Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Hotlist of Plants/FlowersWK

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Plant list from "Wild Flowers Worth Knowing".

(link to the text on Gutenberg is here).


[edit] References

[edit] A

  1. Agueweed = Gentiana quinquefolia = Gentianella quinquefolia = ague weed = five-flowered gentian = stiff gentian
  2. Alsine media
  3. American senna = Senna hebecarpa
  4. Amphicarpa monoica
  5. Anaphalis margarilacea
  6. Angel's hair = Silver Mound Artemisia = Artemisia schmidtiana Maxim. [1]
  7. Anthemis Cotula
  8. Apios

[edit] B

  1. Balmony; Snake-head; Turtle-head; Shellflower; Cod-head - Chelone glabra
  2. Baptisia tinctoria
  3. Beech-drops; beechdrops - Epifagus virginiana
  4. Bell-bind
  5. Bird's-foot violet - Viola pedata
  6. Bird's-nest
  7. Birth-root
  8. Bishop's cap
  9. Bitter-bloom
  10. Bitter-buttons
  11. Bitter-root
  12. Bitterweed
  13. Blind gentian
  14. Blister-flower
  15. Blowball
  16. Blue aster
  17. Blue bells of Scotland
  18. Blue bindweed
  19. Blue cardinal flower
  20. Blue Curls
  21. Blue curls
  22. Blue Mountain tea
  23. Blue sailors
  24. Blue spring daisy
  25. Blue starworts or Purple starworts
  26. Blue tare or Tufted tare or Cow tare
  27. Blue toadflax or Wild toadflax
  28. Blue vervain
  29. Bluebell family
  30. Blue-devil
  31. Blue-sailors
  32. Blue-stemmed golden-rod
  33. Bluets
  34. Blue-weed
  35. Bottle gentian
  36. Branching aster
  37. Brideweed
  38. Broad-leaved arrow-head
  39. Broad-leaved aster
  40. Broad-leaved golden-rod
  41. Broad-leaved kalmia
  42. Broad-leaved kalmia
  43. Bruisewort
  44. Brunella
  45. Buttercups
  46. Butter-flower
  47. Butterfly-weed
  48. Button-ball shrub
  49. Button-bush

[edit] C

  1. Canada golden-rod = Solidago canadensis = Canada Goldenrod [2]
  2. Canadian rockrose = Helianthemum canadense
  3. Capsella Bursa-pastoris
  4. Carpenter weed
  5. Cassia marylandica
  6. Castalia odorata
  7. Castilleja coccinea
  8. Ceanothus americanus
  9. Chamaenerion angustifolium
  10. Chelone glabra
  11. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum
  12. Chrysopsis
  13. Cichorium Intybus
  14. Clammy Azalea - Rhododendron viscosum
  15. Clammy azalea - Rhododendron viscosum
  16. Clasping bellflower - Triodanis perfoliata syn: Specularia perfoliata and Legouzia perfoliata
  17. Clasping bell-flower - Triodanis perfoliata
  18. Closed gentian
  19. Closed gentian or Blind gentian or Bottle Gentian
  20. Cocash - Aster puniceus
  21. Cod-head
  22. Cohosh
  23. Commelina virginica
  24. Common cinquefoil - Potentilla canadensis
  25. Common daisy
  26. Common dandelion
  27. Common meadow buttercup
  28. Common milkwort or Field milkwort or Purple milkwort - Polygala sanguinea
  29. Common purple violet or Meadow violet or Hood blue violet
  30. Common red clover or Purple clover or Meadow clover
  31. Common speedwell
  32. Common thoroughwort
  33. Coolwort
  34. Corn campion or Red campion
  35. Corn mustard
  36. Corn rose
  37. Corpse-plant
  38. Cottonweed
  39. Cow lily
  40. Crataegus coccinea
  41. Creator spiked willow-herb
  42. Crown-of-the-field
  43. Culver's root or Culver's physic
  44. Cuscuta gronovii
  45. Cypripedium pubescens or Cypripedium hirsutum

[edit] D

  1. Daisy fleabane - Erigeron annuus
  2. Daisy-leaved fleabane
  3. Daisy-leaved fleabane
  4. Dasystoma flava
  5. Daucus carota
  6. Day-flower
  7. Deer berry
  8. Dense-flowered aster
  9. Devil's paint-brush
  10. Devil's paint-brush
  11. Devil's trumpet
  12. Dew-plant
  13. Dicentra canadensis
  14. Dicentra cucuilaria
  15. Dillweed
  16. Dodecathon meadia
  17. Dogbane family
  18. Dog-fennel
  19. Dog's Camomile
  20. Dog's Camomile or Foetid camomile
  21. Dog-tooth "violet"
  22. Dog-tooth "violet" - Erythronium grandiflorum
  23. Dogwood family
  24. Downy false foxglove, Downy false-foxglove - Aureolaria virginica
  25. Downy yellow violet
  26. Dragon's blood
  27. Droseraceae
  28. Dutch clover
  29. Dutchman's breeches
  30. Dwarf cornel
  31. Dwarf wake-robin - Trillium pusillum
  32. Dyer's weed - Solidago rugosa

[edit] E

  1. Ear-drops
  2. Early hawkweed or Vein leaf hawkweed - Hieracium venosum
  3. Early purple aster - Aster puniceus, syn: Symphyotrichum puniceum
  4. Early saxifrage - Saxifraga virginiensis
  5. Eggs-and-bacon Lotus corniculatus L. = Common Bird's-foot-trefoil
  6. Elecampane
  7. English violet
  8. English violet or March violet or Sweet violet
  9. Epifagus virginiana
  10. Epigaea repens
  11. Epilobium angustifolium
  12. Ericaceae
  13. Erigeron
  14. Erythronium americanum
  15. Eupatorium
  16. Evening primrose family
  17. Evening primrose
  18. Eye-bright - Eyebright - Euphrasia officinalis

[edit] F

  1. Falcata comosa
  2. False beech-drops
  3. False Beech-drops
  4. False miterwort
  5. False miterwort
  6. False sarsaparilla
  7. False Solomon's seal
  8. False solomon's seal
  9. Farewell summer
  10. Felonwort
  11. Field golden-rod
  12. Field lily
  13. Field milkwort
  14. Field mustard or Field kale
  15. Field parsnip
  16. Figwort family
  17. Fire-weed
  18. Five-finger - Potentilla canadensis
  19. Flame lily
  20. Flannel plant
  21. Flat top
  22. Flaxweed
  23. Fleur-de-lis
  24. Flower-de-luce
  25. Flowering dogwood
  26. Flowering dogwood
  27. Flowering wintergreen
  28. Flowering wintergreen
  29. Fluellin
  30. Fly-trap dogbane
  31. Foam-flower
  32. Foetid camomile
  33. Forget-me-not
  34. Four-leaved loosestrife or Whorled loosestrife - Lysimachia quadrifolia
  35. Fragrant balm
  36. Fragrant thistle
  37. Fringed gentian
  38. Fringed gentian
  39. Fringed milkwort
  40. Fringed milkwort
  41. Fringed polygala
  42. Frost-flower or Frost-wort
  43. Frost-weed
  44. Fuller's herb
  45. Fumariaceae
  46. Fumitory family

[edit] G

  1. Garget
  2. Gaultheria procumbens
  3. Gay orchis
  4. Gay wings
  5. Gentian family
  6. Gentiana
  7. Gentianaceae
  8. Geraniaceae
  9. Geranium family
  10. Geranium Robertianum
  11. Gerardia
  12. Ghost-flower
  13. Giant St. John's-wort
  14. Giant sunflower
  15. Ginseng family
  16. Globe-flower
  17. Goldcups
  18. Golden aster
  19. Golden Jerusalem
  20. Golden mouse-ear hawkweed
  21. Golden mouse-ear hawkweed
  22. Golden mouse-ear hawkweed
  23. Golden-rods
  24. Gold-thread
  25. Grass of Parnassus
  26. Grass pink
  27. Gravel-root
  28. Great bindweed
  29. Great laurel
  30. Great laurel
  31. Great lobelia
  32. Great lobelia
  33. Great mullein
  34. Great mullein
  35. Great rhododendron
  36. Great St. John's-wort
  37. Great willow-herb
  38. Greater celandine
  39. Greater celandine
  40. Gronovius' dodder
  41. Gronovius' dodder or Common dodder
  42. Ground laurel
  43. Ground laurel
  44. Ground pink
  45. Groundhele
  46. Ground-nut
  47. Gulf orchis
  48. Gulf orchis or Tubercled orchis or Small pale green orchis

[edit] H

  1. Habenaria blephariglottis
  2. Habenaria ciliaris
  3. Habenaria fimbriata or Habenaria grandiflora
  4. Habenaria flava
  5. Hairbell
  6. Hairy beard-tongue - Penstemon hirsutus
  7. Hairy Beard-tongue - Penstemon hirsutus
  8. Hairy golden aster - Chrysopsis vilosa
  9. Hamamelidaceae
  10. Hardhack
  11. Harebell
  12. Hawthorn
  13. Heal-all
  14. Heart-leaved aster - Aster cordifolius
  15. Heart-of-the-earth - Prunella vulgaris
  16. Heath family
  17. Hedge bindweed or Great bindweed
  18. Hedge mustard
  19. Hedge pink
  20. Helenium autumnale
  21. Helianthemum
  22. Helianthus giganteus
  23. Hellebore
  24. Helmet-flower - Scutellaria lateriflora
  25. Hepatica
  26. Herb Robert
  27. Hibiscus moscheutos
  28. Hieracium
  29. High heal-all
  30. Highbush blackberry
  31. Hoary frost-weed - Helianthemum majus
  32. Hog apple
  33. Hog peanut - Amphicarpa monoica syn:Falcata comosa
  34. Honey lotus
  35. Honey-balls
  36. Honey-bloom
  37. Honeysuckle clover or White clover or Dutch clover
  38. Hooded blue violet - Viola cucullata
  39. Hoodwort - Scutellaria lateriflora
  40. Horse thistle
  41. Horsefly-weed
  42. Horseheal
  43. Horse-weed - Lactuca canadensis
  44. Houstonia
  45. Huntsman's cup
  46. Hypericaceae
  47. Hypericum
  48. Hypoxis hirsuta or Hypoxis erecta

[edit] I

  1. Ice-plant
  2. Ill-scented wake-robin
  3. Immortelle
  4. Impatiens aurea or Impatiens pallida
  5. Impatiens biflora or Impatiens fulva
  6. Indian dipper
  7. Indian paint
  8. Indian paint
  9. Indian paint-brush
  10. Indian paint-brush
  11. Indian pink
  12. Indian pipe
  13. Indian poke
  14. Indian root
  15. Indian root
  16. Indian sage
  17. Indian turnip
  18. Indian's plume
  19. Indigo broom
  20. Ink-berry
  21. Innocence
  22. Inula Helenium
  23. Iridaceae
  24. Iris family
  25. Iris versicolor
  26. Iron-weed
  27. Itch-weed

[edit] J

[edit] K

  1. Kalmia
  2. Kidney liver-leaf - Hepatica americana
  3. Kidney-root - Eupatorium purpureum
  4. Kingcup
  5. Kinnikinnick

[edit] L

  1. Labiatae
  2. Lactuca canadensis
  3. Lady's eardrops
  4. Lady's nightcap
  5. Lady's slippers
  6. Lady's thimble
  7. Lamb-kill
  8. Lance-leaved violet
  9. Lance-leaved violet
  10. Large aster
  11. Large orchis or Early purple-fringed orchis
  12. Large purple gerardia
  13. Large purple gerardia
  14. Large purple-fringed orchis or Early purple-fringed orchis
  15. Large yellow lady's slipper
  16. Large yellow pond lily or Water lily
  17. Large yellow pond or Large water lily
  18. Large-flowered everlasting
  19. Large-flowered wake-robin
  20. Larger blue flag
  21. Larger blue flag
  22. Late purple aster
  23. Legouzia perfoliata
  24. Leguminosae
  25. Leonurus Cardiaca
  26. Leptandra virginica
  27. Liliaceae
  28. Lilium canadense
  29. Lilium philadelphicum
  30. Lilium superbum
  31. Lily family
  32. Limodorum tuberosum
  33. Linaria
  34. Lion's Tooth
  35. Liver-leaf
  36. Liverwort
  37. Lobelia family
  38. Lobeliaceae
  39. Long-branched frost-weed
  40. Long-branched frost-weed
  41. Lousewort
  42. Love me
  43. Love vine
  44. Love-me-not or Love-me - not sure about this name...
  45. Low cornel
  46. Low cornel
  47. Low purple aster
  48. Lupinus perennis
  49. Lysimachia quadrifolia

[edit] M

  1. Madder family
  2. Mad-dog skullcap
  3. Mad-dog skullcap
  4. Madnep
  5. Madweed
  6. Mallow family
  7. Mallow rose
  8. Mallow rose
  9. Malvaceae
  10. Mandrake
  11. March violet
  12. Marguerite
  13. Marsh buttercup
  14. Marsh mallow
  15. Marsh mallow
  16. Marsh marigold
  17. Marsh marigold
  18. Marsh pink
  19. Maruta Cotula
  20. May apple
  21. May apple
  22. May weed
  23. Mayflower
  24. Meadow clover
  25. Meadow lily
  26. Meadow rose
  27. Meadow scabish
  28. Meadow scabish
  29. Meadow violet
  30. Meadow-gowan
  31. Meadow-rues
  32. Meadow-sweet
  33. Melilotus alba
  34. [[Michaelmas daisy
  35. Michaelmas daisy
  36. Milfoil
  37. Milkweed family
  38. Milkwort family
  39. Mimulus ringens
  40. Mint family
  41. Mitchella vine
  42. Mitella diphylla
  43. Miterwort
  44. Moccasin flowers
  45. Monarda
  46. Monkey-flower
  47. Monotropa Hypopitis
  48. Monotropa uniflora
  49. Moonshine
  50. Moss pink
  51. Moth mullein
  52. Moth mullein
  53. Mother's heart
  54. Motherwort
  55. Mountain laurel
  56. Mountain laurel or American laurel
  57. Mountain mint
  58. Mountain tea
  59. Mountain tea or Ground tea
  60. Mouse-ear
  61. Mullein dock
  62. Mullein dock
  63. Mustard family
  64. Mustards
  65. Myosotis scorpioides or Myosotis palustris

[edit] N

  1. Nancy-over-the-ground
  2. Narrow-leaved laurel
  3. Narrow-leaved laurel
  4. New England aster
  5. New Jersey tea
  6. Nigger-head
  7. Night willow-herb
  8. Night willow-herb
  9. Nightshade family
  10. Nightshade
  11. Noble liverwort
  12. Nodding ladies' tresses or Nodding ladies' traces
  13. Nodding lady's tresses or Nodding lady's traces
  14. Nodding wake-robin
  15. None-so-pretty
  16. Nosebleed
  17. Nuphar advena
  18. Nymphaea advena
  19. Nymphaea odorata
  20. Nymphaeaceae

[edit] O

  1. Oenothera biennis
  2. Old maid's bonnets
  3. Old maid's pink
  4. Old man's beard
  5. Old man's pepper
  6. Onagraceae
  7. Orange hawkweed or Tawny hawkweed
  8. Orange milkweed
  9. Orange-root
  10. Orchidaceae
  11. Orchis family
  12. Orchis spectabilis
  13. Orobanchaceae
  14. Oswego tea
  15. Oswego tea
  16. Oxalidaceae
  17. Oxalis acetosella
  18. Oxalis violacea
  19. Ox-eye daisy
  20. Ox-eye daisy

[edit] P

  1. Painted trillium - Trillium undulatum
  2. Pale touch-me-not - Impatiens pallida
  3. Papaveraceae
  4. Pardanthus chinensis
  5. Parnassia
  6. Parsley family
  7. Partridge vine
  8. Partridge-berry
  9. Pastinaca sativa
  10. Pasture thistle or Fragrant thistle - Cirsium discolor
  11. Paul's betony
  12. Pearly everlasting
  13. Pearly everlasting or Large-flowered everlasting
  14. Peasant's clock - Taraxacum officinale
  15. Pedicularis canadensis
  16. Pentstemon hirsutus or Pentstemon pubescens
  17. Pepperidge-bush
  18. Philadelphia lily - Lilium philadelphicum
  19. Phlox subulata
  20. Phytolaccaceae
  21. Pickerel-weed
  22. Pigeon-berry - Rivina humilis
  23. Pig-sty daisy
  24. Pine sap
  25. Pink azalea - Rhododendron periclymenoides
  26. Pink family
  27. Pink jointweed
  28. Pink knotweed - Polygonum capitatum
  29. Pinxter flower - Rhododendron periclymenoides
  30. Pipsissewa
  31. Pitcher-plant family
  32. Pitcher-plant
  33. Pleurisy-root
  34. Plume golden-rod - Solidago juncea
  35. Plume thistle
  36. Plumed thistle
  37. Podophyllum peltatum
  38. Pointed blue-eyed grass - Sisyrinchium angustifolium
  39. Poison-flower
  40. Pokeweed family
  41. Polemoniaceae
  42. Polemonium family
  43. Polygala sanguinea or Polygala viridescens
  44. Polygalaceae
  45. Polygonaceae
  46. Polygonatum biflorum
  47. Polygonum pensylvanicum
  48. Pond lily
  49. Pond lily
  50. Pontederia cordata
  51. Poor man's weatherglass or Shepherd's weatherglass
  52. Poor Robin's plantain
  53. Poppy family
  54. Portulacaceae
  55. Potentilla canadensis
  56. Pride of Ohio - Dodecatheon meadia
  57. Primrose family
  58. Primrose-leaved violet - Viola primulifolia
  59. Primulaceae
  60. Prince's pine
  61. Prunella vulgaris
  62. Pulse family
  63. Purple aster - Aster patens syn: Symphyotrichum patens
  64. Purple azalea
  65. Purple cone-flower
  66. Purple daisy
  67. Purple milkweed
  68. Purple polygala - Polygala sanguinea
  69. Purple thoroughwort
  70. Purple-flowering raspberry or Virginia raspberry
  71. Purple-stemmed aster - Aster puniceus syn: Symphyotrichum puniceum
  72. Purslane family

[edit] Q

  1. Quaker bonnets - Lupinus perennis and Lupinus polyphyllus
  2. Quaker ladies
  3. Quaker lady - Quaker lady tall bearded iris and Quaker lady hosta
  4. Queen Anne's lace
  5. Queen-of-the-meadow

[edit] R

  1. Ranunculaceae
  2. Ranunculus acris
  3. Rattlesnake-weed
  4. Red chickweed
  5. Red haw
  6. Red lobelia
  7. Red puccoon
  8. Red robin
  9. Red shanks
  10. Red-root
  11. Red-stalked aster
  12. Rhamnaceae
  13. Rhododendron maximum
  14. Rhododendron nudiflorum
  15. Rhododendron viscosum
  16. River-bush
  17. Roadside thistle
  18. Robert's plantain
  19. Robin's plantain
  20. Rockrose family
  21. Rosa
  22. Rosaceae
  23. Rose corn cockle
  24. Rose family
  25. Rose of Plymouth
  26. Rose-pink
  27. Rose-tree
  28. Rosy centaury
  29. Rosy centaury
  30. Round-leaved sundew
  31. Round-lobed liver-leaf
  32. Rubiaceae
  33. Rubus odoratus
  34. Rubus villosus
  35. Rudbeckia hirta
  36. Rue anemone
  37. Rutland beauty

[edit] S

  1. Sabbatia
  2. Sagittaria latifolia
  3. Sagittaria variabilis
  4. Salt-marsh fleabane
  5. Salt-marsh fleabane
  6. Sanguinaria canadensis
  7. Saponaria officinalis
  8. Sarracenaceae
  9. Saxifragaceae
  10. Saxifrage family
  11. Scarlet berry or Snake berry
  12. Scarlet painted cup
  13. Scoke
  14. Scorpion grass
  15. Scrophularaceae
  16. Scutellaria laterifolia
  17. Sea pink
  18. Seaside purple aster
  19. Self-heal
  20. Sessile-flowered wake-robin - Trillium sessile
  21. Sharp-toothed golden-rod
  22. Sheep-laurel
  23. Sheep-poison
  24. Shellflower
  25. Shepherd's purse
  26. Shepherd's weatherglass or Shepherd's clock
  27. Shooting star
  28. Shooting star
  29. Showy orchis
  30. Showy purple aster
  31. Shrubby St. John's-wort
  32. Side-saddle flower
  33. Silene pennsylvanica or Silene caroliniana
  34. Silene stellata
  35. Silkweed
  36. Silky cornel
  37. Silky cornel
  38. Silver cap
  39. Silver leaf
  40. Simpler's joy
  41. Sisymbrium officinale
  42. Sisyrinchium angustifolium
  43. Skunk cabbage
  44. Small pale green orchis
  45. Smartweed
  46. Smilacina racemosa
  47. Smilax herbacea
  48. Smooth aster
  49. Smooth yellow violet
  50. Smooth yellow violet
  51. Smoother rose
  52. Snake berry
  53. Snake grass
  54. Snake plantain
  55. Snake plantain or Poor Robin's plantain
  56. Snake-flower
  57. Snake-head
  58. Snap weed
  59. Sneezeweed
  60. Soapwort
  61. Solanaceae
  62. Soldier's cap
  63. Solidago
  64. Solomon's seal
  65. Solomon's zig-zag
  66. Spatterdock
  67. Spear thistle
  68. Specularia perfoliata
  69. Spice berry
  70. Spiderwort family
  71. Spignet
  72. Spiked willow-herb
  73. Spikenard
  74. Spiraea salicifolia
  75. Spiraea tomentosa
  76. Spiranthes cernua
  77. Spoonwood
  78. Spotted geranium
  79. Spotted pipsissewa
  80. Spotted touch-me-not
  81. Spotted wintergreen
  82. Spotted wintergreen or Spotted pipsissewa
  83. Spreading dogbane
  84. Spreading dogbane or Fly-trap dogbane
  85. Spring beauty
  86. Spring orchis
  87. Square-stemmed sabbatia
  88. Square-stemmed sabbatia
  89. Squaw-berry
  90. Squirrel corn
  91. Squirrel corn
  92. Squirrel cup
  93. St. John's-wort family
  94. St. John's-worts
  95. Star anemone
  96. Star Anemone
  97. Star-flower
  98. Starry aster
  99. Starry campion
  100. Starry campion
  101. Starwort
  102. Starworts
  103. Steeple bush
  104. Stellaria media
  105. Stemless lady's slipper
  106. Stramonium
  107. Strangle-weed
  108. Succory
  109. Sundew family
  110. Sundial
  111. Swallow-wort
  112. Swamp buttercup
  113. Swamp cabbage
  114. Swamp dogwood
  115. Swamp rose mallow
  116. Swamp rose
  117. Swamp rose-mallow
  118. Swamp sunflower
  119. Swanweed
  120. Sweet golden-rod
  121. Sweet scabious
  122. Sweet scabious
  123. Sweet violet
  124. Sweet white violet
  125. Sweet white violet
  126. Sweetbrier
  127. Sweet-scented white water lily
  128. Sweet-scented white water-lily
  129. Symplocarpus foetidus
  130. Syndesmon thalictroides

[edit] T

  1. Tall boneset or Purple boneset - Eupatorium altissimum
  2. Tall bugbane - Cimicifuga elata
  3. Tall crowfoot
  4. Tall hairy golden-rod probably Solidago rugosa
  5. Tall lettuce
  6. Tall lettuce or Wild lettuce
  7. Tall meadow-rue - Thalictrum pubescens
  8. Tall sunflower or Giant sunflower - Helianthus giganteus
  9. Tanacetum vulgare
  10. Tank
  11. Tansy
  12. Tawny hawkweed
  13. Thalictrum
  14. Thorn apple
  15. Thorn apple
  16. Tiarella cordifolia
  17. Tinegrass
  18. Touch-me-not family
  19. Trailing arbutus
  20. Trailing arbutus
  21. Traveller's joy
  22. Tree clover
  23. Trientalis americana
  24. Trifolium pratense
  25. Trifolium repens
  26. Trilliums
  27. Trout lily - Erythronium americanum
  28. True wood-sorrel - Oxalis montana
  29. Trumpet weed - Eupatorium purpureum
  30. Trumpet-leaf
  31. Tubercled orchis - probably Platanthera flava
  32. Tufted buttercup - Ranunculus fascicularis
  33. Tufted vetch
  34. Turban lily both Lilium martagon and Lilium pomponium
  35. Turk's cap both Lilium martagon and Lilium superbum, dab could also have the turk's-cap cactus Melocactus communis
  36. Turtle-head - Chelone glabra
  37. Twin-berry

[edit] U

  1. Umbelliferae

[edit] V

  1. Vein-leaf hawkweed - Vernonia noveboracensis
  2. Velvet plant
  3. Venus' lady's slipper
  4. Venus' looking-glass
  5. Venus' pride - probably Houstonia purpurea L. var. montana
  6. Veratrum viride
  7. Verbascum
  8. Verbenaceae
  9. Vernonia noveboracensis
  10. Veronica
  11. Vervain family
  12. Vicia cracea
  13. Viola
  14. Violaceae
  15. Violet family
  16. Violet wood-sorrel - Oxalis violacea
  17. Viper's bugloss
  18. Viper's herb or Viper's grass
  19. Virginia clematis - Clematis viriniana
  20. Virginia day-flower - Commelina virginica
  21. Virginia raspberry
  22. Virgin's bower

[edit] W

  1. Wake-robin
  2. Water cabbage
  3. Water nymph
  4. Water-lily family
  5. Water-plantain family
  6. Whippoorwill's shoe
  7. White asters
  8. White azalea
  9. White baneberry
  10. White daisy or Ox-eye daisy
  11. White hearts
  12. White heath aster
  13. White melilot
  14. White rosemary
  15. White sweet clover or Bokhara clover or Tree clover
  16. White thorn or Scarlet fruited thorn
  17. White wood aster
  18. White wood lily
  19. White wood-sorrel or True wood-sorrel
  20. White-fringed orchis
  21. White-weed
  22. White-wreathed aster
  23. Whorled loosestrife
  24. Wicky
  25. Wild azalea
  26. Wild balsam
  27. Wild bergamot
  28. Wild carrot
  29. Wild columbine
  30. Wild geranium or Spotted geranium
  31. Wild honeysuckle - Rhododendron nudiflorum
  32. Wild hyssop
  33. Wild indigo
  34. Wild lady's slipper
  35. Wild lemon
  36. Wild lettuce
  37. Wild lupine
  38. Wild morning-glory
  39. Wild opium
  40. Wild parsnip
  41. Wild pea
  42. Wild peanut - Amphicarpa monoica syn:Falcata comosa
  43. Wild pink
  44. Wild rose
  45. Wild sarsaparilla or False sarsaparilla
  46. Wild senna or American senna
  47. Wild snowball
  48. Wild spikenard
  49. Wild toadflax
  50. Wild yellow lily
  51. Wind-flower
  52. Witch-hazel family
  53. Wood anemone
  54. Wood aster
  55. Wood betony
  56. Wood lily
  57. Woodland golden-rod
  58. Wood-sorrel family
  59. Woody nightshade
  60. Wreath golden-rod
  61. Wrinkle-leaved golden-rod

[edit] Y

  1. Yarrow
  2. Yellow bird's-nest
  3. Yellow broom or Indigo broom
  4. Yellow daisy or Ox-eye daisy
  5. Yellow star-grass - common name for several species of Hypoxis
  6. Yellow starwort
  7. Yellow toadflax
  8. Yellow-fringed orchis - Platanthera ciliaris
  9. Yellow-top - Solidago juncea
  10. Yellow-weed - Solidago canadensis

[edit] Z

  1. Zig-zag golden-rod - Solidago flexicaulis

  • A - 37
  • B - 73
  • C - 74
  • D - 28
  • E - 17
  • F - 38
  • G - 38
  • H - 47
  • I - 24
  • J - 5
  • K - 5
  • L - 40
  • M - 54
  • N - 17
  • O - 16
  • P - 60
  • Q - 5
  • R - 29
  • S - 113
  • T - 34
  • U - 1
  • V - 23
  • W - 50
  • X - NONE
  • Y - 4
  • Z - 1
  • Not sorted - 214
1047 left from 1047 (0.0% done)