
- Filippi syndrome
- Fine Lubinsky syndrome
- Fingerprints absence syndactyly milia
- Finnish lethal neonatal metabolic syndrome
- Finnish type amyloidosis
- Finucane Kurtz Scott syndrome
- Fish poisoning
- Fish-eye disease
- Fistulous vegetative verrucous hydradenoma
- Fitzsimmons Walson Mellor syndrome
- Fitzsimmons-Guilbert syndrome
- Fitzsimmons-McLachlan-Gilbert syndrome
- Flavimonas oryzihabitans
- Floating-harbor syndrome
- Florid cystic endosalpingiosis of the uterus
- Flotch syndrome
- Focal agyria pachygyria
- Focal alopecia congenital megalencephaly
- Focal dermal hypoplasia
- Focal facial dermal dysplasia
- Focal or multifocal malformations in neuronal migration
- Foix Chavany Marie syndrome
- Follicular atrophoderma-basal cell carcinoma
- Follicular Dendritic Cell Tumor
- Follicular hamartoma alopecia cystic fibrosis
- Follicular ichthyosis
- Follicular lymphoreticuloma
- Fontaine Farriaux Blanckaert syndrome
- Forbes Albright syndrome
- Forestier's disease
- Forney Robinson Pascoe syndrome
- Fowler Christmas Chapele syndrome
- Fox-Fordyce disease
- Frölich's syndrome
- Fragile X syndrome type 1
- Fragile X syndrome type 2
- Fragile X syndrome type 3
- Fragoso Cid Garcia Hernandez syndrome
- Franceschetti-Klein syndrome
- Francheschini Vardeu Guala syndrome
- Francois dyscephalic syndrome
- Franek Bocker kahlen syndrome
- Fraser Jequier Chen syndrome
- Fraser like syndrome
- Frasier syndrome
- FRAXE syndrome
- Free sialic acid storage disease
- Freiberg's disease
- Freire Maia odontotrichomelic syndrome
- Freire Maia Pinheiro Opitz syndrome
- Frenkel Russe syndrome
- Frias syndrome
- Fried Goldberg Mundel syndrome
- Friedel Heid Grosshans syndrome
- Friedman Goodman syndrome
- Friedreich ataxia congenital glaucoma
- Frigophobia
- Fronto nasal malformation cloacal exstrophy
- Frontofacionasal dysplasia type Al gazali
- Fronto-facio-nasal dysplasia
- Frontometaphyseal dysplasia
- Frontonasal dysplasia acromelic
- Frontonasal dysplasia klippel feil syndrome
- Frontonasal dysplasia phocomelic upper limbs
- Frontonasal dysplasia
- Froster huch syndrome
- Froster Iskenius Waterson syndrome
- Fructose-1-phosphate aldolase deficiency, heredita
- Fructosemia, hereditary
- Fructosuria
- Frydman Cohen Ashenazi syndrome
- Frydman Cohen Karmon syndrome
- Fryer syndrome
- Fryns Fabry Remans syndrome
- Fryns Hofkens Fabry syndrome
- Fryns smeets thiry syndrome
- Fucosidosis type 1
- Fucosidosis
- Fuhrmann Rieger De sousa syndrome
- Fukuda Miyanomae Nakata syndrome
- Fumaric aciduria
- Functioning pancreatic endocrine tumor
- Fuqua Berkovitz syndrome
- Furlong Kurczynski Hennessy syndrome
- Furukawa Takagi Nakao syndrome
- Furunculous myiasis
- Fused mandibular incisors
- G syndrome
- Galactokinase deficiency
- Galactorrhoea-Hyperprolactinaemia
- Galactosamine-6-sulfatase deficiency
- Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase deficiency
- Gamborg Nielsen syndrome
- Game Friedman Paradice syndrome
- Gamma aminobutyric acid transaminase deficiency
- Gamma-cystathionase deficiency
- Gamma-sarcoglycanopathy
- Gamstorp episodic adynamy
- Gangliosidosis (Type2)(GM2)
- Gangliosidosis GM1 type 3
- Gangliosidosis type1
- Garcia Torres Guarner syndrome
- Gardner Morrisson Abbot syndrome
- Gardner Silengo Wachtel syndrome
- Gardner-Diamond syndrome
- Garret Tripp syndrome
- Gas/bloat syndrome
- Gastritis, familial giant hypertrophic
- Gastrocutaneous syndrome
- Gastroenteritis, eosinophilic
- Gastro-enteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
- Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumor
- Gastrointestinal neoplasm
- Gaucher ichthyosis restrictive dermopathy
- Gaucher-like disease
- Gay Feinmesser Cohen syndrome
- Geen Sandford Davison syndrome
- Gelatinous ascites
- Geliphobia
- Gemignani syndrome
- Gemss syndrome
- Genée-Wiedemann syndrome
- Generalized malformations in neuronal migration
- Generalized resistance to thyroid hormone
- Generalized seizure
- Generalized torsion dystonia
- Genes syndrome
- Genetic reflex epilepsy
- Genetic susceptibility to infections caused by BCG
- Geniophobia
- Genital anomaly cardiomyopathy
- Genital dwarfism, Turner type
- Genital dwarfism
- Genito palatocardiac syndrome
- Genu valgum, st. Helena familial
- Genuphobia
- German syndrome
- Germinal cell aplasia
- Gerodermia osteodysplastica
- Gershinibaruch Leibo syndrome
- Gestational pemphigoid
- Ghosal syndrome
- Ghose Sachdev Kumar syndrome
- Gianotti-Crosti syndrome
- Giant cell myocarditis
- Giant congenital nevi
- Giant ganglionic hyperplasia
- Giant hypertrophic gastritis
- Giant mammary hamartoma
- Giant pigmented hairy nevus
- Giant platelet syndrome
- Giedion syndrome
- Gigantism advanced bone age hoarse cry
- Gigantism partial, nevi, hemihypertrophy, macrocephaly
- Gingival fibromatosis dominant
- Gingival fibromatosis facial dysmorphism
- Gingival fibrosis
- Girate atrophy of choroid and retina
- Glass Chapman Hockley syndrome
- Glaucoma ecopia microspherophakia stiff joints short stature
- Glaucoma iridogoniodysgenesia
- Glaucoma sleep apnea
- Glaucoma type 1C
- Glaucoma, congenital
- Glaucoma, hereditary adult type 1A
- Glaucoma, hereditary juvenile type 1B
- Glaucoma, hereditary
- Glaucoma, primary infantile type 3A
- Glaucoma, primary infantile type 3B
- Gliosarcoma
- Globel disaccharide intolerance
- Glomerulonephritis sparse hair telangiectases
- Glomerulosclerosis
- Gloomy face syndrome
- Glossopalatine ankylosis micrognathia ear anomalies
- Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
- Glucocorticoid deficiency, familial
- Glucocorticoid resistance
- Glucocorticoid sensitive hypertension
- Glucose-6-phosphate translocase deficiency
- Glucose-galactose malabsorption
- Glucosephosphate isomerase deficiency
- Glucosidase acid-1,4-alpha deficiency
- Glut2 deficiency
- Glutamate decarboxylase deficiency
- Glutamate-aspartate transport defect
- Glutaricaciduria I
- Glutaricaciduria II
- Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
- Glycine synthase deficiency
- Glycogen storage disease type 1C
- Glycogen storage disease type 1D
- Glycogen storage disease type 6, due to phosphorylation
- Glycogen storage disease type 7
- Glycogen storage disease type 9
- Glycogen storage disease type VI
- Glycogen storage disease type VII
- Glycogen storage disease type VIII
- Glycogenosis type II
- Glycogenosis type III
- Glycogenosis type V
- Glycogenosis type VI
- Glycogenosis type VII
- Glycogenosis type VIII
- Glycogenosis, type 0
- GM2 gangliosidosis, 0 variant
- GM2-gangliosidosis, B, B1, AB variant
- Gms syndrome
- Goldberg Bull syndrome
- Goldberg syndrome
- Goldblatt Viljoen syndrome
- Goldblatt Wallis syndrome
- Goldblatt Wallis Zieff syndrome
- Goldskag Cooks Hertz syndrome
- Goldstein Hutt syndrome
- Gollop Coates syndrome
- Gollop syndrome
- Goltz syndrome
- Gombo syndrome
- Gomez and López-Hernández syndrome
- Goniodysgenesis mental retardation short stature
- Gonzales Del Angel syndrome
- Goodman camptodactyly
- Gordon hyperkaliemia-hypertension syndrome
- Gordon syndrome
- Gorham syndrome
- Gorham-Stout disease
- Gorlin Bushkell Jensen syndrome
- Gorlin Chaudhry Moss syndrome
- Gottron's syndrome
- Gougerot-Sjogren syndrome
- Gouty nephropathy, familial
- Graham Boyle Troxell syndrome
- Grand Kaine Fulling syndrome
- Grant syndrome
- Granulomas, congenital cerebral
- Granulomatosis, lymphomatoid
- Granulomatous allergic angiitis
- Granulomatous hypophysitis
- Granulomatous rosacea
- Graphite Pneumoconiosis
- Gray platelet syndrome
- Greenberg dysplasia
- Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome GCPS
- Grix Blankenship Peterson syndrome
- Groll Hirschowitz syndrome
- Grosse syndrome
- Grover's disease
- Growth deficiency brachydactyly unusual facies
- Growth mental deficiency syndrome of Myhre
- Growth retardation alopecia pseudoanodontia optic
- Growth retardation hydrocephaly lung hypoplasia
- Growth retardation mental retardation phalangeal hypoplasia
- Grubben Decock Borghgraef syndrome
- GTP cyclohydrolase deficiency
- Guérin-Stern syndrome
- Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency
- Guibaud Vainsel syndrome
- Guizar Vasquez Luengas syndrome
- Guizar Vasquez Sanchez Manzano syndrome
- Gunal Seber Basaran syndrome
- Gupta Patton syndrome
- Gurrieri Sammito Bellussi syndrome
- Gusher syndrome
- Gyrate atrophy of the retina
- Gyrate atrophy