Whacking Day

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The Simpsons episode
"Whacking Day"
Episode no. 79
Prod. code 9F18
Orig. Airdate April 29, 1993
Show Runner(s) Al Jean & Mike Reiss
Writer(s) John Swartzwelder
Director Jeffrey Lynch
Chalkboard "I will return the seeing-eye dog"
Couch gag Small chair instead of couch
Guest star(s) Barry White as himself
SNPP capsule
Season 4
September 24, 1992May 13, 1993
  1. Kamp Krusty
  2. A Streetcar Named Marge
  3. Homer the Heretic
  4. Lisa the Beauty Queen
  5. Treehouse of Horror III
  6. Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
  7. Marge Gets a Job
  8. New Kid on the Block
  9. Mr. Plow
  10. Lisa's First Word
  11. Homer's Triple Bypass
  12. Marge vs. the Monorail
  13. Selma's Choice
  14. Brother from the Same Planet
  15. I Love Lisa
  16. Duffless
  17. Last Exit to Springfield
  18. So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
  19. The Front
  20. Whacking Day
  21. Marge in Chains
  22. Krusty Gets Kancelled
List of all Simpsons episodes...
Richard Nixon on Whacking Day
Richard Nixon on Whacking Day

"Whacking Day" is the 20th episode of The Simpsons' fourth season. It concerns the fictional holiday "Whacking Day", in which the citizens of Springfield drive snakes into the town square, then club them to death.


[edit] Synopsis

Principal Skinner lures Bart, Jimbo, Kearney, Dolph and Nelson to a utility basement with the promise of free mountain bikes. When they get there, however, they're informed that they're being "swept under the rug" for a visit by Superintendent Chalmers. Bart escapes through a ventilation shaft, and then takes Groundskeeper Willie's tractor for a joyride. He quickly loses control, and it ends up hitting the superintendent in the rear. When Chalmers informs Skinner the accident has cost him a promotion, Skinner responds by making his harshest punishment yet: expelling Bart.

Meanwhile, Kent Brockman announces that a celebration that was found to be "disgusting and puerile" by a group of hillbillies is coming up. The upcoming celebration is Whacking Day - on every May 10th the people of Springfield drive snakes to the center of town and beat them to death. Lisa is appalled at the upcoming Whacking Day celebration, but her protests fall on deaf ears. She tries to appeal to Homer to not lower himself to the level of others, but Homer is set on participating in Whacking Day.

At first, Bart's parents try enrolling him in a private Christian school. However he gets in trouble almost immediately for singing "Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit" when asked for a psalm, and is chased from the building by the teacher and other students. Marge then decides to homeschool Bart. On a "field trip" to Olde Springfield Towne, Bart notices a discrepancy in the Jebediah Springfield story: on May 10, 1775, the day he led an attack on Fort Ticonderoga, he also supposedly founded Whacking Day. At a loss for words, the Squeaky Voiced Teen in charge of the tour decides to force Bart to leave.

Barry White (noted as Larry White) arrives to begin festivities, but when he discovers what the day is about, he is disgusted, much to the ignorant joy of the assembled crowd. Bart finds out about the true origin of Whacking Day. He suggests to Lisa that they can draw the snakes by playing music with a lot of bass and putting the stereo speakers to the ground. Homer's record collection, which boasts such gems as Tiny Tim, The Chipmunks, and singing castrati, leaves much to be desired, but they get assistance from Barry White (who was conveniently walking by). With White's vocals and Lisa's bass guitar playing, they attract hundreds of snakes into the house.

The crowd arrives in pursuit, but they are soon turned around on the subject of Whacking Day by Bart's newfound knowledge. It turns out that the day was actually invented in the early 1900's as an excuse to beat up the Irish. Mayor Quimby not knowing the city has changed its heart shows up with pre-whacked snakes, but is booed by the crowd and drives off. Skinner is impressed with Bart's efforts, and welcomes him back to the school — then realizes in horror that the bullies are still in the utility basement. He runs back to the school with mountain bikes for the four bullies still in the basement in the hopes that they're all still alive.

[edit] Cultural references

  • JFK - The untitled Itchy & Scratchy short, with "guest" director Oliver Stone, is a frame-by-frame recreation of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald (who was accused of the shooting death of John F. Kennedy).
  • Matlock - Grampa and his friends mention the show, starring Andy Griffith, several times.
  • "O Tannenbaum" - The song "O Whacking Day" uses the same tune as the Christmas carol.
  • Bob Woodward - The book "The Truth About Whacking Day" (which Bart reads) is apparently by the famous Washington Post reporter.
  • Boxing Day - It is possible that the title was taken from the holiday Boxing Day observed by Commonwealth Countries (takes place on the day after Christmas).

[edit] Quotes

(sung to the tune of O Tannenbaum)

Oh Whacking Day,
Oh Whacking Day,
Our hallowed snake skull-cracking day.
We'll break their backs,
Gouge out their eyes,
Their evil hearts, we'll pulverize.
Oh Whacking Day,
Oh Whacking Day,
May God bestow His grace on thee.
  • Marge: (visiting Olde Springfield Towne) Hello, Barney. Are you supposed to be the town drunk?
    Barney: Actually, I'm supposed to be the governor! [belches drunkenly]
  • Skinner: Okay, we give 'em these bikes, no one sues.
    Willie: What if they're dead, sir?
    Skinner: Then, we ride these bikes to Mexico, Willie, and freedom! Freedom!
    Willie: Free. (laughs lowly). (under his breath) I'll turn ye in at the first tollbooth.
  • Homer: "Hey kids, how was school?"
    Lisa: "I learned how many drams are in a penny weight."
    Bart: "I got expelled."
    Homer: "That's my boy. Mmm, beer. WHAT?!"
  • Homer's evil side: (dancing on the grave of Good Homer) I am evil Homer! I am evil Homer! I am evil Homer! I am evil Homer!
  • Adolf Hitler: Ach du lieber! Das is nicht eine Booby!
  • Olde Springfield Towne Job Interviewer: What experience do you have being an idiot?
    Man: I played "Panicky Idiot #2" in The Poseidon Adventure.
    Interviewer: Sorry. We're looking for more of a "duh, duh" idiot.
  • Barney (whacking the ground): Snakes! Snakes! Snakes everywhere!
    Lenny: Getting ready for Whacking Day?
    Barney: What's "Whacking Day"?
  • Grandpa: I'm an old man. I hate everything but Matlock! Ooo, it's on now!
  • Barry White: I love the sexy slither of a lady snake.

[edit] External links

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[edit] See Also