Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego

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Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego is a multiplaform video game where players have to travel through time to collect the clue and the warrant necessary to capture Carmen Sandiego or one of her henchmen. Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego, a game show which was formerly broadcast on PBS, was loosely based on this game.

[edit] Story

The gamer plays as a "time sleuth" for the ACME detective agency. The objective of the game is to track down Carmen Sandiego and her henchman by jumping through "time tunnels". "Time tunnels" are tears in the time-space continuum that are left whenever the Chronoskimmer (a time travel device owned by the ACME agency) jumps through time. Being an educational title, the player ends up in many famous historical situations, meeting William the Conqueror and Johann Gutenberg, among others. On each mission the player is accompanied by a helper from the agency, all of which have humorous names, such as Rock Solid (a very large, musclebound man), Ivan Idea (creator of the Chronoskimmer), Polly Tix (play on the word politics) Renee Santz (play on the word Renaissance) and Ann Tickwitti (a play on the word antiquity).