White Hart Lane Secondary School

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White Hart Lane School is large culturally mixed Comprehensive school In north London N22. In total the students and staff speak 34 first languages betweem themselves.


[edit] Location and Buildings

White Hart Lane Secondary School is located on White Hart Lane in Wood Green, Haringey, North London. In December 2002, it opened a new building called the York Building named after and opened by HRH Andrew, Duke of York. Today, the building is used for catering and IT courses for both GCSE and sixth form students and also provides opportunities for neighbouring schools to use the wide range of facilities in the kitchen.


Over the recent years many buildings on the premises were either gutted & redecorated or demolished to make way for newer buildings at a cost of 5 million pounds, with new courses to attract a wider range of pupils including newly-arrived migrants who would like to learn english.

[edit] Cultural Diversity

Wood Green is a very mixed London suburb. It attracts new arrivals from throughout the world, the largest communities being Afro-caribbean and Turkish. In March, 2005, the school featured on BBC London's Inside Out documentary program. It highlighted that most children and staff's first languages were not English. In fact they spoke between them 33 other languages.


The Period for the school saw it considered to be a 'failing school'. The OFSTED report 2000 said that the behaviour of pupils was sufficiently bad to have it put on the 'serious weakness list. By the 2002, the school had improved dramatically to have it removed from the list. Investment in improved gymnasium and sports halls and the completion of the York Building have contributed to the achievement.

[edit] Bi-lingual teaching

In 2000 the number of pupils leaving the school with 5 or more GCSEs at grade C or above was 10% - by 2004, this figure had grown three-fold to 33%. As the largest group of children whose first language is not English are Turkish, Mathematics and Science are both taught in Turkish for those students who need it. Further to that, Students are encouraged to study there mother tongue at GCSE, so that they have a chance of leaving school with at least one GCSE.

[edit] References

[edit] Website