Wikipedia:WikiProject Gender Studies

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This article is part of
Wikipedia Project Gender Studies
WikiProject Gender Studies
This WikiProject is aimed at improving the quality of articles dealing with gender studies, and at removing systematic gender bias from Wikipedia.
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Welcome to the WikiProject Gender Studies! This WikiProject is aimed at improving the quality of articles dealing with gender studies, and at removing systematic gender bias from Wikipedia.

For a list of articles and tasks to contribute to, please see WikiProject Gender Studies/to do.


[edit] Project overview

Observation suggests that males are over-represented on Wikipedia, though there has not been a proper survey to back this up. The aim of this Project is to correct any systematic gender bias on Wikipedia. If you're interested, add your name to the list of contributors!

[edit] Aims of this project

  • Create or improve articles on feminism and masculism, feminists, trans issues, and articles dealing with gender studies.
  • Correct any sexism or gender bias in Wikipedia articles.
  • Where a feminist writer has written on a given topic, the view should be put forward on the appropriate article (as well as any criticisms or critiques).
  • Improve or create articles on issues of interest to, or about, women, or about gender.
  • Do so within Wikipedia's Neutral Point of View policy.

[edit] What this project is not

This project does not aim to correct a perceived pro-female or anti-male bias in Wikipedia. Nor does it seek to write general critiques of articles about gender-related topics.

This project does not aim to introduce a pro-female or anti-male bias, to advocate feminism (or any given variety of feminism) across Wikipedia. Nor does it seek to write feminist critiques of aspects of society without including criticisms of these views (where relevant).

This project does not seek to introduce a POV bias (to either articles, or Wikipedia in general). Rather, the aim is to improve the quality of articles, which deal with gender studies, within the Neutral Point of View policy.

[edit] How do I help?

Glad you asked! Feel free to sign up under contributors. If you come across an article which either needs attention, or alternatively that doesn't exist (even though it should), add it to the lists under "Requested articles", "Requests for expansion", or "Requests for review/attention" headings. If articles under those headings seem mature enough to no longer need attention, feel free to clean them off the list. If there are categories or templates you come across on Wikipedia which may be of interest to contributors of this project, feel free to add them under "Useful Categories" or "Useful Templates". You can also 'adopt' an article, or use the Discussion page to discuss issues relating to Gender Studies on Wikipedia. Finally, beyond Wikipedia, some contributors of this project are working on a Wikibook (textbook) on Feminism at Wikibooks (available here, feel free to contribute).

[edit] Project contributors

[edit] Editing considerations

In combatting gender bias on Wikipedia, take particular consideration of the following examples of sexism:

  • Usage of the terms "Miss" or "Mrs." should be changed to "Ms." or, preferably, removed entirely. Even calling an individual "Ms. Gallagher" is deferential in that it highlights gender and is more gentle than simply referring to her as "Gallagher", as is most often done with men.
    • If you do remove the term "Mrs.", it is advisable to add a sentence to the article about who the woman is married to, if that is a relevant thing to note.
  • Avoid referring to spouses in terms of ownership. For instance, instead of "Anderson was the wife of", "Anderson's husband", or "Anderson's wife was", be neutral and say "Anderson was married to".
  • Take note of details limiting people to their physical characteristics. A person's height and weight are generally considered irrelevant except in the cases of models, athletes, and those to whom an attribute is seen as a dominating characteristic by the larger public. Similarly, remove infatuated comments related to appearance.
  • Note that pictures can be POV representations as well. Oftentimes, the images selected to represent women are among the most sexualized, and least humanizing. If possible, attempt to locate suitable alternatives.
    • There are times, though, when this consideration should be reconsidered. 'Sexualized' and 'humanizing' are not necessarily mutually exclusive categories, and this is an area that should be treated with care. Further, some in the public eye may have elected to present themselves as a sexualized image. Not respecting that choice may amount to showing a lack of respect for their rational capacities, and therefore be dehumanizing as well.

[edit] Useful resources

[edit] Categories

[edit] Templates

[edit] Other

[edit] Current tasks

WikiProject Gender Studies tasks to do
This project creates and improves neglected articles in the area of Gender Studies.

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