Wikipedia:WikiProject Japanese Bibliography/Imperial Japan and its colonies

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This is a bibliography of sources on the Empire of Japan.


[edit] Japanese and foreign comments on diverse aspects (cultural, economical, industrial, administrative, etc.) of the Empire of Japan

[edit] General Geography

  • Cressey George B."Asia's Lands and Peoples",X Chapter :"Natural Basis of Japan"(P.196-285),1946
  • Book "Asia",Chapter X "Japanese Empire"(p.633-716),1946
  • Trewartha, Glenn T. "A Reconnaissance Geography of Japan", New York, American Geography Society, (1943).
  • Smith, Guy Harold, Good Dorothy & McCune Shannon. "Japan, A Geographical View", New York, American Geography Society, (1943).
  • Sion, Jules. "Assie Des Moussons", Enciclopedy, Paris, Ed Armand Collin(1928) Vol. I (Chine-Japan), P. 189-266. (Chapter X "The Nature of Japan")
  • "Reconossaince Geographical of Japan", (Wisconsin University,"Studies in Social Sciences and History"),1934
  • G.T.Trewartha, Geographical Review (general geography), vol. XXIV,1934,P.400-403
  • Idem,"Japan, a Physical, Cultural and Regional Geography",Wisconsin University,1948.

[edit] Ancient History and Historic Geography

  • Bishop, Carl W. "The Historical Geography of Early Japan", Geographical Review, XIII, (1923), P.40-62.* Durant, Will. "The History of Civilization", New York, Simon & Schuster, (1935), pp. 826-938.
  • Katsuoro Hara,"Historie du Japon",Paris 1926.
  • Lafcadio Hearn,"Le Japon",Paris,1904-"Japan and attempt at interpretation",London,1905.
  • H.Matsumoto,"Notes on the stone age people of Japan"(American Antropologist, XXIII,1921,P.50)
  • Al. Matsumura,"A contribution to the physical antropology of Japan"(Journal Faculty of Sciences, Imperial University of Tokyo, section V, I,1925)
  • Miss De La Mazeliere,"Le Japon. Histoire et Civilization",Paris,1907-1923,8 vol.
  • G.Montandon,"Notice preliminaire sur les Ainou"(Archives Suisses d'antropologie generale, IV, num.3,1921,P.233)
  • J.Murdoch,"A history of Japan,3,vol, London,1926.
  • O.Nachod,"Geschichte von Japan",Gotha,1906.
  • Ph. Fr.von Siebold,"Nippon. Archiv fur Beschreibung von Japan",Wurzburg and Leipzig,1897,2 vol.

[edit] Geomorphology and Sysmology

  • Watanabe, Akira & Burnett, Robert. "Landforms of Japan", Papers, Science & Arts Academy of Michigan. XVIII, (1932), P.157-207.
  • Smith, Guy-Harold. "Notes on a Physiographic, Diagram of Japan", Geographical Review, XXIV, (1934), P.400-403.
  • Trewartha, Glenn T. "A Reconnaissance Geography of Japan", University of Wisconsin, Studies in the Social Science and History, N°22, (1934).
  • Cushing, Summer W. "Coastal Plain and Block Mountains in Japan", Annals of American Geographers Association, III, (1913), P.43-61.
  • Davidson, Charles. "The Japanese Earthquake of 1923", London, Ed. Thomas Murby, (1931).
  • Idem. "The Japanese Earthquake of 1 September 1923", Geographical Journal, LXV, (1925), P.41-61.
  • Trewartha, Glenn T. "Suwa Basin a Specialized Sericiculture in the Japanese Alps", Geographical Review, XX, (1930), P.224-244.
  • Idem. "A Geographic Study in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan", Annals of American Association of Geographers, XVIII, (1928), P.211-259.
  • Hall, Robert Burnett. "Yamato Basin, Japan", Annal, of Association of American Geographers, XXII, (1932), P.243-290.
  • Trewartha, Glenn T. "The Iwaki Basin; Reconnaissance Field Study of a Specialized Apple District in Northern Honshu, Japan", Annals of American Geographers, XX (1930), P.196-223.
  • I.Byrd, Mrs Bishop,"Unbeaten Trakcs in Japan",London 1880-1900
  • "Bulletin of The Imperial Earthquake Investigation Comitee",Tokyo.
  • Toyokitsi Harada,"Die Japanishce Inseln. Eine Topograpish-geologische Ubersicht",Berlin,1890
  • Japanese Journal of geology and geography, Tokyo, I,1922 (Geology overall)
  • W.Weston "Exploration des Alpes Japonaises",Geogr. Journal, VII,1896,P.125-149,XXVII,1906,P.18-35,XLVI,1915,P.188-200)
  • "A wayfarer in unfamiliar Japan",London,1925
  • N.Yamasaki,"Morphologische Betrachtung des Japanischen Binnenmeers Setouchi"(Petermanns Mittlei. XLVIII,1902,P.245-253)
  • Phisiographical studies of the great eartquake of Kwanto distric,1923 (Journal Faculty of Sciences, Imperial University of Tokyo, section II, ii,1926)

[edit] Vegetation in Japan

  • B.Hayata,"The vegetation of Mt. Fuji",Tokyo,1911
  • S.Honda,"Description des forestieres du Japon",Paris,1900
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,"Forestry of Japan",Inform, Tokyo,1926 (Vegetation zones)
  • M.Revon, La Vegetation au Japon (Annals of Geography.,XIV,1905,P.52-53)

[edit] Meteorology and Climates

  • Okada, T. "The Climate of Japan", Bulletin, Meteorological Central Observatory of Japan, IV, (1934), P.89-416.
  • Warren, C. "The Climates of Japan", Geographical Review, XXIV, (1934), P.494-496.
  • Clayton, H.Helm. "World Weather Records", Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, LXXIX y XC, (1927 and 1924).
  • E.M.Sanders,"The Climate of Japan and Formosa"(Monthly Weather Review, XLVIII,1920,P.404-408)
  • Monthly Weather Review, July,1920
  • "Climatic Map of Japan",Geographical Review(Climate), vol. XI,1921,P.146

[edit] Roads & Ways

  • Hall, Robert Burnett. "Tokaido: Road and Region", Geographical Review (1937), 363-377.

[edit] Settlement

  • Idem. "Some Rural Settlement Forms in Japan", Geographical Review, XXI (1931), P.93-123.
  • Ibidem. "A Map of Settlement Agglomeration and Dissemination in Japan", Papers, Science & Arts Academy of Michigan, XXII, (1937), P.365-367.
  • Idem. "The Cities of Japan-Notes on Distribution and Inherited Form", Annals of Association of American Geographers, XXIV (1934), P.175200.
  • Trewartha, Glenn T. "Japanese Cities, Distribution and Morphology", Geographical Review, XXIV(1934), P.404-422.
  • Davies, Darrel H. "Some Aspects of Urbanization in Japan", Journal of Geography, XXXIII(1934), P.205-221.

[edit] Farming

  • E.Ch. Semple,"Influence of conditions upon Japanese Agriculture"(Geogr. Journal, XL,1912,P.589-607)
  • Russel, Joseph A. "The Teas of Uji", Economic Geography, XV (1940), P.211224.
  • "Official Guide of Japan", Japanese Government General Publication.
  • Semple, Hellen C. "Influence of Geographical Conditions upon Japanese Agriculture", Geographical Journal, XL, (1912), P.589-607.
  • Penrose, E.F. "Food Supply and Raw Materials in Japan", Chicago, Chicago University Press, (1929).
  • King, F.H. "Farmers of Forty Centuries", New York, Ed Harcourt (1926)
  • Orchard, Dorothy E. "Agrarian Problems of Modern Japan", Journal of Political Economy, XXXVII, (1929), P.129-149, 285-311.
  • Hall, Robert Burnett. "Agricultural Regions of Asia, Part VII, The Japanese Empire", Economic Geography, X, (1934), P.323-347;X, (1935), P.33-52, 130-147.
  • Ladejinski, W. "Agrarian Unrest in Japan", Foreign Affairs, XVI (1939), P.426-433.
  • Idem. "Japan's Food Self-sufficiency", Foreign Agriculture, IV, (1940), P.355-376.
  • Dawson, O.L. & Ladejinski, W. "Recent Japanese Agricultural Policies", Foreign Agriculture, III, (1939), P.263-274.
  • "Agriculture au Japon"(L´)Inform. (L Exposition d Paris,1900), Paris,1900.
  • Department of Agriculture and Commerce,"Outlines of Agriculture in Japan, Mining of Japan",Tokyo,1910,2.vol
  • R.B.Hall,"Agricultural Regions of Asia, The Japanese Empire",Economic Geography, vol XI,1935 ,P.40-43
  • "Farming Atlas of Japan",published by "Imperial Farmers Association",Tokyo,1928.
  • R.B.Hall, Economical Geography, (Agriculture), vol. XI,1935,P.130-147

[edit] Japanese Oceanography and Hydrography

  • Cushing, Summer W. "Coastal Plain and Block Mountains in Japan", Annals of American Geographers Association, III, (1913), P.43-61.
  • Ak. Tanaka,"Archipel du Nippon"(Bull. Soc. Roy. Belge de Geogr.,1894,P.502-525;1895,P.24-25) (specially for Japanese coasts and littorals)
  • "The Hydrographie Department",Imperial Japanese Navy,"On The form of Japan Trench"(Record of Oceanographic Works in Japan, Tokyo, vol. I, March 1928,P.25-26)

[edit] Fishing

  • Barnes, Kathleen. "Fisheries, Mainstay of Survey of Soviet-Japanese Friction", Far Eastern Survey, IX, (1940), P.75-81.

[edit] Population

  • Penrose E.F. "Population Theories and Their Application", Stanford University Food Research Institute, (1934)
  • Jefferson, Mark. "The Distribution of People in Japan in 1913", Geographical Review, II, (1916), P.386-373.
  • Nasu, Shiroshi. "The Problems of Populations and Food Supply in Japan", Problems of The Pacific, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, (1928).
  • Crocker, W.R. "The Japanese Population Problem: the Coming crisis", London, Ed Allen & Unwin(1931).
  • Orchard, John E. "The Pressure of Population in Japan", Geographical Review, XVIII, (1928), P.374-401.
  • Freeman, T.W. "Recent and Contemporary Japanese Migration", Scottish Geographical Magazine, LIII, (1937), P.323-325.
  • E.Dennerg,"La superpopulation Japonaise"(Ann. de Geographie,1929)

[edit] Economical & Industrial Evolution

  • Financial and Economic Annual of Japan, Tokyo,1927
  • Dautremer, J. L Empire japonaise et sa vie economique, 1910.
  • Griffis, W.E., Mikado Empire, New York, 11° Edition, 1906.
  • Ibidem. The Japanese Nation in Evolution. Steps in The progress of a great people, New York, 1907.
  • Maibon, A. Le Japon d'aujourd hui, Paris, 1924.
  • Naudeau, L. Le japon moderne, Paris, 1909.
  • Weston, W. Japan, London, 1926. (Japanese modern society)
  • Weulersse, Le Japon d'aujourd hui, Paris, 1904.
  • Brenner, H. Les Progres de l exportation et de Industrie japonaise, depuis la guerre, Bulletin, Comite de l Asie fr., XVIII, 1918, P.74-87.
  • Niski, Hikitaro., Die Baum wollspinnerei in Japan (Zeitchrift fur die gesammte Staatswissenschaft, Erg. Heft, XL, 1911.)
  • Robertson Scott, J.W. The foundations of Japan, London, 1922.
  • Uyehara, S. The Industry and Trade of Japan, London, 1926.
  • Bureau de La Statistique Generale, Resume Statistique de l Empire du Japan, Tokyo, (annual)
  • Ministere des Finances, Annuaire financer et economique du japon, Tokyo, (annual)
  • Reviews Far Eastern Survey, Pacific Affairs and Troubles of Pacific, Published by Institute of Pacific Relations, New York (1930s/40s)
  • Oseki, K. "The Economic Geography of Japan", Scottish Geographical Magazine, XXXI (1915), P.449-465 and P.519-531.
  • Nitobe, Inazo. "Japan, Some Phases of Her Problems and Development" London, Benn (1931)
  • Idem:"Lectures on Japan; An Outline of The Development of Japanese People and Their Culture", London Ed. Benn (1937)
  • Orchard, John. "Economic Consequences of Japan's Asiatic Policy", Foreign Affairs, XII (1933), pp. 71-85.
  • S.Uyehara,"The Industry and Trade of Japan",London, King Ed.1926.
  • "Japan's Economical Position",New York,1930
  • Utley, Freda "Japan s Feet of Clay",London,1936
  • "Japan s Hafen"("Mittleilungen der Geogr. Gesell.") Hamburg, vol. XLII,1931
  • Geographical Review, (economy)vol. XIX,1929,P.177-200

[edit] Mining

  • Departament of Agriculture and Commerce, Outlines of agriculture in Japan; Mining in Japan, Tokyo, 1910, 2, Vol.
  • Japan Geographical Review (from 1930s and 1940s)
  • Japanese Geology and Geography Review (same period)
  • Department of Agriculture and Commerce,"Outlines of Agriculture in Japan, Mining of Japan",Tokyo,1910,2.vol
  • M.Fesca,"Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Japanischen Landwirstchafy,2.vol, Berlin,1890-1833
  • "The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Japanese Empire, Tokyo,1926 (for use wit revised edition of "Geological Map of Japanese Empire" at Scale 1/2.000.000)

[edit] Political Administration in Exterior Provinces

  • Aubert, L., Paix Japonaise, Paris, 1906.
  • Idem, Americains et japonais, Paris, 1908.
  • Challaye, F., La Chine et Le Japon politique, Paris, 1921.
  • Semple, Ell. Ch., Japanese Colonial Methods, Bulletin, American Geography Society, XLV, 1913, pp.255-275.
  • Wertheirmer, Fr. Die Japanische Kolonial Politik, Hamburg, 1910.

[edit] Cultural Aspects

  • Sansom, G.B. "Japan A Short Cultural History", London, The Cresset Press (1931)
  • Longford, Joseph H. "The Evolution of New Japan", New York , Putnam (1913)
  • Pratt, Helen. "Japan, Where Ancient Loyalties Survive", New York, American Council of Pacific Relations (1937).
  • Reviews Amerasia, Far East Survey and Asia Magazine (1930s/40s)
  • Little, Archibald. "The Far East", Oxford, Clarendon Press (1905), pp.279-317
  • Old Editions of National Geographic Magazine (30s and 40s Years)

[edit] Japanese Exterior Provinces and Manchukuo

[edit] Manchukuo

  • Lattimer, Owen. "Manchuria, cradle of Conflict", New York, Ed. Mcmillan (1932).
  • Idem. "Chinese Colonization in Manchuria", Geographical Review, XXII, (1932), P. 177-195.
  • Cressey, George. "China's Geographical Foundations", Ed. McGraw-Hill, (1934).
  • Lattimore, Owen. "The Mongols of Manchuria", London, 1935.
  • Murakoshi, N./Trewartha, G.T. Geographical Review(Climate), Vol XX, 1930, P. 480-93.
  • The Pioneer Fringe (various authors), American Geography Society.
  • Ahnert, E.E.& C., Walter Young. "Pioneer Settlement"(Serie), New York, American Geographical Society, (1932).
  • Deasy, George F. "The Future of Manchurian Agriculture", Journal of Geography, XXXVII, (1938), P.20-27
  • Idem. "The Soy Bean in Manchuria", Economic Geography, XV, (1935), P.303-310.
  • Hall, Robert B. "The Geography of Manchuria", Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science, CLII, (1930), p.278-292.
  • Appleton, John B. "Economical and Commercial Development of Manchuria", Bulletin of Geographical Society of Philadelphia, XXXII, (1934), P.75-87.
  • McCune, Shannon. "Harbin, Manchoukou", Journal of Geography, XXXIX, (1940), P.187-196.
  • Ladjinsky, W. "Agriculture in Manchuria", Foreign Agriculture, I, (1937), P.157-182.
  • Plaetschke, Bruno. "Das Bergland der nordwestlichen Mandschurei", Ed. Petermanns Mittleilungen, Erganzungscheft 232, (1937).
  • Keyselring, Hermann. "Travel Diary of Philosopher", London, Ed. J.Cape & New York, Ed. Harcourt(1925)
  • Franck, Harry A. "Wandering in Northem China", New York, Ed. Century, (1923).
  • Japan-Manchukuo Yearbook (1930s period)
  • Southern Manchurian Railway Company,"Progress in Manchuria"(Report),1929

[edit] Kwantung territory & South Manchurian Railway Zone

  • Hall, Robert D. "The Economic and Commercial Develop of Manchuria", Bulletin of Geographical Society of Philadelphia, XXXII, (1934), P.75-87.
  • Deasy, George F. "Recent Trends in Manchoukoan Trade", Economic Geography, XVI, (1940), P.162-170.
  • Turtley, R.T.& Collier, C.T. Southern Manchurian and Korea, Geographical Journal, XXIII, 1904, P.473-492.
  • For other references about the area see the previous bibliography

[edit] Chosen (Korea)

  • McCune, Helen. "Chosen, Japan's Land Possession", Journal of Geography, XXXIV (1935), P.305-317.
  • Lord Curzon, "In Diamons Mountains, Adventures among the Buddhist Monasteries of Eastern Korea", Art. National Geographic Magazine, XLVI (1924), P.353-374.
  • Baylor, J.W. The Geography of Chosen, Economical Geography, Vol VII, 1931, P.238-251.
  • Bishop, Is. L.B. Korea and her Neighbours, London, 1892, Vol.2
  • Bour-Daret Em. En Coree, Paris, 1904.
  • Deniker, J. La Coree, d'apres un recent ouvrage russe, La Geographie, V, 1902, P.116-121.
  • Ducrocq G. Pauve et douce Coree, Paris, 1904.
  • Genthe, S. Korea. Reiseschilderungen, Berlin, 1905
  • Griffis, W.E. Corea the Hermit Nation, New York, 1907.
  • Hamilton, A. En Coree, Paris, 1904.
  • Keir, M. Modern Korea, Bulletin, American Geographers Society, XLVI, 1914, P.756-769, 817-830.
  • Koto, B. An Orographic Sketch of Korea, Journal College, of Sc. Imperial University, Tokyo, XIX, 1, 1903.
  • Idem, Journeys Through Korea, Ibid, XXVI, 2, 1909, XXVII, 12, 1910.
  • Longford, J.H. The history of Korea, London, 1911.
  • Nocentini, L. Materiali per la geografia dela Core. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, V, 1896, P.111-138, 234-249.
  • Lee, Hoon K. "Land Utilization and Rural Economy in Korea", Shangai, Ed. Kelly and Walsh, Institue of Pacific Relations, (1936).
  • Ladejinski, W. "Chosen's Agriculture and Its Problems", Foreign Agriculture, IV, (1940), P.95-122.
  • McCune, Shannon. "Climatic Regions of Korea and Their Economy", Geographical Review, XXXIV, (1941), P.95-99
  • Idem. "Recent Development of Piongyang, Korea", Economic, Geographical Review, XIX, (1943), P.148-155.
  • McCune, Shannon & Robinson, Arthur. "Notes on a Physiographical Diagram of Tyosen(Korea)"; Geographical Review, XXXI, (1941), P.653-658.
  • Ibidem. "Climate of Korea, Research Monograph on Korea", (Three Bulletins), 1941.
  • J.W.Baylor,"The Geography of Chosen",Econ. Geogr.vol. VII,1931,P.238-251
  • R.B.Hall,"Agricultural Region"(Chosen Region), Econ. Geogr.vol. XI,1935,P.44-52.
  • J.W.Coulter & B.Bong Hee Kim,"Land Utilization Maps of Korea",Geogr. Review, vol. XXIV,1934,P.418-422
  • "Japan-Manchukuo Yearbook",1935,Chapter XXXV(Chosen).
  • J.D.Van Buskirk,"The Climate of Korea and its probably effect on Human Efficiency",Trans. Korea Branch Royal Asiatic Society, vol. X,1919.
  • "The New Korea"(E.P.Dutton & Co.,New York,1926)

[edit] Hokkaido & Chishima Archipelago

  • W.D.Jones,"Hokkaido, the Northland of Japan"Geog. Review, vol. XI,1921,P.16-30.
  • D.H.Davis,"Present Status of Settlement in Hokkaido",Geo. Review, vol. XXIV,1934,P.386-399
  • Jones, Wellington. "Hokkaido, the Northland of Japan", Art, Geographical Review, XI (1921), P.16–30.
  • Davis, Darrel H. "Type Occupance Patterns in Hokkaido", Annals of Association of American Geographers, XXVI (1934), P.201–223.
  • Ibidem. "Present Status of Settlement in Hokkaido", Geographical Review, XXVI (1934), P.386–399.
  • Jones, W. D. "Hokkaido", Geographical Review, XI (1921), P.16–30.
  • Lasard, R. "La Colonisation de Hokkaido", Revue du Pacifique, IV (1925), P. 1027–1031.
  • M. Muller, "Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Insel Hokkaido" (Zeitschrift Ges. fur Erdkunde zu Berlin (1915), P.601–624, (1916), P. 34–50; 95–111)
  • Takaoka, K. "Die innere Kolonisation Japan's Hokkai-do, " Leipzig, 1904.
  • Davis, Darrel. "Present Status of Settlement in Hokkaido", Geographical Review, XXVI (1934), P. 386–399.
  • Ibidem. "Agricultural Occupation of Hokkaido", Economic Geography, X (1934), P. 348–367.

[edit] Karafuto/Sakhalin

  • Firms, Herian. "Pioneer Economy of Sakhalin Island", Economic Geography, XV, (1939), P. 55-79.
  • Kobayashi, Gichiro. "Preliminary Report on The Geology of the Oil Fields in North Sakhalin" , Art, Bulletin of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, X, (1926), P.1150-1162.
  • Krasnov, A. Vegetation de Sakhaline (Annals de Geographie, II, 1892, P.492-432)
  • Labbe, L.L Ile de Sakhaline, Paris, 1903.
  • Funke, M. "Sachalin", Halle, 1906.
  • Muller, "Der Japanische Kolonie Karafuto (Sachalin)", (Petermanns Mitteil, LXII, 1916, P.175-178;215-221.)
  • Tolmachoff, I.P. "The Results of Oil Prospecting on Sakhalin Island by Japan in 1910-1925", Bulletin of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, X, (1926), P.1163-1170.
  • Sokolov, D. "Russkii Sakhalin", (Zemlevedenie, XIX, 1912, vyp. I-II, P.80 162, III-IV, P.47-112).
  • Karafuto Nichi-Nichi Shimbun (now Sakhalin Times), ancient 30s and 40s edition examples.
  • Riku Manmitsu Dainikki (Confidential manuscripts and documents concerning the Russo-Japanese War filed by the Departament of the Japanese Imperial Army Staff), Official Documents of Karafuto Guards/88th Division; Defense Agency Military History Laboratory
  • Yonosuke Suzuki, Nichirosenso niyoru senryochi shisei ikken Karafuto nobu (Report on Policy Measures in the occupied territory after the Russo-Japanese War (Karafuto); as Diplomatic Record Office of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Kametaro Ito; Civil Contracts papers of Ito-Gumi Corporation; archive of Ito-Gumi Construction Company
  • Shokuinroku (Directories of Government officials through Japan); National Archives, Printing Bureau of Finance Ministry
  • Karafuto-Cho Shokuinroku (Directories of Local Karafuto-Cho Government); official Publication of Karafuto Government from 1930, 1934, 1935, 1938 and 1943
  • Yoshio Kaizuka Memoirs; as writing of the most important Japanese architect in Karafuto. Described the architectural, engineering and common life in period.
  • Yoshikazu Nakamura; Old Believers in Southern Sakhalin under Japanese Rule.
  • John J. Stephan, "Sakhalin: A History". Oxford UP,1971
  • Tosiyuki Akizuki, "Russo-Japanese Relations and Sakhalin a Territorial Issue in the Last Years of Bakufu and the First Years of Meiji'. (in Jap.), Tokyo, 1994.
  • A. P. Chekhov, "Complete Works of A. P. Chekhov in 30 Vol." --"Literary Works". Vol. 14-15, Moscow, 1978, pp. 212-214.
  • Valerii F. Lobanov, "Staroobryadchestvo na Dal'nem Vostoke", "Ocherki istorii rodnogo kraya". Khabarovsk, 1993, p.128.
  • Valerii F. Lobanov "Dal'nii Vostok. Amurskaya oblast' i ostrov Sakhalin". Moscow, 1909.
  • Miki, Masafumi."Reclamation Work in Karafuto as a Japanese Settlement Colony and the Construction of its Capital City, Toyohara",Department of Geography, Nara University.
  • Abe, Yasuhisa."Employment Policies toward Chinese Workers and Regional Development in Sakhalin(Karafuto) during the 1920s, JSPS Research Fellow, Nagoya University.
  • Japan-Manchukuo Yearbook, (1930-40s period) (Chapter "Karafuto")

[edit] Formosa (Taiwan)

  • Campbell, W. "Formosa under the Japanese", Scottish Geographical Review, XVIII, (1902), P.561-576
  • Bunsen, E.H.of, "Formosa", Art, Geographical Journal, LXX, (1927), P.266287.
  • Frank, Harry. "Glimpses of Japan and Formosa", New York, Ed. Century (1924).
  • Walton, Murray W.H. "Scrambles in Japan andFormosa", London, Ed. E.Arnold & Co.(1934).
  • Davidson, J.D. "The island of Formosa", London, 1903.
  • Fischer, Ad. "Steifsuge durchu Formosa", Beriln, 1900.
  • Hoffman, A. Aus Formosa, (Miteil.kais.kon. Geograpik Ges. Wein, LV, 1912, P.600-638)
  • IMBAULT-HUART, L ile Formose, Paris, 1893.
  • Mackay, G.L. From Formosa, London, 1896.
  • Torh, R. Etudes anthropologiques. Les aborigenes de Formose, Journal College, of Sc., Imp. Univ. Tokyo, XXVIII, 6, (1910); XXXIII, 4, (1912).
  • Yamasaki, N. Unsere geographischen Kenntnisse von der Insel Taiwan (Formosa) (Petermanns Mitteil., XLVVI, 1900, P. 221-234.
  • E.M.Sanders,"The Climate of Japan and Formosa"(Monthly Weather Review, XLVIII,1920,P.404-408)

[edit] South Seas

  • Uyehara, Yukio. "Ryu-Kyu Islands, Japan", Economic Geography, IX, (1933), P.395-405.
  • Yanahihara, Tadao. "Pacific Islands under Japanese Mandate", New York, Institute of Pacific Relations, (1939).
  • Chamberlain B.H. "Luchu islands and Their Inhabitants", Geographical Journal, V, 1895, P.289-319, P.446-462; P.534-545.
  • Hobbs, W.H. Cruises Along byways of the Pacific (Micronesia), Boston, 1923.
  • Clide, Paul. "Japan's Pacific Mandate", New York, Ed Mcmillan, (1935).
  • Samson, Gerald. "Warnings of Asia", London, Ed. R.Hale(1940).
  • Roosevelt, Nicholas. "The Restles Pacific", New York, Ed Scribner, (1928).
  • Rittlinger, Herbert."Der Masslosle Ozean"(The Great Ocean), Sttutgart, Germany,1939
  • Riesemberg, Felix. "The Pacific Ocean", New York, Ed. Whittlesey, (1940).
  • Hawthorne, Daniel: "Island of The Pacific", New York, Ed. Putnam, (1943).
  • Mitchell, Kate. "Industrialization of the Western Pacific", American Consell, of Pacific Relations Institute, (1942).

[edit] American-Japanese differences in Pacific zones (American Analysis)

  • Peltzer, Greene & Philips. "Economical Survey in The Pacific Area", (2 Vols.) (1941-42)
  • Dietrich Ether B. "Far Eastern Trade of The United States", New York, Institute of Pacific Relations (1940).
  • Commerce Department. Foreign Commerce Yearbook, Washington. (40s years)
  • Hall Robert B. "American Raw Material Deficiences and Regional Dependence", Geographical Review, XXX, (1940).
  • Far Eastern Survey (review), (40s Years)

[edit] About Japan's place in the world

  • Lederer, Emil. "Japan in the World Economics", Social Researches, IV (1937), P.1-32.
  • Parkins, A.E. "How Big is Japan", Economic Geography, XI, (1935), P.338346.
  • Utley, Freda. "Japan's Feet of Clay", London, Ed. Faber, (1936).
  • Le Clair, John C. "Japan's Trade with the Netherlands indies", Foreign Affairs, XV, (1937), P.381-383.
  • U.S.Commerce Department, Foreign Research Yearbook, (1938).
  • Orchard, John E. "Japan's Economic Position", Washington, Ed. Brookings(1931) and New York, Ed. Whittlesey (1930).
  • Idem. "Can Japan Develop Industrially?", Geographical Review, XIX(1929), P.177-200.
  • Moulton, Eugene. "Japan, an Economic and Financial Apprisal", Washington, Ed. Brookings(1931)
  • U.S.Interior Department. "Mineral Yearbook", (40s Years)
  • Roush, G.A. "Mineral Industry", New York, Ed. McGraw-Hill, (same times)
  • Imperial Geological Department. "The Geology and Mineral Resources of Japanese Empire", (1926)
  • Acts, Guides, and Summary "Scientific Japan". Third Congress of Pacific Science. (1926), Tokyo.

[edit] Maps and atlases of the Japanese Empire

  • Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai. Geographical Physical Mural Map in Scale 1:2.000.000, Tokyo, (1937)
  • Imperial Cadastral Department. Geographical Physical Mural Map in Scale 1:2.000.000, Tokyo, (1931)
  • Kan-Ichi Uchida, Kobunsha Co. "Land Use Map" in Scale 1:8.000.000, Tokyo.
  • Imperial Geological Department of Japan. "Geological Map of Japanese Empire", in Scale 1:4.000.000, Tokyo, (1926).
  • Imperial Geological Survey of Japan,"Maps of applied geology of Japan",compiled by K.Inouye, Tokyo, in Scale 1:3.000.000,1922.
  • Geographical Society of Tokyo. "Geological Atlas of Eastern Asia" in Scale 1:2.000.000, Tokyo, (1929).
  • Heekim, Bong Bernice & Coulter Wesley. "Land Utilization Maps of Korea", Geographical Review, XXIV, (1934), pp.418-422.
  • "A Dot Map of Distribution of Population in Japan", Geographical Review, XVI, (1926), pp. 283-284.
  • "Climatic Map of Japan",Geographical Review, vol. XI,1921,P.146
  • "Farming Atlas of Japan",published by "Imperial Farmers Association",Tokyo,1928.
  • J.W.Coulter & B.Bong Hee Kim,"Land Utilization Maps of Korea",Geogr. Review(atlas), vol. XXIV,1934,P.418-422