Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/English Lit Bio Dict

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This list includes entries from A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature by John W. Cousin, 1910.

All articles created using this source should be in Category:A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature.

[edit] Suggestions

  • You may copy and paste content from this book, because it is in the public domain.
    • However, you should make sure to update the content.
  • Check to make sure the topic does not already have an article in Wikipedia, if so make a redirect.
  • Fix spelling or other errors in the list.
  • Suggested edit summary: Created as part of the [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles|WikiProject Missing articles]]

[edit] The List

  1. Gilbert Abbott À Beckett
  2. Jacob Abbott
  3. John Stevens Cabot Abbott
  4. Edwin Abbott Abbott
  5. John Abercrombie
  6. Patrick Abercrombie
  7. John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton
  8. St. Adamnan
  9. Francis Adams
  10. Joseph Addison
  11. John Adolphus
  12. ÆLfred
  13. ÆLfric
  14. Grace Aguilar
  15. John Aikin
  16. Lucy Aikin
  17. Alfred Ainger
  18. William Harrison Ainsworth
  19. Thomas Aird
  20. Mark Akenside
  21. Louisa M. Alcott
  22. Alcuin
  23. Thomas Bailey Aldrich
  24. Alexander Alesius
  25. Cecil Frances Humphreys Alexander
  26. Henry Alford
  27. Archibald Alison
  28. Sir Archibald Alison
  29. Charles Grant Allen
  30. James Lane Allen
  31. William Allingham
  32. Washington Allston
  33. Thomas Amory
  34. Alexander Anderson
  35. Lancelot Andrewes
  36. William Reynell Anson
  37. Christopher Anstey
  38. Edward Arber
  39. John Arbuthnot
  40. William Archer
  41. George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll
  42. John Armstrong (poet)
  43. Elizabeth von Arnim
  44. Matthew Arnold
  45. Sir Edwin Arnold
  46. Thomas Arnold
  47. Roger Ascham
  48. John Asgill
  49. Elias Ashmole
  50. John Ashton
  51. Asser
  52. Edwin Atherstone
  53. Francis Atterbury
  54. John Aubrey
  55. Alfred Austin
  56. John Austin
  57. John Lubbock, 1st Baron Avebury
  58. Sir Robert Ayton
  59. William Edmonstone Aytoun
  60. Francis Bacon
  61. Roger Bacon
  62. Robert Bage
  63. Walter Bagehot
  64. Richard Bagot
  65. Philip James Bailey
  66. Joanna Baillie
  67. Lady Grizel Baillie
  68. Robert Baillie
  69. Alexander Bain
  70. Sir Richard Baker
  71. Sir Samuel White Baker
  72. John Bale
  73. Arthur Balfour
  74. Robert Stawell Ball
  75. James Ballantine
  76. Robert Michael Ballantyne
  77. George Bancroft
  78. John Banim
  79. Richard Bannatyne
  80. Anna Letitia Barbauld
  81. John Barbour
  82. Alexander Barclay
  83. John Barclay
  84. Robert Barclay
  85. Richard Harris Barham
  86. Sabine Baring-Gould
  87. Joel Barlow
  88. Anne Barnard
  89. Barnabe Barnes
  90. William Barnes
  91. Richard Barnfield
  92. J. M. Barrie
  93. Isaac Barrow
  94. Barry, Rev. William (Francis), D.D.
  95. Bernard Barton
  96. Harry Francis Prevost ("Francis Prevost") Battersby
  97. Ernest Belfort Bax
  98. Richard Baxter
  99. Ada Ellen Bayly
  100. Thomas Haynes Bayly
  101. Thomas Spencer Baynes
  102. Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
  103. James Beattie
  104. Francis Beaumont
  105. Sir John Beaumont
  106. Charles Raymond Beazley
  107. George Louis Becke
  108. William Beckford
  109. Thomas Lovell Beddoes
  110. Bede
  111. Henry Ward Beecher
  112. Henry Charles Beeching
  113. Max Beerbohm
  114. Edward Spencer Beesly
  115. Aphra Behn
  116. Henry Glassford Bell
  117. Henry Thomas Mackenzie Bell
  118. John Bellenden
  119. Hilaire Belloc
  120. Enoch Arnold Bennett
  121. Arthur Christopher Benson
  122. Edward Frederic Benson
  123. Jeremy Bentham
  124. Richard Bentley
  125. Edward Berdoe
  126. Bernhard Berenson
  127. James Beresford
  128. George Berkeley
  129. Juliana Berners
  130. John Bourchier, 2nd Baron Berners
  131. Annie Besant
  132. Sir Walter Besant
  133. Isaac Bickerstaffe
  134. Laurence Binyon
  135. Robert Montgomery Bird
  136. Augustine Birrell
  137. Samuel Bishop
  138. William Black
  139. John Stuart Blackie
  140. Thomas Blacklock
  141. Richard Doddridge Blackmore
  142. Sir Richard Blackmore
  143. Sir William Blackstone
  144. John Arthur Blaikie
  145. Hugh Blair
  146. Robert Blair
  147. William Blake
  148. Susanna Blamire
  149. E. Nesbit
  150. Marguerite, Countess of Blessington
  151. Blind Harry
  152. Mathilde Blind
  153. Robert Bloomfield
  154. John Edward Bloundelle-Burton
  155. Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
  156. Frederick S. Boas
  157. John Bodenham
  158. Bodley, John Edward Courtenay, D.C.L.
  159. Hector Boece or Boethius
  160. George Henry Boker
  161. Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke
  162. Horatius Bonar
  163. Andrew Boorde or Borde
  164. George Borrow
  165. Thomas Boston
  166. James Boswell
  167. Sir Alexander Boswell
  168. Dion Boucicault
  169. F.W. Bourdillon
  170. Thomas Bowdler
  171. Archibald Bower
  172. Walter Bower or Bowmaker
  173. William Lisle Bowles
  174. Sir John Bowring
  175. Andrew Kennedy Hutchison Boyd
  176. Zachary Boyd
  177. the Hon. Robert Boyle
  178. Mary Elizabeth Braddon
  179. Andrew Cecil Bradley L.L.D., Litt.D., Etc]]
  180. Edward Bradley
  181. Francis Herbert Bradley
  182. Thomas Bradwardine
  183. Brady
  184. Richard Braithwaite or Brathwaite
  185. James Bramston
  186. Anna Eliza Bray
  187. Nicholas Breton
  188. Sir David Brewster
  189. Robert Bridges
  190. Arthur Broke or Brooke
  191. Richard Brome
  192. Charlotte Brontë
  193. Brooke, Fulke Greville, Lord
  194. Henry Brooke
  195. Brooke, Rev. Stopford Augustus, Ll.D.
  196. Charles William Shirley Brooks
  197. Maria (Gowan) Brooks
  198. William Broome
  199. Brougham and Vaux, Henry, 1st Lord
  200. Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, 1st Lord
  201. Rhoda Broughton
  202. Charles Brockden Brown
  203. Dr. John Brown
  204. George Douglas Brown
  205. Brown, Peter Hume, Ll.D.
  206. Thomas Brown
  207. Thomas Edward Brown
  208. Tom Brown
  209. Charles Farrar Browne
  210. Isaac Hawkins Browne
  211. Sir Thomas Browne
  212. Thomas Alexander Browne
  213. William Browne
  214. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  215. Oscar Browning
  216. Robert Browning
  217. James Bruce
  218. Michael Bruce
  219. Mary (Balfour) Brunton
  220. Jacob Bryant
  221. William Cullen Bryant
  222. Bryce, Right Hon. James, P.C., D.C.L., Etc.
  223. Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges
  224. John Buchan
  225. George Buchanan
  226. Robert Buchanan
  227. John Sheffield, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby
  228. Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of
  229. James Silk Buckingham
  230. Francis Trevelyan Buckland
  231. Henry Thomas Buckle
  232. Budge, Ernest a. Wallis, Litt.D., Etc
  233. Eustace Budgell
  234. George Bull
  235. Arthur Henry Bullen
  236. Frank Thomas Bullen
  237. John Bunyan
  238. John Lewis Burckhardt
  239. Edmund Burke
  240. Sir Francis Cowley Burnand
  241. Gilbert Burnet
  242. Thomas Burnet
  243. Frances Hodgson Burnett
  244. Robert Burns
  245. John Hill Burton
  246. Robert Burton
  247. Sir Richard Francis Burton
  248. Bury, John B., Ll.D., Etc.
  249. Lady Charlotte Bury
  250. Richard De Bury
  251. Butcher, Samuel Henry, Ll.D., Etc.
  252. Joseph Butler
  253. Samuel Butler
  254. Samuel Butler
  255. Butler, Sir William Francis, G.C.B.
  256. Byron, George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron
  257. Henry James Byron
  258. George Washington Cable
  259. Cædmon
  260. Hall Caine
  261. Edward Caird
  262. John Caird
  263. Edmund Calamy
  264. David Calderwood
  265. Charles Stuart Calverley
  266. Ada Cambridge ("Mrs. Cross")
  267. William Camden
  268. George Campbell
  269. John Francis Campbell
  270. John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell
  271. Lewis Campbell
  272. Thomas Campbell
  273. Campbell, Wilfred, Ll.D.
  274. Thomas Campion
  275. George Canning
  276. John Capgrave
  277. Richard Carew
  278. Thomas Carew
  279. Henry Carey
  280. William Carleton
  281. Alexander Carlyle
  282. Thomas Carlyle
  283. Robert Carruthers
  284. Thomas Carte
  285. Elizabeth Carter
  286. William Cartwright
  287. Alice Cary
  288. Henry Francis Cary
  289. Egerton Castle
  290. George Catlin
  291. Edward Cave
  292. George Cavendish
  293. William Caxton
  294. Susanna Centlivre
  295. John Chalkhill
  296. George Chalmers
  297. Thomas Chalmers
  298. William Chamberlayne
  299. Robert Chambers
  300. Robert William Chambers
  301. William Chambers
  302. Frederick Chamier
  303. William Ellery Channing
  304. George Chapman
  305. Hester (Mulso) Chapone
  306. Walter Charleton
  307. Thomas Chatterton
  308. Geoffrey Chaucer
  309. Andrew Cherry
  310. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of
  311. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  312. Henry Chettle
  313. Francis J. Child
  314. Lydia Maria (Francis) Child
  315. William Chillingworth
  316. Mary Cholmondeley
  317. Richard William Church
  318. Charles Churchill
  319. Winston Churchill
  320. Thomas Churchyard
  321. Colley Cibber
  322. John Clare
  323. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of
  324. Charles Cowden Clarke
  325. Marcus Clarke
  326. Samuel Clarke
  327. John Cleveland
  328. W.K. (Lane) Clifford
  329. Henry Fynes Clinton
  330. Edward Clodd
  331. Arthur Hugh Clough
  332. Frances Power Cobbe
  333. William Cobbett
  334. Henry Cockburn
  335. Henry Cockton
  336. John William Colenso
  337. Christabel Rose Coleridge
  338. Hartley Coleridge
  339. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  340. Sara Coleridge
  341. John Colet
  342. Jeremy Collier
  343. John Collins
  344. John Churton Collins
  345. Mortimer Collins
  346. William Collins
  347. William Wilkie Collins
  348. Colman, George, the Elder
  349. Colman, George, the Younger
  350. Charles Caleb Colton
  351. Colvin, Sidney, D.Litt.
  352. George Combe
  353. William Combe
  354. William Congreve
  355. John Conington
  356. Joseph Conrad
  357. Henry Constable
  358. John Esten Cooke
  359. James Fenimore Cooper
  360. Thomas Cooper
  361. Richard Corbet
  362. Marie Corelli
  363. William Johnson Cory
  364. Coryate, or Coryatt, Thomas
  365. Louisa Stuart Costello
  366. Sara Jeannette Duncan Cotes
  367. Charles Cotton
  368. Sir Robert Bruce Cotton
  369. Courthope, William John, C.B., Ll.D., Etc.
  370. Courtney, Wm. Leonard, Ll.D.
  371. Anne Ross Cousin
  372. Miles Coverdale
  373. Abraham Cowley
  374. William Cowper
  375. William Coxe
  376. George Crabbe
  377. Pearl Mary Teresa (Richards) Craigie
  378. George Lillie Craik
  379. Thomas Cranmer
  380. Richard Crashaw
  381. Francis Marion Crawford
  382. Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy
  383. Thomas Creech
  384. Mandell Creighton
  385. Samuel Rutherford Crockett
  386. John Wilson Croker
  387. Thomas Crofton Croker
  388. George Croly
  389. May De La Cherois Crommelin
  390. Catherine (Stevens) Crowe
  391. Eyre Evans Crowe
  392. Sir Joseph Archer Crowe
  393. William Crowe
  394. John Crowne
  395. Ralph Cudworth
  396. Richard Cumberland
  397. Maria Susanna Cummins
  398. Allan Cunningham
  399. Cunningham, William, D.D.
  400. Robert Bontine Cunninghame-Graham
  401. George William Curtis
  402. Cynewulf
  403. Henry Bulwer, 1st Baron Dalling and Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer, 1st Lord]]
  404. William Dampier
  405. Richard Henry Dana
  406. Richard Henry Dana, Jr.
  407. Samuel Daniel
  408. Frances (Burney) d'Arblay
  409. George Darley
  410. Charles Robert Darwin
  411. Erasmus Darwin
  412. Sir George Webbe Dasent
  413. William Davenant, or D'avenant, Sir William
  414. John Davidson
  415. John Davies
  416. Sir John Davies
  417. Davis, or Davys, John
  418. Richard Harding Davis
  419. Thomas Osborne Davis
  420. Sir Humphrey Davy
  421. John Day
  422. Thomas Day
  423. John Louis De Lolme
  424. Augustus De Morgan
  425. William Frend De Morgan
  426. Thomas De Quincey
  427. Aubrey Thomas De Vere
  428. Daniel Defoe
  429. Thomas Dekker
  430. Thomas Deloney
  431. Sir John Denham
  432. John Dennis
  433. Thomas Dermody
  434. Charles Dibdin
  435. Charles Dickens
  436. Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
  437. Sir Kenelm Digby
  438. Charles Wentworth Dilke
  439. Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, Bart., P.C., Ll.D., Etc.
  440. Isaac D'israeli
  441. Richard Watson Dixon
  442. William Hepworth Dixon
  443. Sydney Thompson Dobell
  444. Henry Austin Dobson Ll.D.
  445. William Dodd
  446. Philip Doddridge
  447. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ("Lewis Carroll")
  448. Robert Dodsley
  449. John Donne
  450. John Doran
  451. Dorset, Charles Sackville, 6th Earl of
  452. Dorset, Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of, and Lord Buckhurst
  453. Francis Douce
  454. Arthur Doughty
  455. Charles Montague Doughty
  456. Gavin Douglas
  457. James Douglas
  458. Douglas, Sir George Brisbane Scott, Bart.
  459. Edward Dowden Ll.D., D.C.L.
  460. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, Ll.D.
  461. Sir Francis Hastings Doyle
  462. Joseph Rodman Drake
  463. Michael Drayton
  464. Henry Drummond
  465. William Drummond
  466. John Dryden
  467. George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier
  468. Alice Whiffin Dudeney ("Mrs. Henry Dudeney")
  469. Sir Mountstuart E. Grant Duff
  470. Dufferin, Helen Selena (Sheridan), Countess of
  471. Sir Charles Gavan Duffy
  472. Sir William Dugdale
  473. William Dunbar
  474. John Colin Dunlop
  475. Scotus Johannes Duns
  476. Thomas D'urfey
  477. Timothy Dwight
  478. Alexander Dyce
  479. John Dyer
  480. Sir Edward Dyer
  481. John Earle
  482. Elizabeth Eastlake (Rigby)
  483. Laurence Echard
  484. Maria Edgeworth
  485. Jonathan Edwards
  486. Matilda Betham-Edwards
  487. Owen Morgan Edwards
  488. Richard Edwards
  489. Pierce Egan
  490. Edward Eggleston
  491. Queen Elizabeth
  492. Ebenezer Elliot
  493. Jean Elliot
  494. George Ellis
  495. Robinson Ellis
  496. Thomas Ellwood
  497. Mountstuart Elphinstone
  498. Oliver Elton
  499. Whitwell Elwin
  500. Sir Thomas Elyot
  501. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  502. Ercildoun, Thomas of, or "Thomas the Rhymer"
  503. Erigena, or Scotus, John
  504. Ralph Erskine
  505. Thomas Erskine
  506. Erminda Rentoul Esler
  507. Etc.
  508. Etc
  509. Sir George Etherege
  510. Mary Ann or Marian Evans ("George Eliot")
  511. John Evelyn
  512. Evelyn Everett-Green
  513. Juliana Horatia (Gatty) Ewing
  514. Frederick William Faber
  515. Robert Fabyan
  516. Edward Fairfax
  517. William Falconer
  518. Catherine Maria Fanshawe
  519. Sir Richard Fanshawe
  520. Michael Faraday
  521. Richard Farmer
  522. George Farquhar
  523. Frederic William Farrar
  524. Henry Fawcett
  525. Francis Fawkes
  526. Owen Feltham
  527. Elijah Fenton
  528. Adam Ferguson
  529. Sir Samuel Ferguson
  530. James Fergusson
  531. Robert Fergusson
  532. James Frederick Ferrier
  533. Susan Edmonstoune Ferrier
  534. Nathaniel Field
  535. Henry Fielding
  536. Sarah Fielding
  537. Sir Robert Filmer
  538. Jane Helen Findlater
  539. George Finlay
  540. Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher
  541. John Fisher
  542. John Fiske
  543. Fison, Lorimer, D.D.
  544. Edward Fitzgerald
  545. James Fitzmaurice-Kelly
  546. William Fitzstephen
  547. John Flavel
  548. Richard Flecknoe
  549. Fleming, David Hay, Ll.D.
  550. Andrew Fletcher
  551. Giles Fletcher, and Phineas Fletcher
  552. Robert Flint D.D., Ll.D.
  553. Florence of Worcester
  554. John Florio
  555. Albany William Fonblanque
  556. Samuel Foote
  557. James David Forbes
  558. John Ford
  559. Paul Leicester Ford
  560. Richard Ford
  561. John Fordun
  562. Forman, Harry Buxton, C.B.
  563. John Forster
  564. John Forster
  565. Sir John Fortescue
  566. Stephen Collins Foster
  567. Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler ("Mrs. Felkin")
  568. Charles James Fox
  569. George Fox
  570. John Fox
  571. John Foxe
  572. Francis
  573. Sir Philip Francis
  574. Benjamin Franklin
  575. Alexander Campbell Fraser, Ll.D., D.C.L.
  576. James Frazer, James George, Ll.D., D.C.L.
  577. Edward Augustus Freeman
  578. Philip Freneau
  579. John Hookham Frere
  580. James Anthony Froude
  581. Sarah Margaret Fuller
  582. Thomas Fuller
  583. Lady Georgiana Fullerton (Leveson-Gower)
  584. Horace Howard Furness, Ph.D., Ll.D.
  585. Frederick James Furnivall, Ph.D., D.Litt.
  586. Geoffrey Gaimar
  587. James Gairdner, C.B., Ll.D.
  588. John Galsworthy
  589. John Galt
  590. Sir Francis Galton, F.R.S., D.C.L.
  591. Samuel Rawson Gardiner
  592. Edmund Garratt Gardner
  593. Ernest Arthur Gardner
  594. Percy Gardner, Litt.D., Ll.D.
  595. Constance Garnett
  596. Edward Garnett
  597. Richard Garnett
  598. David Garrick
  599. William Lloyd Garrison
  600. Sir Samuel Garth
  601. George Gascoigne
  602. Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson) Gaskell
  603. Gasquet, Right Rev. Francis Aidan, D.D.
  604. Margaret Scott Gatty ("Mrs. Alfred Gatty")
  605. John Gauden
  606. John Gay
  607. Alexander Geddes
  608. Geoffrey of Monmouth
  609. Alexander Gerard
  610. Edward Gibbon
  611. Agnes Giberne
  612. Richard Gifford
  613. William Gifford
  614. Sir William Schwenk Gilbert
  615. Gildas
  616. Richard Watson Gilder
  617. Charles Gildon
  618. George Gilfillan
  619. Robert Gilfillan
  620. George Gillespie
  621. John Gillies
  622. Giraldus Cambrensis (Literary Name of Gerald De Barri)
  623. George Gissing
  624. William Ewart Gladstone
  625. Joseph Glanvill
  626. Henry Glapthorne
  627. William Nugent Glascock
  628. George Robert Gleig
  629. William Glen
  630. Richard Glover
  631. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
  632. William Godwin
  633. Arthur Golding
  634. Oliver Goldsmith
  635. Israel Gollancz, Litt.D.
  636. Walter Goodall
  637. Thomas Goodwin
  638. Barnabe Googe
  639. Adam Lindsay Gordon
  640. William Gordon Stables
  641. Catherine Grace Frances (Moody) Gore
  642. Edmund Gosse Ll.D.
  643. Stephen Gosson
  644. Richard Gough
  645. Nathaniel Gould
  646. John Gower
  647. Richard Grafton
  648. James Grahame
  649. Kenneth Grahame
  650. Simon Grahame
  651. James Grainger
  652. Sarah Grand
  653. James Granger
  654. James Grant
  655. James Augustus Grant
  656. Anne (M'vicar) Grant
  657. Thomas Colley Grattan
  658. Alfred Perceval Graves
  659. David Gray
  660. Thomas Gray
  661. Horace Greeley
  662. John Richard Green
  663. Matthew Green
  664. Thomas Hill Green
  665. Robert Greene
  666. William Rathbone Greg
  667. Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville
  668. Bartholomew Griffin
  669. Gerald Griffin
  670. Nicholas Grimoald
  671. Francis Hindes Groome
  672. Alexander Balloch Grosart
  673. Francis Grose
  674. Robert Grosseteste
  675. George Grote
  676. George Grub
  677. Sydney Grundy
  678. Lady Charlotte Guest
  679. Thomas Guthrie
  680. Thomas Anstey Guthrie ("F. Anstey")
  681. William Habington
  682. Henry Rider Haggard
  683. Hailes, Dalrymple David, Lord
  684. Thomas Gordon Hake
  685. Richard Hakluyt
  686. Sir Matthew Hale
  687. John Hales
  688. John Wesley Hales
  689. Thomas Chandler Haliburton
  690. Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax
  691. Basil Hall
  692. Joseph Hall
  693. Anna Maria Hall
  694. Edward Hall, or Halle
  695. Robert Hall
  696. Henry Hallam
  697. Fitzgreene Halleck
  698. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps
  699. Philip Gilbert Hamerton
  700. Alexander Hamilton
  701. Elizabeth Hamilton
  702. Sir William Hamilton
  703. Thomas Hamilton
  704. William (of Bangour) Hamilton
  705. William (of Gilbertfield) Hamilton
  706. William Hanna
  707. James Hannay
  708. Hardy, Ernest George, D.Litt.
  709. Thomas Hardy, Ll.D.
  710. Augustus John Cuthbert Hare
  711. Augustus William Hare
  712. Julius Charles Hare
  713. Sir John Harington
  714. Henry Harland
  715. Beatrice Harraden
  716. James Harrington
  717. Frank Harris
  718. James Harris
  719. Joel Chandler Harris
  720. Harrison, Frederic, Litt.D.
  721. Mary St. Leger Kingsley Harrison ("Lucas Malet")
  722. Jane Ellen Harrison, Ll.D., Etc.
  723. Francis Bret Harte
  724. David Hartley
  725. Gabriel Harvey
  726. Arthur Hill Hassall
  727. Stephen Hawes
  728. Robert Stephen Hawker
  729. Anthony Hope ("Anthony Hope") Hawkins
  730. Julian Hawthorne
  731. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  732. John Hay
  733. Alfred Hayes
  734. William Hayley
  735. Paul Hamilton Hayne
  736. Abraham Hayward
  737. Sir John Hayward
  738. Eliza (Fowler) Haywood
  739. William Hazlitt
  740. William Carew Hazlitt
  741. Sir Francis Bond Head
  742. Lafcadio Hearn
  743. Thomas Hearne
  744. Reginald Heber
  745. Sir Arthur Helps
  746. Felicia Dorothea (Browne) Hemans
  747. William Ernest Henley
  748. Henry of Huntingdon
  749. Henry VIII
  750. Matthew Henry
  751. Robert Henry
  752. Robert Henryson
  753. George Alfred Henty
  754. John Abraham Heraud
  755. George Herbert
  756. Herbert, of Cherbury, Edward, 1st Lord
  757. Sir Thomas Herbert
  758. David Herd
  759. Herford, Charles Harold, Litt.D.
  760. Robert Herrick
  761. Sir John Frederick William Herschel
  762. James Hervey
  763. Hervey, John, Lord
  764. Maurice Henry Hewlett
  765. Peter Heylin
  766. John Heywood
  767. Thomas Heywood
  768. Robert Smythe Hichens
  769. Ranulf or Ralph Higden
  770. Thomas Wentworth Higginson
  771. Aaron Hill
  772. James Hinton
  773. Benjamin Hoadley
  774. Thomas Hobbes
  775. Sir Thomas Hoby
  776. Hoccleve, or Occleve, Thomas
  777. Rev. Joseph Hocking
  778. Rev. Silas Kitto Hocking
  779. Hodgkin, Thomas, D.C.L., Etc.
  780. Charles Fenno Hoffman
  781. James Hogg (the Ettrick Shepherd)
  782. Thomas Jefferson Hogg
  783. Thomas Holcroft
  784. Raphael Holinshed, or Hollingshead, Raphael or Ralph _D._
  785. Josiah Gilbert Holland
  786. Philemon Holland
  787. Oliver Wendell Holmes
  788. John Home
  789. William Hone
  790. Thomas Hood
  791. Theodore Edward Hook
  792. Walter Farquhar Hook
  793. Richard Hooker
  794. John Hoole
  795. Thomas Hope
  796. Richard Henry or Hengist Horne
  797. Thomas Hartwell Horne
  798. Ernest William Hornung
  799. Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Lord
  800. Alfred Edward Housman
  801. Laurence Housman
  802. Edward Howard
  803. Sir Robert Howard
  804. John Howe
  805. James Howell
  806. Howells, William Dean, D.Litt.
  807. John Howie
  808. William Howitt
  809. or Sir Hugh of Eglinton Huchown
  810. W.H. Hudson
  811. Ford Madox Hueffer
  812. John Hughes
  813. Thomas Hughes
  814. Alexander Hume
  815. David Hume
  816. William Hunnis
  817. James Henry Leigh Hunt
  818. Richard Hurd
  819. Francis Hutcheson
  820. Lucy Hutchinson
  821. Edward Hutton
  822. Hutton, Rev. William Holden, B.D.
  823. Richard Holt Hutton
  824. Thomas Henry Huxley
  825. Douglas Hyde, , Ll.D
  826. Elizabeth Inchbald
  827. Jean Ingelow
  828. Cosmo Innes
  829. Thomas Innes
  830. William Henry Ireland
  831. Edward Irving
  832. Washington Irving
  833. Joseph Jacobs
  834. William Wymark Jacobs
  835. James I of Scotland
  836. George Payne Rainsford James
  837. William James Ll.D., Etc.
  838. Anna Brownell (Murphy) Jameson
  839. Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb
  840. Richard Jefferies
  841. Francis Jeffrey
  842. Jerome Klapka Jerome
  843. Douglas William Jerrold
  844. John Heneage Jesse
  845. Jessop, Rev. Augustus, D.D.
  846. William Stanley Jevons
  847. Sarah Orne Jewett
  848. Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury
  849. John of Salisbury
  850. Lionel Johnson
  851. Samuel Johnson
  852. Samuel Johnson
  853. Arthur Johnston
  854. Charles Johnstone
  855. Ebenezer Jones
  856. Ernest Charles Jones
  857. Henry Arthur Jones
  858. Sir William Jones
  859. Ben Jonson
  860. John Jortin
  861. Benjamin Jowett
  862. Sylvester Judd
  863. Kames, Henry Home, Lord
  864. Julia Kavanagh
  865. Sir John William Kaye
  866. Annie Keary
  867. John Keats
  868. John Keble
  869. Thomas Keightley
  870. Robert Keith
  871. Hugh Kelly
  872. Thomas Ken
  873. John Pendleton Kennedy
  874. Walter Kennedy
  875. Benjamin Kidd
  876. Thomas Killigrew
  877. Henry King
  878. Alexander William Kinglake
  879. William Kingsford
  880. Charles Kingsley
  881. Henry Kingsley
  882. Mary Henrietta Kingsley
  883. William Henry Giles Kingston
  884. Rudyard Kipling
  885. Joseph Kirkland
  886. John Kitto
  887. Charles Knight
  888. Henry Gally Knight
  889. Richard Knolles
  890. Herbert Knowles
  891. James Sheridan Knowles
  892. John Knox
  893. Vicesimus Knox
  894. William Knox
  895. Thomas Kyd
  896. William Laidlaw
  897. David Laing
  898. Malcolm Laing
  899. Charles Lamb
  900. Lady Caroline Lamb
  901. Letitia Elizabeth Landon
  902. Walter Savage Landor
  903. Edward William Lane
  904. Lane-Poole, Stanley, Litt.D., Etc.
  905. Andrew Lang, D.Litt., Etc.
  906. John Langhorne
  907. William Langland
  908. Sidney Lanier
  909. Dionysius Lardner
  910. Hugh Latimer
  911. Sir Thomas Dick Lauder
  912. Sir John Knox Laughton
  913. William Law
  914. William Arthur Law
  915. Emily Lawless
  916. George Alfred Lawrence
  917. Layamon
  918. Sir Austin Henry Layard
  919. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
  920. Richard Le Gallienne
  921. Walter Leaf , Litt.D.
  922. Edward Lear
  923. William Edward Hartpole Lecky
  924. Nathaniel Lee
  925. Sidney Lee D.Litt., Ll.D.
  926. Sophia Lee
  927. Robert Leighton
  928. John Leland or Leyland
  929. Charles Godfrey Leland
  930. Mark Lemon
  931. Charlotte Lennox
  932. Leslie, or Lesley, John
  933. Sir Roger L'estrange
  934. Charles James Lever
  935. George Henry Lewes
  936. Matthew Gregory Lewis
  937. Sir George Cornewall Lewis
  938. John Leyden
  939. Henry George Liddell
  940. Henry Parry Liddon
  941. Joseph Barber Lightfoot
  942. George Lillo
  943. William Lilly
  944. Lindsay, or Lindesay, Robert
  945. Lindsay, or Lyndsay, Sir David
  946. John Lingard
  947. Eliza Lynn Linton
  948. Thomas Henry Lister
  949. William Lithgow
  950. David Livingstone
  951. Robert Lloyd
  952. David Ross (Petroleum V. Nasby) Locke
  953. John Locke
  954. William John Locke
  955. Frederick Locker-Lampson
  956. John Gibson Lockhart
  957. Lockyer, Sir Joseph Norman, K.C.B., F.R.S.
  958. Lodge, Richard, Ll.D., Etc.
  959. Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph, F.R.S., Ll.D.
  960. Thomas Lodge
  961. John Logan
  962. Jack London
  963. George Long
  964. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  965. Richard Lovelace
  966. Samuel Lover
  967. Sidney James Low
  968. James Russell Lowell
  969. Robert Lowth
  970. Edward Verall Lucas
  971. Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn, K.C.B., Etc.
  972. John Lydgate
  973. Sir Charles Lyell
  974. John Lyly
  975. Henry Francis Lyte
  976. Lyttelton, George, 1st Lord Lyttelton
  977. Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton-Bulwer, 1st Lord
  978. Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st Earl of Lytton
  979. Catherine (Sawbridge) Macaulay
  980. Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1st Baron Macaulay
  981. Denis Florence Maccarthy
  982. George Macdonald
  983. Mackail, John William, Ll.D., Etc.
  984. Charles Mackay
  985. Henry Mackenzie
  986. Sir George Mackenzie
  987. Sir James Mackintosh
  988. Charles Macklin
  989. Norman Macleod
  990. Hector Macneill
  991. James Macpherson
  992. William Maginn
  993. Mahaffy, John Pentland, Ll.D., D.C.L., Etc.
  994. Mahan, Alfred Thayer, D.C.L., Ll.D.
  995. Francis Sylvester Mahony
  996. Sir Henry James Sumner Maine
  997. John Mair, or Major, John
  998. Sir Richard Maitland
  999. Sir John Malcolm
  1000. Mallet, Originally Malloch, David
  1001. William Hurrell Mallock
  1002. Edmund Malone
  1003. Sir Thomas Malory
  1004. Thomas Robert Malthus
  1005. Bernard De Mandeville
  1006. Sir John Mandeville
  1007. James Clarence Mangan
  1008. Delarivier Manley
  1009. Anne Manning
  1010. Henry Edward Manning
  1011. Robert Mannyng or Robert De Brunne
  1012. Henry Longueville Mansel
  1013. Walter Map, or Mapes, Walter De
  1014. Gervase Markham
  1015. Christopher Marlowe
  1016. Shackerley Marmion
  1017. Frederick Marryat
  1018. Herbert Marsh
  1019. John Marston
  1020. Philip Bourke Marston
  1021. Sir Theodore Martin
  1022. Harriet Martineau
  1023. James Martineau
  1024. Andrew Marvell
  1025. William Mason
  1026. Gerald Massey
  1027. Philip Massinger
  1028. David Masson
  1029. Cotton Mather
  1030. Thomas James Mathias
  1031. Brander Matthews, James Brander, Litt.D., D.C.L., Etc.
  1032. Charles Robert Maturin
  1033. William Somerset Maugham
  1034. Frederick Denison Maurice
  1035. Friedrich Max-Müller
  1036. Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace, F.R.S., Ll.D., Etc.
  1037. William Hamilton Maxwell
  1038. May, Sir Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Farnborough
  1039. Thomas May
  1040. Jasper Mayne
  1041. John Mayne
  1042. Justin McCarthy
  1043. Justin Huntly Mccarthy
  1044. James McCosh
  1045. Thomas M'crie
  1046. Herman Melville
  1047. James Melville (1556-1614)
  1048. Sir James Melville of Halhill
  1049. George Meredith
  1050. Francis Meres
  1051. Charles Merivale
  1052. William Meston
  1053. Alice Meynell
  1054. William Julius Mickle
  1055. Conyers Middleton
  1056. Thomas Middleton
  1057. James Mill
  1058. John Stuart Mill
  1059. Hugh Miller
  1060. Thomas Miller
  1061. Henry Hart Milman
  1062. John Milton
  1063. Laurence Minot
  1064. William Minto
  1065. John Mitchell
  1066. Silas Weir Mitchell M.D., Ll.D.
  1067. Bertram Mitford
  1068. Mary Russell Mitford
  1069. William Mitford
  1070. John Ferguson McLennan
  1071. David Macbeth Moir
  1072. Mary Louisa Molesworth
  1073. James Burnett, Lord Monboddo
  1074. Elizabeth (Robinson) Montagu
  1075. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
  1076. Alexander Montgomerie
  1077. James Montgomery
  1078. Robert Montgomery
  1079. Edward Moore
  1080. Frank Frankfort Moore
  1081. George Moore
  1082. John Moore
  1083. Thomas Moore
  1084. Hannah More
  1085. Henry More
  1086. Sir Thomas More
  1087. Lady Morgan (Sydney Owenson)
  1088. James Justinian Morier
  1089. James Cotter Morison
  1090. Henry Morley
  1091. John Morley, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn P.C., O.M., F.R.S.
  1092. Sir Lewis Morris
  1093. William Morris
  1094. Arthur Morrison
  1095. Thomas Morton
  1096. William Motherwell
  1097. John Lothrop Motley
  1098. John Moultrie
  1099. James Bass Mullinger
  1100. Dinah Maria (Craik) Mulock
  1101. Anthony Munday
  1102. Neil Munro
  1103. William Mure
  1104. Mary Noailles Murfree ("Charles Egbert Craddock")
  1105. Arthur Murphy
  1106. Murray, George Gilbert Aimee, Ll.D.
  1107. Lindley Murray
  1108. Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry, Ll.D., D.C.L., Etc.
  1109. Frederic William Henry Myers
  1110. Thomas Nabbes
  1111. Nairne, Carolina (Oliphant), Baroness
  1112. Mark Napier
  1113. Sir William Francis Patrick Napier
  1114. Thomas Nash
  1115. James Nayler
  1116. John Neal
  1117. Charles Neaves Lord
  1118. Alexander Neckham
  1119. Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
  1120. Francis William Newman
  1121. John Henry Newman
  1122. John Newton
  1123. Sir Isaac Newton
  1124. John Nichol
  1125. Nicoll, Sir William Robertson, Ll.D.
  1126. Hon. Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel
  1127. John Norris
  1128. William Edward Norris
  1129. Sir Thomas North
  1130. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (Sheridan) Norton
  1131. Norton, Charles Eliot, Ll.D., D.C.L., Etc.
  1132. Alfred Noyes
  1133. William Occam or Ockham
  1134. Simon Ockley
  1135. Standish James O'Grady
  1136. John O'Keeffe
  1137. Thomas Okey
  1138. John Oldham
  1139. John Oldmixon
  1140. William Oldys
  1141. Laurence Oliphant
  1142. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson) Oliphant
  1143. Oman, Charles William Chadwick,
  1144. Amelia Opie
  1145. E. Phillips Oppenheim
  1146. Ordericus Vitalis
  1147. Ormin or Orm
  1148. Robert Orme
  1149. Orrery, Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of
  1150. Arthur William Edgar O'shaughnessy
  1151. Caesar Otway
  1152. Thomas Otway
  1153. George Outram
  1154. Sir Thomas Overbury
  1155. John Owen
  1156. John Owen
  1157. Robert Owen
  1158. John Oxenham
  1159. Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford
  1160. Barry Pain
  1161. Thomas Paine
  1162. William Painter
  1163. William Paley
  1164. Francis Turner Palgrave
  1165. Sir Francis Palgrave
  1166. Robert Paltock
  1167. Julia Pardoe
  1168. Matthew Paris
  1169. Mungo Park
  1170. Theodore Parker
  1171. Francis Parkman
  1172. Thomas Parnell
  1173. Dr. Samuel Parr
  1174. Elizabeth Bonham ("Mrs. Henry De La Pasture")
  1175. Walter Horatio Pater
  1176. Coventry Kersey Dighton Patmore
  1177. Patrick, David, Ll.D.
  1178. Mark Pattison
  1179. Herbert Woodfield Paul
  1180. James Kirke Paulding
  1181. James Payn
  1182. Thomas Love Peacock
  1183. Sir Edwin Pears
  1184. Charles Henry Pearson
  1185. John Pearson
  1186. Reginald Pecock
  1187. George Peele
  1188. Max Pemberton
  1189. William Penn
  1190. Thomas Pennant
  1191. Samuel Pepys
  1192. James Gates Percival
  1193. Thomas Percy
  1194. Philip Massinger
  1195. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps ("Mrs. H.D. Ward")
  1196. Ambrose Philips
  1197. John Philips
  1198. Claude Phillips
  1199. Samuel Phillips
  1200. Stephen Phillips
  1201. Eden Phillpotts
  1202. Andrew Picken
  1203. John Pierpont
  1204. Albert Pike
  1205. Sir Arthur Wing Pinero
  1206. John Pinkerton
  1207. Edward Coate Pinkney
  1208. Hester Lynch (Salusbury) Piozzi
  1209. James Robinson Planché
  1210. Edgar Allan Poe
  1211. Pollard, Albert Frederick, F.R.Hist.S.
  1212. Alfred William Pollard
  1213. Walter Herries Pollock
  1214. Robert Pollok
  1215. John Pomfret
  1216. Poole, Reginald Lane, Ph.D.
  1217. Alexander Pope
  1218. Samuel Pordage
  1219. Richard Porson
  1220. Anna Maria Porter
  1221. Frederick York Powell
  1222. Rosa Campbell Praed
  1223. Winthrop Mackworth Praed
  1224. William Hickling Prescott
  1225. Richard Price
  1226. Humphrey Prideaux
  1227. Joseph Priestly
  1228. Thomas Pringle
  1229. Matthew Prior
  1230. Adelaide Ann Procter
  1231. Bryan Waller ("Barry Cornwall") Procter
  1232. Prothero, George Walter, Litt.D., Ll.D., Etc.
  1233. Prothero, Rowland Edmund, M.V.O.
  1234. William Prynne
  1235. George Psalmanazar
  1236. Samuel Purchas
  1237. Edward Bouverie Pusey
  1238. George Puttenham
  1239. Henry James Pye
  1240. Francis Quarles
  1241. Arthur Thomas ("Q") Quiller-Couch
  1242. Ann (Ward) Radcliffe
  1243. Sir Walter Raleigh
  1244. Walter Raleigh
  1245. Louise De La ("Ouida") Ramée
  1246. Allan Ramsay
  1247. Edward Bannerman Ramsay
  1248. Thomas Randolph
  1249. Paul Rapin De Thoyras
  1250. Rudolf Eric- Raspe
  1251. George Rawlinson
  1252. Sir Henry Cresswicke Rawlinson
  1253. John Ray
  1254. Thomas Buchanan Read
  1255. Charles Reade
  1256. Henry Reed
  1257. Clara Reeve
  1258. Henry Reeve
  1259. Mayne Reid
  1260. Sir Thomas Wemyss Reid
  1261. Thomas Reid
  1262. Sir Joshua Reynolds
  1263. William Barnes Rhodes
  1264. Ernest Rhys
  1265. Grace Rhys
  1266. Rhys, Sir John, D.Litt.
  1267. David Ricardo
  1268. James Rice
  1269. Barnabe Rich
  1270. Samuel Richardson
  1271. William Pett Ridge
  1272. James Whitcomb Riley
  1273. Leitch Ritchie
  1274. Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie ("Mrs. Richmond Ritchie")
  1275. Joseph Ritson
  1276. Charles George Douglas Roberts
  1277. Frederick William Robertson
  1278. John Mackinnon Robertson
  1279. Thomas William Robertson
  1280. William Robertson
  1281. Elizabeth ("C.E. Raimond") Robins
  1282. Agnes Mary Frances (Mme. Duclaux) Robinson
  1283. Henry Crabb Robinson
  1284. John Wilmot Rochester
  1285. Henry Rogers
  1286. Samuel Rogers
  1287. Richard Rolle
  1288. Robert Rollock
  1289. William Roper
  1290. William Roscoe
  1291. Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of
  1292. Rose, John Holland, Litt.D.
  1293. William Stewart Rose
  1294. Christina Georgina Rossetti
  1295. Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  1296. William Michael Rossetti
  1297. Francis Rous
  1298. John Row
  1299. Nicholas Rowe
  1300. William Rowley
  1301. Thomas Ruddiman
  1302. John Ruskin
  1303. Russell, Lord John, 1st Earl Russell
  1304. Sir William Howard Russell
  1305. William Russell
  1306. William Clark Russell
  1307. Samuel Rutherford
  1308. Paul Rycaut, or Ricaut, Sir Paul
  1309. Thomas Rymer
  1310. Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman, Ll.D., D.Litt., Etc.
  1311. George Augustus Henry Sala
  1312. George Sale
  1313. Robert Sanderson
  1314. Robert Charles Sands
  1315. George Sandys
  1316. Sandys, John Edwin, Litt.D.
  1317. Richard Savage
  1318. Sir Henry Savile
  1319. Edward Saxby
  1320. Sayce, Archibald Henry, D.Litt., Ll.D., Etc.
  1321. Alexander Scott
  1322. Hugh Stowell Scott
  1323. John Scott
  1324. Lady John (Alicia Ann Spottiswoode) Scott
  1325. Michael Scott
  1326. Sir Walter Scott
  1327. William Bell Scott
  1328. Owen Seaman
  1329. Thomas Seccombe
  1330. Sir Charles Sedley
  1331. Sir John Robert Seeley
  1332. John Selden
  1333. William Young Sellar
  1334. Nassau William Senior
  1335. Ernest Thompson ("Seton Thompson") Seton
  1336. Elkanah Settle
  1337. Thomas Shadwell
  1338. Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of
  1339. John Campbell Shairp
  1340. William Shakespeare
  1341. William ("Fiona Macleod") Sharp
  1342. George Bernard Shaw
  1343. Henry Wheeler ("Josh Billings") Shaw
  1344. Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley
  1345. Percy Bysshe Shelley
  1346. William Shenstone
  1347. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  1348. William Sherlock
  1349. Mary Martha (Butt) Sherwood
  1350. Matthew Phipps Shiel
  1351. James Shirley
  1352. Clement King Shorter
  1353. Dora Sigerson Shorter
  1354. Joseph Henry Shorthouse
  1355. Richard Sibbes
  1356. Sidney, or Sydney, Algernon
  1357. Sir Philip Sidney
  1358. Lydia (Huntley) Sigourney
  1359. William Gilmore Simms
  1360. George Robert Sims
  1361. May Sinclair
  1362. Skeat, Rev. Walter William, Litt.D., Ll.D.
  1363. John Skelton
  1364. Sir John Skelton
  1365. William Forbes Skene
  1366. John Skinner
  1367. Joseph Skipsey
  1368. Christopher Smart
  1369. Smeaton, Wm. Henry Oliphant, M.A.
  1370. Frank Smedley
  1371. Samuel Smiles
  1372. Adam Smith
  1373. Albert Smith
  1374. Alexander Smith
  1375. Smith, George Adam, D.D., Ll.D.
  1376. George Gregory Smith
  1377. Smith, Goldwin, D.C.L.
  1378. Horace Smith
  1379. Annie S. Swan ("Mrs. Burnett Smith")
  1380. Charlotte (Turner) Smith
  1381. Sir William Smith
  1382. Sydney Smith
  1383. Walter Chalmers Smith
  1384. William Robertson Smith
  1385. Tobias George Smollett
  1386. Mary (Fairfax) Somerville
  1387. William Somerville
  1388. William Sotheby
  1389. Robert South
  1390. Thomas Southerne
  1391. Caroline Anne (Bowles) Southey
  1392. Robert Southey
  1393. Robert Southwell
  1394. James Spedding
  1395. John Speed
  1396. Sir Henry Spelman
  1397. Joseph Spence
  1398. Herbert Spencer
  1399. William Robert Spencer
  1400. Edmund Spenser
  1401. John Spottiswood
  1402. Charles Sprague
  1403. Thomas Sprat
  1404. Charles Haddon Spurgeon
  1405. H. De Vere Stacpoole
  1406. Stanhope, Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope
  1407. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley
  1408. Sir Henry Morton Stanley
  1409. Thomas Stanley
  1410. Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard ("John Strange Winter")
  1411. Richard Stanyhurst
  1412. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, L.H.D., Ll.D.,
  1413. Flora Annie (Webster) Steel
  1414. Sir Richard Steele
  1415. George Steevens
  1416. George Warrington Steevens
  1417. Sir James Stephen
  1418. Sir Leslie Stephen
  1419. Thomas Stephens
  1420. John Sterling
  1421. Laurence Sterne
  1422. Thomas Sternhold
  1423. Robert Louis Stevenson
  1424. Dugald Stewart
  1425. Stewart, John Alexander, Ll.D.
  1426. Edward Stillingfleet
  1427. James Hutchison Stirling
  1428. Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of
  1429. Sir William Stirling-Maxwell
  1430. Francis Richard Stockton
  1431. Richard Henry Stoddard
  1432. Thomas Storer
  1433. William Wetmore Story
  1434. John Stow
  1435. Harriet Beecher Stowe
  1436. Agnes Strickland
  1437. William Strode
  1438. John Strype
  1439. Gilbert Stuart
  1440. William Stubbs
  1441. William Stukeley
  1442. Sir John Suckling
  1443. Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of
  1444. Robert Smith Surtees
  1445. Jonathan Swift
  1446. Algernon Charles Swinburne
  1447. Joshua Sylvester
  1448. John Addington Symonds
  1449. Emily Morse Symonds ("George Paston")
  1450. Arthur Symons
  1451. John Millington Synge
  1452. Tabley De, John Byron Leicester Warren, 3rd Lord
  1453. Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd
  1454. Robert Tannahill
  1455. Nahum Tate
  1456. John Tatham
  1457. Baroness (Montgomery) Tautphoeus
  1458. Bayard Taylor
  1459. Isaac Taylor
  1460. Jeremy Taylor
  1461. John Taylor
  1462. Philip Meadows Taylor
  1463. Sir Henry Taylor
  1464. Thomas Taylor
  1465. Tom Taylor
  1466. William Taylor
  1467. Temple, Sir Richard Carnac, C.I.E.
  1468. Sir William Temple
  1469. William Tennant
  1470. Charles Tennyson Turner
  1471. Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Lord
  1472. Frederick Tennyson
  1473. William Makepeace Thackeray
  1474. Lewis Theobald
  1475. Connop Thirwall
  1476. Annie Thomas ("Mrs. Pender Cudlip")
  1477. Edward Thomas
  1478. William John Thoms
  1479. James Thomson
  1480. James Thomson
  1481. Henry David Thoreau
  1482. Thomas Tickell
  1483. George Ticknor
  1484. Mary (Blackford) Tighe
  1485. John Tillotson
  1486. Henry Timrod
  1487. John Tobin
  1488. John Toland
  1489. John Horne Tooke
  1490. Augustus Montague Toplady
  1491. Tourneur, or Turner, Cyril
  1492. Thomas Frederick Tout
  1493. Thomas Traherne
  1494. Edward John Trelawny
  1495. Herbert Trench
  1496. Richard Chenevix Trench
  1497. George Macaulay Trevelyan
  1498. Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, P.C., Ll.D., Etc.
  1499. John of Trevisa
  1500. Anthony Trollope
  1501. Frances (Milton) Trollope
  1502. John Townsend Trowbridge
  1503. John Trumbull
  1504. Abraham Tucker
  1505. George Tucker
  1506. Nathaniel Beverly Tucker
  1507. Henry Theodore Tuckerman
  1508. John Tulloch
  1509. Martin Farquhar Tupper
  1510. Turberville, or Turbervile, George
  1511. Sharon Turner
  1512. Thomas Tusser
  1513. Tylor, Edward Burnett, Ll.D., F.R.S.
  1514. William Tyndale
  1515. John Tyndall
  1516. Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton, Ll.D., D.C.L.
  1517. Alexander Fraser Tytler
  1518. Patrick Fraser Tytler
  1519. William Tytler
  1520. Nicolas Udall
  1521. Thomas Underdown
  1522. Francis Henry Underwood
  1523. Allen Upward
  1524. Sir Thomas Urquhart
  1525. Thomas Usk
  1526. James Ussher
  1527. Horace Annesley Vachell
  1528. Vambery, Arminius, C.V.O., Etc.
  1529. Sir John Vanbrugh
  1530. Henry Vaughan
  1531. Robert Vaughan
  1532. John Veitch
  1533. Jones Very
  1534. Ernest Alfred Vizetelly
  1535. Wace
  1536. Thomas Wade
  1537. Gilbert Wakefield
  1538. Lucy Bethia Walford
  1539. Wallace, Alfred Russel, F.R.S., Ll.D., Etc.
  1540. Lewis Wallace
  1541. Edmund Waller
  1542. John Francis Waller
  1543. Horatio or Horace Walpole
  1544. Sir Spencer Walpole
  1545. Izaak Walton
  1546. Bartholomew Eliot George Warburton
  1547. William Warburton
  1548. Ward, Adolphus William, Litt.D., Ll.D.
  1549. Mary Augusta Ward ("Mrs. Humphrey Ward")
  1550. Robert Plumer Ward
  1551. William George Ward
  1552. Wardlaw, Elizabeth, Lady
  1553. Susan Warner
  1554. William Warner
  1555. Samuel Warren
  1556. Joseph Warton
  1557. Thomas Warton
  1558. Daniel Waterland
  1559. Charles Waterton
  1560. Henry Brereton Marriott Watson
  1561. John Watson
  1562. Robert Watson
  1563. Thomas Watson
  1564. Watson, William, Ll.D.
  1565. Alaric Alexander Watts
  1566. Isaac Watts
  1567. Theodore Watts-Dunton
  1568. Arthur Waugh
  1569. Edwin Waugh
  1570. William Webbe
  1571. Daniel Webster
  1572. John Webster
  1573. Augusta (Davies) Webster
  1574. Noah Webster
  1575. Frederick Wedmore
  1576. Charles Jeremiah Wells
  1577. Wells, Herbert George, B.Sc., Etc.
  1578. Barrett Wendell
  1579. Roger De Wendover
  1580. Alice Werner
  1581. Charles Wesley
  1582. John Wesley
  1583. William Westall
  1584. Stanley John Weyman
  1585. Edith (Jones) Wharton
  1586. Wharton, Thomas Wharton, 1st Marquis of
  1587. Richard Whateley
  1588. George Whetstone
  1589. William Whewell
  1590. Charles Whibley
  1591. Benjamin Whichcote
  1592. Edwin Percy Whipple
  1593. Fred Whishaw
  1594. William Whiston
  1595. Gilbert White
  1596. Henry Kirke White
  1597. Joseph Blanco White
  1598. Richard Grant White
  1599. William Hale White
  1600. Charles Whitehead
  1601. William Whitehead
  1602. Richard Whiteing
  1603. Walter or Walt Whitman
  1604. Adeline Dutton (Train) Whitney
  1605. William Dwight Whitney
  1606. John Greenleaf Whittier
  1607. George John Whyte-Melville
  1608. Rev. Philip Henry Wicksteed
  1609. Wiclif, or Wyclif, John
  1610. Kate Douglas Wiggin ("Mrs. George C. Riggs")
  1611. William Wilberforce
  1612. Carles Wilcox
  1613. Oscar O'flaherty Wilde
  1614. John Wilkes
  1615. William Wilkie
  1616. John Wilkins
  1617. Mary Eleanor Wilkins ("Mrs. C.M. Freeman")
  1618. Sir John Gardner Wilkinson
  1619. William of Malmesbury
  1620. or Newbury William of Newburgh
  1621. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams
  1622. Browne Willis
  1623. Nathaniel Parker Willis
  1624. James Wills
  1625. William Gorman Wills
  1626. Alexander Wilson
  1627. John ("Christopher North") Wilson
  1628. John Wilson
  1629. Sir Daniel Wilson
  1630. Thomas Wilson
  1631. David Wingate
  1632. William Winter
  1633. Theodore Winthrop
  1634. George Wither
  1635. Robert Wodrow
  1636. John Wolcot
  1637. Charles Wolfe
  1638. John George Wood
  1639. Ellen Price Wood ("Mrs. Henry Wood")
  1640. Wood, or À Wood, Anthony
  1641. John Woolman
  1642. Thomas Woolner
  1643. Christopher Wordsworth
  1644. Christopher Wordsworth
  1645. Dorothy Wordsworth
  1646. William Wordsworth
  1647. Sir Henry Wotton
  1648. Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall
  1649. Thomas Wright
  1650. Wright, William Aldis, Ll.D., Etc
  1651. Sir Thomas Wyatt
  1652. William Wycherley
  1653. Andrew of Wyntoun
  1654. Thomas Yalden
  1655. Edmund Yates
  1656. William Butler Yeats
  1657. Charlotte Mary Yonge
  1658. Arthur Young
  1659. Edward Young
  1660. Israel Zangwill