Wikipedia:WikiProject Chinese characters/Template

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< Wikipedia:WikiProject Chinese characters

large 64x64 monochrome png of the character


[edit] History

History of this character, including links to any ancestors/descendants of this character that are still around

[edit] Character Codes

Character Set Code (Hex) Code (Decimal)
Unicode xxxx nnnnn
next character set e.g. Shift_JIS xxxx nnnnn
etc. etc. etc.

[edit] Stroke Order(s)

This shows the stroke order, or orders if different languages or styles do it differently

Stroke Order Type Stroke Order
first stroke order type e.g. Japanese Standard, Chinese Standard etc. a large - at least 64x64 to get the detail in - colour PNG, with the character in black, numbers of a different color showing which strokes are done in what order, and directional lines in a third color showing the direction of the stroke
next stroke order type etc.

[edit] Reading & Meaning(s)

Readings (that is, those in the original languages) should be links to an appropriate Wiktionary article (even if this isn't going in Wiktionary it should still link to it :) )

Language Type of reading Reading Translation
Language 1 Type of reading (on/kun in Japanese) Word 1 with this type of reading English translation
Word 2 with this type of reading English translation
Type of reading (on/kun in Japanese) Word 1 with this type of reading English translation
Word 2 with this type of reading English translation