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Whitsbury is a village in Hampshire, United Kingdom, close to Fordingbridge.Whitsbury is part of the group of villages on the edge of the Cranbourne Chase and West Wiltshire Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The first record of Whitsbury was around the time of the tenant-in-Chief Robert fitz Gerald, in the Domesday book (originally mentioned as Witeberge); However habitation of the site extends further back. Throughout the history of the village, there has always been the constant prescence of St Leonard's Church, situated someway north of the main village. Today the village only contains the Cartwheel Inn, and a small Post Office. However there was once a shop and Village school, located just to the south of Major's Farm, it was demolished during the 1950's and no sign of it now remains. The main employment is based upon the very successful equine and agricultural industry, comprising 4 major yards of racing stables, stud and dairy. Consequently, the people-intense nature of these businesses has allowed Whitsbury to retain a charm that has been lost in many other villages and communities.