Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Hotlist of Plants/FlowersWK
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Plant list from "Wild Flowers Worth Knowing".
(link to the text on Gutenberg is here).
Contents |
[edit] References
[edit] A
- Agueweed = Gentiana quinquefolia = Gentianella quinquefolia = ague weed = five-flowered gentian = stiff gentian
- Alsine media
- American senna = Senna hebecarpa
- Amphicarpa monoica
- Anaphalis margarilacea
- Angel's hair = Silver Mound Artemisia = Artemisia schmidtiana Maxim. [1]
- Anthemis Cotula
- Apios
[edit] B
- Balmony; Snake-head; Turtle-head; Shellflower; Cod-head - Chelone glabra
- Baptisia tinctoria
- Beech-drops; beechdrops - Epifagus virginiana
- Bell-bind
- Bird's-foot violet - Viola pedata
- Bird's-nest
- Birth-root
- Bishop's cap
- Bitter-bloom
- Bitter-buttons
- Bitter-root
- Bitterweed
- Blind gentian
- Blister-flower
- Blowball
- Blue aster
- Blue bells of Scotland
- Blue bindweed
- Blue cardinal flower
- Blue Curls
- Blue curls
- Blue Mountain tea
- Blue sailors
- Blue spring daisy
- Blue starworts or Purple starworts
- Blue tare or Tufted tare or Cow tare
- Blue toadflax or Wild toadflax
- Blue vervain
- Bluebell family
- Blue-devil
- Blue-sailors
- Blue-stemmed golden-rod
- Bluets
- Blue-weed
- Bottle gentian
- Branching aster
- Brideweed
- Broad-leaved arrow-head
- Broad-leaved aster
- Broad-leaved golden-rod
- Broad-leaved kalmia
- Broad-leaved kalmia
- Bruisewort
- Brunella
- Buttercups
- Butter-flower
- Butterfly-weed
- Button-ball shrub
- Button-bush
[edit] C
- Canada golden-rod = Solidago canadensis = Canada Goldenrod [2]
- Canadian rockrose = Helianthemum canadense
- Capsella Bursa-pastoris
- Carpenter weed
- Cassia marylandica
- Castalia odorata
- Castilleja coccinea
- Ceanothus americanus
- Chamaenerion angustifolium
- Chelone glabra
- Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum
- Chrysopsis
- Cichorium Intybus
- Clammy Azalea - Rhododendron viscosum
- Clammy azalea - Rhododendron viscosum
- Clasping bellflower - Triodanis perfoliata syn: Specularia perfoliata and Legouzia perfoliata
- Clasping bell-flower - Triodanis perfoliata
- Closed gentian
- Closed gentian or Blind gentian or Bottle Gentian
- Cocash - Aster puniceus
- Cod-head
- Cohosh
- Commelina virginica
- Common cinquefoil - Potentilla canadensis
- Common daisy
- Common dandelion
- Common meadow buttercup
- Common milkwort or Field milkwort or Purple milkwort - Polygala sanguinea
- Common purple violet or Meadow violet or Hood blue violet
- Common red clover or Purple clover or Meadow clover
- Common speedwell
- Common thoroughwort
- Coolwort
- Corn campion or Red campion
- Corn mustard
- Corn rose
- Corpse-plant
- Cottonweed
- Cow lily
- Crataegus coccinea
- Creator spiked willow-herb
- Crown-of-the-field
- Culver's root or Culver's physic
- Cuscuta gronovii
- Cypripedium pubescens or Cypripedium hirsutum
[edit] D
- Daisy fleabane - Erigeron annuus
- Daisy-leaved fleabane
- Daisy-leaved fleabane
- Dasystoma flava
- Daucus carota
- Day-flower
- Deer berry
- Dense-flowered aster
- Devil's paint-brush
- Devil's paint-brush
- Devil's trumpet
- Dew-plant
- Dicentra canadensis
- Dicentra cucuilaria
- Dillweed
- Dodecathon meadia
- Dogbane family
- Dog-fennel
- Dog's Camomile
- Dog's Camomile or Foetid camomile
- Dog-tooth "violet"
- Dog-tooth "violet" - Erythronium grandiflorum
- Dogwood family
- Downy false foxglove, Downy false-foxglove - Aureolaria virginica
- Downy yellow violet
- Dragon's blood
- Droseraceae
- Dutch clover
- Dutchman's breeches
- Dwarf cornel
- Dwarf wake-robin - Trillium pusillum
- Dyer's weed - Solidago rugosa
[edit] E
- Ear-drops
- Early hawkweed or Vein leaf hawkweed - Hieracium venosum
- Early purple aster - Aster puniceus, syn: Symphyotrichum puniceum
- Early saxifrage - Saxifraga virginiensis
- Eggs-and-bacon Lotus corniculatus L. = Common Bird's-foot-trefoil
- Elecampane
- English violet
- English violet or March violet or Sweet violet
- Epifagus virginiana
- Epigaea repens
- Epilobium angustifolium
- Ericaceae
- Erigeron
- Erythronium americanum
- Eupatorium
- Evening primrose family
- Evening primrose
- Eye-bright - Eyebright - Euphrasia officinalis
[edit] F
- Falcata comosa
- False beech-drops
- False Beech-drops
- False miterwort
- False miterwort
- False sarsaparilla
- False Solomon's seal
- False solomon's seal
- Farewell summer
- Felonwort
- Field golden-rod
- Field lily
- Field milkwort
- Field mustard or Field kale
- Field parsnip
- Figwort family
- Fire-weed
- Five-finger - Potentilla canadensis
- Flame lily
- Flannel plant
- Flat top
- Flaxweed
- Fleur-de-lis
- Flower-de-luce
- Flowering dogwood
- Flowering dogwood
- Flowering wintergreen
- Flowering wintergreen
- Fluellin
- Fly-trap dogbane
- Foam-flower
- Foetid camomile
- Forget-me-not
- Four-leaved loosestrife or Whorled loosestrife - Lysimachia quadrifolia
- Fragrant balm
- Fragrant thistle
- Fringed gentian
- Fringed gentian
- Fringed milkwort
- Fringed milkwort
- Fringed polygala
- Frost-flower or Frost-wort
- Frost-weed
- Fuller's herb
- Fumariaceae
- Fumitory family
[edit] G
- Garget
- Gaultheria procumbens
- Gay orchis
- Gay wings
- Gentian family
- Gentiana
- Gentianaceae
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium family
- Geranium Robertianum
- Gerardia
- Ghost-flower
- Giant St. John's-wort
- Giant sunflower
- Ginseng family
- Globe-flower
- Goldcups
- Golden aster
- Golden Jerusalem
- Golden mouse-ear hawkweed
- Golden mouse-ear hawkweed
- Golden mouse-ear hawkweed
- Golden-rods
- Gold-thread
- Grass of Parnassus
- Grass pink
- Gravel-root
- Great bindweed
- Great laurel
- Great laurel
- Great lobelia
- Great lobelia
- Great mullein
- Great mullein
- Great rhododendron
- Great St. John's-wort
- Great willow-herb
- Greater celandine
- Greater celandine
- Gronovius' dodder
- Gronovius' dodder or Common dodder
- Ground laurel
- Ground laurel
- Ground pink
- Groundhele
- Ground-nut
- Gulf orchis
- Gulf orchis or Tubercled orchis or Small pale green orchis
[edit] H
- Habenaria blephariglottis
- Habenaria ciliaris
- Habenaria fimbriata or Habenaria grandiflora
- Habenaria flava
- Hairbell
- Hairy beard-tongue - Penstemon hirsutus
- Hairy Beard-tongue - Penstemon hirsutus
- Hairy golden aster - Chrysopsis vilosa
- Hamamelidaceae
- Hardhack
- Harebell
- Hawthorn
- Heal-all
- Heart-leaved aster - Aster cordifolius
- Heart-of-the-earth - Prunella vulgaris
- Heath family
- Hedge bindweed or Great bindweed
- Hedge mustard
- Hedge pink
- Helenium autumnale
- Helianthemum
- Helianthus giganteus
- Hellebore
- Helmet-flower - Scutellaria lateriflora
- Hepatica
- Herb Robert
- Hibiscus moscheutos
- Hieracium
- High heal-all
- Highbush blackberry
- Hoary frost-weed - Helianthemum majus
- Hog apple
- Hog peanut - Amphicarpa monoica syn:Falcata comosa
- Honey lotus
- Honey-balls
- Honey-bloom
- Honeysuckle clover or White clover or Dutch clover
- Hooded blue violet - Viola cucullata
- Hoodwort - Scutellaria lateriflora
- Horse thistle
- Horsefly-weed
- Horseheal
- Horse-weed - Lactuca canadensis
- Houstonia
- Huntsman's cup
- Hypericaceae
- Hypericum
- Hypoxis hirsuta or Hypoxis erecta
[edit] I
- Ice-plant
- Ill-scented wake-robin
- Immortelle
- Impatiens aurea or Impatiens pallida
- Impatiens biflora or Impatiens fulva
- Indian dipper
- Indian paint
- Indian paint
- Indian paint-brush
- Indian paint-brush
- Indian pink
- Indian pipe
- Indian poke
- Indian root
- Indian root
- Indian sage
- Indian turnip
- Indian's plume
- Indigo broom
- Ink-berry
- Innocence
- Inula Helenium
- Iridaceae
- Iris family
- Iris versicolor
- Iron-weed
- Itch-weed
[edit] J
[edit] K
- Kalmia
- Kidney liver-leaf - Hepatica americana
- Kidney-root - Eupatorium purpureum
- Kingcup
- Kinnikinnick
[edit] L
- Labiatae
- Lactuca canadensis
- Lady's eardrops
- Lady's nightcap
- Lady's slippers
- Lady's thimble
- Lamb-kill
- Lance-leaved violet
- Lance-leaved violet
- Large aster
- Large orchis or Early purple-fringed orchis
- Large purple gerardia
- Large purple gerardia
- Large purple-fringed orchis or Early purple-fringed orchis
- Large yellow lady's slipper
- Large yellow pond lily or Water lily
- Large yellow pond or Large water lily
- Large-flowered everlasting
- Large-flowered wake-robin
- Larger blue flag
- Larger blue flag
- Late purple aster
- Legouzia perfoliata
- Leguminosae
- Leonurus Cardiaca
- Leptandra virginica
- Liliaceae
- Lilium canadense
- Lilium philadelphicum
- Lilium superbum
- Lily family
- Limodorum tuberosum
- Linaria
- Lion's Tooth
- Liver-leaf
- Liverwort
- Lobelia family
- Lobeliaceae
- Long-branched frost-weed
- Long-branched frost-weed
- Lousewort
- Love me
- Love vine
- Love-me-not or Love-me - not sure about this name...
- Low cornel
- Low cornel
- Low purple aster
- Lupinus perennis
- Lysimachia quadrifolia
[edit] M
- Madder family
- Mad-dog skullcap
- Mad-dog skullcap
- Madnep
- Madweed
- Mallow family
- Mallow rose
- Mallow rose
- Malvaceae
- Mandrake
- March violet
- Marguerite
- Marsh buttercup
- Marsh mallow
- Marsh mallow
- Marsh marigold
- Marsh marigold
- Marsh pink
- Maruta Cotula
- May apple
- May apple
- May weed
- Mayflower
- Meadow clover
- Meadow lily
- Meadow rose
- Meadow scabish
- Meadow scabish
- Meadow violet
- Meadow-gowan
- Meadow-rues
- Meadow-sweet
- Melilotus alba
- [[Michaelmas daisy
- Michaelmas daisy
- Milfoil
- Milkweed family
- Milkwort family
- Mimulus ringens
- Mint family
- Mitchella vine
- Mitella diphylla
- Miterwort
- Moccasin flowers
- Monarda
- Monkey-flower
- Monotropa Hypopitis
- Monotropa uniflora
- Moonshine
- Moss pink
- Moth mullein
- Moth mullein
- Mother's heart
- Motherwort
- Mountain laurel
- Mountain laurel or American laurel
- Mountain mint
- Mountain tea
- Mountain tea or Ground tea
- Mouse-ear
- Mullein dock
- Mullein dock
- Mustard family
- Mustards
- Myosotis scorpioides or Myosotis palustris
[edit] N
- Nancy-over-the-ground
- Narrow-leaved laurel
- Narrow-leaved laurel
- New England aster
- New Jersey tea
- Nigger-head
- Night willow-herb
- Night willow-herb
- Nightshade family
- Nightshade
- Noble liverwort
- Nodding ladies' tresses or Nodding ladies' traces
- Nodding lady's tresses or Nodding lady's traces
- Nodding wake-robin
- None-so-pretty
- Nosebleed
- Nuphar advena
- Nymphaea advena
- Nymphaea odorata
- Nymphaeaceae
[edit] O
- Oenothera biennis
- Old maid's bonnets
- Old maid's pink
- Old man's beard
- Old man's pepper
- Onagraceae
- Orange hawkweed or Tawny hawkweed
- Orange milkweed
- Orange-root
- Orchidaceae
- Orchis family
- Orchis spectabilis
- Orobanchaceae
- Oswego tea
- Oswego tea
- Oxalidaceae
- Oxalis acetosella
- Oxalis violacea
- Ox-eye daisy
- Ox-eye daisy
[edit] P
- Painted trillium - Trillium undulatum
- Pale touch-me-not - Impatiens pallida
- Papaveraceae
- Pardanthus chinensis
- Parnassia
- Parsley family
- Partridge vine
- Partridge-berry
- Pastinaca sativa
- Pasture thistle or Fragrant thistle - Cirsium discolor
- Paul's betony
- Pearly everlasting
- Pearly everlasting or Large-flowered everlasting
- Peasant's clock - Taraxacum officinale
- Pedicularis canadensis
- Pentstemon hirsutus or Pentstemon pubescens
- Pepperidge-bush
- Philadelphia lily - Lilium philadelphicum
- Phlox subulata
- Phytolaccaceae
- Pickerel-weed
- Pigeon-berry - Rivina humilis
- Pig-sty daisy
- Pine sap
- Pink azalea - Rhododendron periclymenoides
- Pink family
- Pink jointweed
- Pink knotweed - Polygonum capitatum
- Pinxter flower - Rhododendron periclymenoides
- Pipsissewa
- Pitcher-plant family
- Pitcher-plant
- Pleurisy-root
- Plume golden-rod - Solidago juncea
- Plume thistle
- Plumed thistle
- Podophyllum peltatum
- Pointed blue-eyed grass - Sisyrinchium angustifolium
- Poison-flower
- Pokeweed family
- Polemoniaceae
- Polemonium family
- Polygala sanguinea or Polygala viridescens
- Polygalaceae
- Polygonaceae
- Polygonatum biflorum
- Polygonum pensylvanicum
- Pond lily
- Pond lily
- Pontederia cordata
- Poor man's weatherglass or Shepherd's weatherglass
- Poor Robin's plantain
- Poppy family
- Portulacaceae
- Potentilla canadensis
- Pride of Ohio - Dodecatheon meadia
- Primrose family
- Primrose-leaved violet - Viola primulifolia
- Primulaceae
- Prince's pine
- Prunella vulgaris
- Pulse family
- Purple aster - Aster patens syn: Symphyotrichum patens
- Purple azalea
- Purple cone-flower
- Purple daisy
- Purple milkweed
- Purple polygala - Polygala sanguinea
- Purple thoroughwort
- Purple-flowering raspberry or Virginia raspberry
- Purple-stemmed aster - Aster puniceus syn: Symphyotrichum puniceum
- Purslane family
[edit] Q
- Quaker bonnets - Lupinus perennis and Lupinus polyphyllus
- Quaker ladies
- Quaker lady - Quaker lady tall bearded iris and Quaker lady hosta
- Queen Anne's lace
- Queen-of-the-meadow
[edit] R
- Ranunculaceae
- Ranunculus acris
- Rattlesnake-weed
- Red chickweed
- Red haw
- Red lobelia
- Red puccoon
- Red robin
- Red shanks
- Red-root
- Red-stalked aster
- Rhamnaceae
- Rhododendron maximum
- Rhododendron nudiflorum
- Rhododendron viscosum
- River-bush
- Roadside thistle
- Robert's plantain
- Robin's plantain
- Rockrose family
- Rosa
- Rosaceae
- Rose corn cockle
- Rose family
- Rose of Plymouth
- Rose-pink
- Rose-tree
- Rosy centaury
- Rosy centaury
- Round-leaved sundew
- Round-lobed liver-leaf
- Rubiaceae
- Rubus odoratus
- Rubus villosus
- Rudbeckia hirta
- Rue anemone
- Rutland beauty
[edit] S
- Sabbatia
- Sagittaria latifolia
- Sagittaria variabilis
- Salt-marsh fleabane
- Salt-marsh fleabane
- Sanguinaria canadensis
- Saponaria officinalis
- Sarracenaceae
- Saxifragaceae
- Saxifrage family
- Scarlet berry or Snake berry
- Scarlet painted cup
- Scoke
- Scorpion grass
- Scrophularaceae
- Scutellaria laterifolia
- Sea pink
- Seaside purple aster
- Self-heal
- Sessile-flowered wake-robin - Trillium sessile
- Sharp-toothed golden-rod
- Sheep-laurel
- Sheep-poison
- Shellflower
- Shepherd's purse
- Shepherd's weatherglass or Shepherd's clock
- Shooting star
- Shooting star
- Showy orchis
- Showy purple aster
- Shrubby St. John's-wort
- Side-saddle flower
- Silene pennsylvanica or Silene caroliniana
- Silene stellata
- Silkweed
- Silky cornel
- Silky cornel
- Silver cap
- Silver leaf
- Simpler's joy
- Sisymbrium officinale
- Sisyrinchium angustifolium
- Skunk cabbage
- Small pale green orchis
- Smartweed
- Smilacina racemosa
- Smilax herbacea
- Smooth aster
- Smooth yellow violet
- Smooth yellow violet
- Smoother rose
- Snake berry
- Snake grass
- Snake plantain
- Snake plantain or Poor Robin's plantain
- Snake-flower
- Snake-head
- Snap weed
- Sneezeweed
- Soapwort
- Solanaceae
- Soldier's cap
- Solidago
- Solomon's seal
- Solomon's zig-zag
- Spatterdock
- Spear thistle
- Specularia perfoliata
- Spice berry
- Spiderwort family
- Spignet
- Spiked willow-herb
- Spikenard
- Spiraea salicifolia
- Spiraea tomentosa
- Spiranthes cernua
- Spoonwood
- Spotted geranium
- Spotted pipsissewa
- Spotted touch-me-not
- Spotted wintergreen
- Spotted wintergreen or Spotted pipsissewa
- Spreading dogbane
- Spreading dogbane or Fly-trap dogbane
- Spring beauty
- Spring orchis
- Square-stemmed sabbatia
- Square-stemmed sabbatia
- Squaw-berry
- Squirrel corn
- Squirrel corn
- Squirrel cup
- St. John's-wort family
- St. John's-worts
- Star anemone
- Star Anemone
- Star-flower
- Starry aster
- Starry campion
- Starry campion
- Starwort
- Starworts
- Steeple bush
- Stellaria media
- Stemless lady's slipper
- Stramonium
- Strangle-weed
- Succory
- Sundew family
- Sundial
- Swallow-wort
- Swamp buttercup
- Swamp cabbage
- Swamp dogwood
- Swamp rose mallow
- Swamp rose
- Swamp rose-mallow
- Swamp sunflower
- Swanweed
- Sweet golden-rod
- Sweet scabious
- Sweet scabious
- Sweet violet
- Sweet white violet
- Sweet white violet
- Sweetbrier
- Sweet-scented white water lily
- Sweet-scented white water-lily
- Symplocarpus foetidus
- Syndesmon thalictroides
[edit] T
- Tall boneset or Purple boneset - Eupatorium altissimum
- Tall bugbane - Cimicifuga elata
- Tall crowfoot
- Tall hairy golden-rod probably Solidago rugosa
- Tall lettuce
- Tall lettuce or Wild lettuce
- Tall meadow-rue - Thalictrum pubescens
- Tall sunflower or Giant sunflower - Helianthus giganteus
- Tanacetum vulgare
- Tank
- Tansy
- Tawny hawkweed
- Thalictrum
- Thorn apple
- Thorn apple
- Tiarella cordifolia
- Tinegrass
- Touch-me-not family
- Trailing arbutus
- Trailing arbutus
- Traveller's joy
- Tree clover
- Trientalis americana
- Trifolium pratense
- Trifolium repens
- Trilliums
- Trout lily - Erythronium americanum
- True wood-sorrel - Oxalis montana
- Trumpet weed - Eupatorium purpureum
- Trumpet-leaf
- Tubercled orchis - probably Platanthera flava
- Tufted buttercup - Ranunculus fascicularis
- Tufted vetch
- Turban lily both Lilium martagon and Lilium pomponium
- Turk's cap both Lilium martagon and Lilium superbum, dab could also have the turk's-cap cactus Melocactus communis
- Turtle-head - Chelone glabra
- Twin-berry
[edit] U
[edit] V
- Vein-leaf hawkweed - Vernonia noveboracensis
- Velvet plant
- Venus' lady's slipper
- Venus' looking-glass
- Venus' pride - probably Houstonia purpurea L. var. montana
- Veratrum viride
- Verbascum
- Verbenaceae
- Vernonia noveboracensis
- Veronica
- Vervain family
- Vicia cracea
- Viola
- Violaceae
- Violet family
- Violet wood-sorrel - Oxalis violacea
- Viper's bugloss
- Viper's herb or Viper's grass
- Virginia clematis - Clematis viriniana
- Virginia day-flower - Commelina virginica
- Virginia raspberry
- Virgin's bower
[edit] W
- Wake-robin
- Water cabbage
- Water nymph
- Water-lily family
- Water-plantain family
- Whippoorwill's shoe
- White asters
- White azalea
- White baneberry
- White daisy or Ox-eye daisy
- White hearts
- White heath aster
- White melilot
- White rosemary
- White sweet clover or Bokhara clover or Tree clover
- White thorn or Scarlet fruited thorn
- White wood aster
- White wood lily
- White wood-sorrel or True wood-sorrel
- White-fringed orchis
- White-weed
- White-wreathed aster
- Whorled loosestrife
- Wicky
- Wild azalea
- Wild balsam
- Wild bergamot
- Wild carrot
- Wild columbine
- Wild geranium or Spotted geranium
- Wild honeysuckle - Rhododendron nudiflorum
- Wild hyssop
- Wild indigo
- Wild lady's slipper
- Wild lemon
- Wild lettuce
- Wild lupine
- Wild morning-glory
- Wild opium
- Wild parsnip
- Wild pea
- Wild peanut - Amphicarpa monoica syn:Falcata comosa
- Wild pink
- Wild rose
- Wild sarsaparilla or False sarsaparilla
- Wild senna or American senna
- Wild snowball
- Wild spikenard
- Wild toadflax
- Wild yellow lily
- Wind-flower
- Witch-hazel family
- Wood anemone
- Wood aster
- Wood betony
- Wood lily
- Woodland golden-rod
- Wood-sorrel family
- Woody nightshade
- Wreath golden-rod
- Wrinkle-leaved golden-rod
[edit] Y
- Yarrow
- Yellow bird's-nest
- Yellow broom or Indigo broom
- Yellow daisy or Ox-eye daisy
- Yellow star-grass - common name for several species of Hypoxis
- Yellow starwort
- Yellow toadflax
- Yellow-fringed orchis - Platanthera ciliaris
- Yellow-top - Solidago juncea
- Yellow-weed - Solidago canadensis
[edit] Z
- Zig-zag golden-rod - Solidago flexicaulis
- A - 37
- B - 73
- C - 74
- D - 28
- E - 17
- F - 38
- G - 38
- H - 47
- I - 24
- J - 5
- K - 5
- L - 40
- M - 54
- N - 17
- O - 16
- P - 60
- Q - 5
- R - 29
- S - 113
- T - 34
- U - 1
- V - 23
- W - 50
- X - NONE
- Y - 4
- Z - 1
- Not sorted - 214
- 1047 left from 1047 (0.0% done)