When November Falls

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When November Falls is a musical side project started by Scooter Ward, who was the frontman of the band Cold. Originally named "The Witch", it changed to When November Falls recently. Ward is preparing to go into the studio to begin recording. Ward has said that there will be special guests on the first album, slated for release in March 2007, as stated on the projects' MySpace page.

[edit] Overview

When November Falls is a musical side project started by Scooter Ward, the front man of the recently disband Cold. Originally named "The Witch", it changed to When November Falls in November of 2006. Based in Jacksonville Beach, Florida, Ward is currently in the studio recording tracks for the next album. Ward has said that there will be special guests on the first album, “The Series of Emotion,” which is slated for release in March 2007 as stated on the projects' MySpace page. Currently six songs have been written and three have been put out on the band's Myspace page; “My Heart,” “Symphony for a Mad World,” “Let the Rain Begin,” “Starts When You Fall,” “The Avenue,” and “Halleluah.”

[edit] External links