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White- (бело-), a prefix used by Bolsheviks to designate their real and alleged enemies of all sorts, by analogy with the White Army.

  • White-Guardist ("белогвардеец"): a member of the White Guard. The members of the White movement never applied the term "White Guardist" to themselves. Also, White-Guardists were called simply "Whites" ('белые', 'беляки') by their opponents.
  • White-Finn (белофинн): a term introduced during the unsuccessful attempt to initiate a revolution in Finland in 1917-1918, and reintroduced as part of the propaganda related to the preparation of the Winter War against Finland. the term continued to be in the subsequent use, e.g., in the context of the Karelian Uprising.
  • White-Czechs (белочехи): members of the Czech Legion.
  • White-Cossacks(белоказаки): cossack military that fought against the Bolsheviks during the Civil War.

These terms were supposed to distinguish, e.g., "good Poles" from "bad Poles", and usually bore a derogatory gist.

To obtain a prefix "white-" in one's papers while being imprisoned in the Soviet Union automatically meant application of Article 58.

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