Wikipedia:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
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WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles
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[edit] The lists
- /A1, /A2, /A3, /A4
- /B1, /B2, /B3, /B4, /B5, /B6, /B7
- /C1, /C2, /C3, /C4, /C5
- /D1, /D2, /D3, /D4
- /E1, /E2
- /F1, /F2, /F3
- /G1, /G2, /G3, /G4
- /H1, /H2, /H3, /H4, /H5
- /I1
- /J1, /J2
- /K1, /K2, /K3
- /L1, /L2, /L3, /L4
- /M1, /M2, /M3, /M4, /M5, /M6
- /N1, /N2
- /O1, /O2
- /P1, /P2, /P3, /P4
- /Q1
- /R1, /R2, /R3, /R4
- /S1, /S2, /S3, /S4, /S5, /S6, /S7, /S8
- /T1, /T2, /T3, /T4
- /U1
- /V1, /V2
- /W1, /W2, /W3, /W4
- /X1
- /Y1
- /Z1
[edit] General remarks
Please read also the discussion page to this article here: Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica.
This is a list of geographical names in Antarctica, as compiled by the USGS. The list is public domain, and contains over 14,000 descriptions of features in Antarctica and sub-antarctic islands.
As this list contains all named features that the USGS recognizes, there are a lot of entries with low significance here, but they may at least be useful because of their geographical coordinates and the present and especially future possibilies of geographical coordinates in Wikipedia. You are encouraged to merge several entries -- for example, the individual islands in an island group -- into one article. To do this, you may want to search for the name of the island group (or mountain range, etc.) in the original file, which is located here (5 Mb text file). However, it is not necessary to combine articles; this can always be done at a later time.
Avoid disambiguation with other geographical features with identical or similar names worldwide but also within Antarctica - especially when creating/naming a new page or when Wikilinking to geographical features: If you have the impression that the name of a geographical feature may be in use for several different places around the world (and this is very likely given the vast amount of islands worldwide, especially islands in other English-speaking areas like Canada, Alaska and Australia), name your article not just with the plane name of the feature, but add behind the name the phrase " (Antarctica)" (for example Nelson Rock (Antarctica) instead of just Nelson Rock), or, if there might be several features with a similar name within Antarctica itself, write the name of the larger geographical feature your feature lies within (for example, Flat Islands (Holme Bay)).
The best map of Antarctica on the web is probably this one: [1]. All names on these lists can be found on it. Another online atlas of Antarctica is provided here:
The wikification of the articles has been done automatically, and is therefore imperfect. Please check and improve the text after copying.
The entries are sometimes incomplete (through no fault of mine or my script: they are that way in the source file); in that case you can find the same descriptions at the Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica. The same site is also a good source of synonyms for the names listed here. Copyright status of the non-US descriptions in this gazetteer is unknown, so its better not to use those directly.
[edit] List of abbreviations
Please add/expand any remaining abbreviations; this site may be useful. Some of the most common abbreviations are:
[edit] A
- AAE --> "Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- Adm. --> "Admiral"
- ANARE --> "Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- ANCA --> "Antarctic Names Committee of Australia (ANCA)"
- Apr. --> "April"
- Aug. --> "August"
[edit] B
- BANZARE --> "British Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition (BANZARE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- BAS --> "British Antarctic Survey (BAS)"
- BelgAE --> "Belgian Antarctic Expedition (BelgAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- BrAE --> "British Antarctic Expedition (BrAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- BrNAE --> "British National Antarctic Expedition (BrNAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- Brig. --> this expression does not appear alone in ANTARCTICA.TXT
- Brig. Gen. --> "Brigadier General"
- ByrdAE --> "Byrd Antarctic Expedition (ByrdAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
[edit] C
- c. --> "circa"/"approximately"/"about"/"around"/"roughly"/"vaguely"
- Capt. --> "Captain"
- Cdr. --> "Commander"
- Col. (ensure case sensitivity: distinguish between uppercase (capital) and lowercase (small) letters because the phrase " col." (col ~ mountain pass) is frequent in this database and has nothing to do with the abbreviation "Col." which stands for Colonel) --> "Colonel"
- CTAE --> "Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition (CTAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- CWO --> ???
- CWO --> "Chief Web Officer (CWO)" see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- CWO --> "Cadet Warrant Officer (CWO)" (Air Training Corps) see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- The phrase " (Air Training Corps)" was written like that on I did not delete it when doing copy/paste to this page over here because I thought that it might provide some useful information for you in the decision what Eubot should/could do with the unclear abbreviation CWO. see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- CWO --> "Chief Warrant Officer (CWO)" see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- CWO --> "Chief Watch Officer (CWO)" see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- CWO --> "Commissioned Warrant Officer (CWO)" see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- CWO --> "Communications Watch Officer (CWO)" see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
[edit] D
[edit] E
- E --> "east (E)"
- EbN --> "east by north (EbN)"
- EbS --> "east by south (EbS)"
- ENE --> "east-northeast (ENE)"
- ESE --> "east-southeast (ESE)"
[edit] F
- Feb. --> "February"
- FIDASE --> "Falkland Islands and Dependencies Aerial Survey Expedition (FIDASE)"
- FIDS --> "Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS)"
- FrAE --> "French Antarctic Expedition (FrAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
[edit] G
- Gen. --> "General"
- GerAE --> "German Antarctic Expedition (GerAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
[edit] J
- Jan. --> "January"
- JARE --> "Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE)"
[edit] L
- Lt. --> "Lieutenant"
- Lt. Col. --> "Lieutenant Colonel"
- Lt. Cdr. --> "Lieutenant commander"
[edit] M
- Mar. --> "March"
[edit] N
- N --> "north (N)"
- NbE --> "north by east (NbE)"
- NBSAE --> "Norwegian-British-Swedish Antarctic Expedition (NBSAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- NbW --> "north by west (NbW)"
- NE] --> "northeast (NE)"
- NEbE --> "northeast by east (NEbE)"
- NEbN --> "northeast by north (NEbN)"
- NNE --> "north-northeast (NNE)"
- NNW --> "north-northwest (NNW)"
- NW --> "northwest (NW)"
- NWbN --> "northwest by north (NWbN)"
- NWbW --> "northwest by west (NWbW)"
- NorAE --> "Norwegian Antarctic Expedition (NorAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- Nov. --> "November"
- NSF --> "National Science Foundation (NSF)"
- N.Z. --> New Zealand
- NZARP --> "New Zealand Antarctic Research Program (NZARP)"
- NZGB --> "New Zealand Geographic Board (NZGB)"
- NZGS --> "New Zealand Geographical Society (NZGS)" (probably, but it could also be "New Zealand Geological Society (NZGS)" or New Zealand Geophysical Society (NZGS)")
- NZGSAE --> "New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition (NZGSAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- NZ-APC --> "New Zealand Antarctic Place-names Committee (NZ-APC)", or maybe with capital letter "New Zealand Antarctic Place-Names Committee (NZ-APC)" or without the - "New Zealand Antarctic Place Names Committee (NZ-APC)"
[edit] O
- Oct. --> "October"
- OpDFrz --> "Operation Deepfreeze (OpDFrz)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- OpHjp --> "Operation Highjump (OpHjp)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- OpWml --> "Operation Windmill (OpWml)" (see Windmill Islands for the origin of the name)
[edit] P
- PAE --> "Polish Antarctic Expedition (PAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- Prof. --> "Professor" (or --> "Professor")
[edit] R
- R.Adm. --> "Rear Admiral"
- R. Adm. --> "Rear Admiral"
- RARE --> "Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition (RARE)"
- RN --> "Royal Navy"
- RNR --> "Royal Navy Reserve"
[edit] S
- S --> "south (S)"
- SbE --> "south by east (SbE)"
- SbW --> "south by west (SbW)"
- ScotNAE --> "Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (ScotNAE)"
- SE --> "southeast (SE)"
- SEbE --> "southeast by east (SEbE)"
- SEbS --> "southeast by south (SEbS)"
- Sept. --> "September"
- SGS --> South Georgia Survey (the Mount Carse entry reads: « ...Surveyed by the South Georgia Survey between 1951 and 1957 and named for V. Duncan Carse, leader of the four SGS expeditions during that period. »)
- SovAE --> "Soviet Antarctic Expedition (SovAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
- SPRI --> "Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI)"
- SSE --> "south-southeast (SSE)"
- SSW --> "south-southwest (SSW)"
- SW --> "southwest (SW)"
- SWbS --> "southwest by south (SWbS)"
- SWbW --> "southwest by west (SWbW)"
- SwedAE --> "Swedish Antarctic Expedition (SwedAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
[edit] T
- TUD --> "Technical University of Denmark (TUD)"
[edit] U
- UK-APC --> "United Kingdom Antarctic Place-names Committee (UK-APC)"
- US-ACAN --> "United States Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN)"
- USAAF --> "United States Army Air Forces (USAAF)"
- USAF --> "United States Air Force (USAF)"
- USAP --> "United States Antarctic Program (USAP)"
- USARP --> "United States Antarctic Research Program (USARP)" (seems to be similar or identical with the USAP, although I am not sure)
- USAS --> "United States Antarctic Service (USAS)"
- USCG --> "United States Coast Guard (USCG)"
- USCGC --> "United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC)"
- USGS --> "United States Geological Survey (USGS)"
- USMC --> "United States Marine Corps (USMC)"
- USMCR --> "United States Marine Corps Reserve (USMCR)"
- USMS --> "United States Maritime Service (USMS)" see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- USMS --> "United States Meteorogical Service (USMS)" (I have checked the abbreviation USMS in the .TXT-file. It appears only twice and seems to mean only "United States Maritime Service (USMS)" and not "United States Meteorogical Service (USMS)"), see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- USN --> "United States Navy (USN)"
- USNR --> "United States Navy Reserve (USNR)"
- USNS --> "United States Naval Ship (USNS)" (civilian-manned; in service) see also the talk page Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Missing encyclopedic articles/Antarctica
- The phrase " (civilian-manned; in service)" was written by I did not delete it, but I am not sure if and how Eubot should/could include it.
- Another option, but quite unlikely in comparison to United States Naval Ship might be:
- USNS --> "United States Navy Seals (USNS)"
- Another option, but quite unlikely in comparison to United States Naval Ship might be:
- The phrase " (civilian-manned; in service)" was written by I did not delete it, but I am not sure if and how Eubot should/could include it.
[edit] V
- V. Adm. --> "Vice Admiral"
- VUWAE --> "Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition (VUWAE)" (there might only one, but maybe several ones)
[edit] W
- W --> "west (W)"
- WbN --> "west by north (WbN)"
- WbS --> "west by south (WbS)"
- WNW --> "west-northwest (WNW)"
- WSW --> "west-southwest (WSW)"
- ...
- (add more common abbrevs if you find them, and I'll add them to my wikification script)
[edit] List of the abbreviations whose meaning is unclear
The expressions in italics are more likely to be the correct ones:
DI --> ??? (search results from
Drill InstructorDagens Industri (Swedish newspaper)Damage Incorporated (computer game)Dance Instructor- Dangerous Impoundment
di Das Ist (German: that is)- Data In
- Data Integrator
- Data Interchange
- Data Item
- Debt Indicator
- Decoder Identification
- Defense Information
- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Directorate for Analysis (US DoD)
- Degree of Integration
DeinstitutionalizationDeionized (Water)- Delay Indefinite
Delay Insensitive- DeMolay International
- Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
Departure Approval Request for IFR Flight- Dependability/Directivity Index
- Deseret Industries
Desert Inn (Las Vegas)- Design Instruction
- Design Interface
- Designated Inspection
- Designation Indicator
- Desk Instructions
- Desktop Instructions
- Destination ImagiNation
- Destination Index
Destiny Islands (video game Kingdom Hearts)- Detective Inspector
- Detrusor Instability
- Development Item(s)
- DIA Directorate for Intelligence Production (US DoD)
Diabetes Insipidus (water diabetes)- Diagnostic Imaging/Inspection
- Diana/Diane
- Dielectric Isolation
- Dig It (Beatles song)
- Digital Input
- Digital Interface
- Digital Intermediate
- Digitally Imported (internet radio)
- Diodes for Isolation
- Direct Injection (CAT)
- Direct Instruction
- Directing Implementation (common feature; Capability Maturity Model Integration)
- Direction Indicator (aviation)
- Director of Investigations
- Director of Investments
Disability IncomeDisability IndexDisability Insurance- Disable Interrupt (assembly language instruction)
Disabled IndividualDiscipline Instructor- discrete identifier (US DoD)
- Dismounted Infantry
- Distilled (water)
- Distinctive Insignia
- District Inspector
Divine Inspiration (band)- Division(al)
- Document Identifier
- Domain Integration
Donor InseminationDormitory Inspection- Double Insulated
- Double Integral
- Drainage Inlet
- Dramatic Interpretation
- Dramatiska Institutet (Swedish university for arts and media)
- Driver Identification
- Drugs Inspector (India)
- Drunk and Incapable
- Ductile Iron
- Due In
- Duo Interpretation (oratorical exercise)
- Dynamic Interface
- Deception Island is the most likely meaning (Antarctica.txt typically reads "DI personnel"), as Deception Island was a strategic operations base in the period indicated (1926-1937).
OpWml --> ??? (no search results found for "OpWml" at
- Clearly Operation Windmill; see the Windmill Islands entry for the name's origin.
SGS --> ??? (search results from
- Satellite Ground Segment
- Saudi Geological Survey
- Scenario Generation Server
- Second Gear Start
- Secondary Ground Station
- Secretary of the General Staff
- Segmented Gamma Scanner
- Sensor Ground Station
- Shell Global Solutions
- Ship Ground Station
- Shipboard Gridlock System
- Short Guard Sequence
- Short-Grass Stepp
- Signode Corporation (NYSE Symbol)
- South Georgia and the Islands (ISO Country code)
- Space Gateway Services
- Space Gateway Support
- Squadron Ground Station
- Stablized Glide Slope
- State Geological Survey
- Statistics Gathering System
- Steam Generator System
- Subgrid Scale
- Swiveling Gunner's Station
- South Georgia Survey expeditions (there were four, 1951-1957), led by V. Duncan Carse; see the Mount Carse entry (in Antarctica.txt) for the clincher. Googling for "South Georgia Survey" gleans about 90 hits.
[edit] Geographical coordinates and elevation
Please ensure that you include the geographical coordinates into your new article and format the geographical coordinates according to the Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates (see there or also Wikipedia:Manual of Style (dates and numbers)#Geographical coordinates): The standard phrase is, for example in the case of Nelson Rock (Antarctica): Nelson Rock is located at .
If the elevation for the geographical feature is also provided by the database, please include the elevation (see for example Drygalski Island: Drygalski Island is located at and has an elevation of 325 m.).
The elevations and the name versions are unfortunately not provided in the file, but they are provided here:, so please check there too, if possible. Furthermore, a lot of maps (and sometimes more information than in the USGS database) are provided in the Australian Antarctic Gazetteer: (see for example the external links listed in the article Rouse Islands (Holme Bay)).