Weston, Nova Scotia

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Weston Welcome Sign.
Weston Welcome Sign.

Weston, Nova Scotia is a small community located in the central part of the Annapolis Valley. Its located about 3 miles (4.82km) north-west of Berwick, Nova Scotia

The community is roughly bordered on the north by Highway 221 (North Mountain), on the south by the 101 Highway (Berwick & Cariboo Bog), on the east by the Chute Road (west of the 360 Harbourville Road, Sumerset) , and on the west by Parker Brook (east of Victoria Road, Aylesford).


[edit] History

Weston was named by its settlers on November 16, 1859 at a public meeting which was called for the purpose of naming the district. At the time it formed part of the Cornwallis Township which was established in 1761. Its name was likely chosen after a place in England however some have suggested that it is based on the fact the nearby settlers in Somerset would say "west on' when giving driving directions to the location.

Settlers where given grants of land by the Crown and cleared the forested land with which they built homes and barns. Early businesses in Weston where a cheese factory, a saw mill, a carriage factory, a tannery, and a box factory. Some of the first settlers where Tuppers, Loomers, Clems, and Woodworths. Others where Skinners, Sanfords, Wests, and Coxes.

[edit] Post Office

A post office was established in Weston on December 1, 1892 with Jonathan Sanford as its first postmaster. Mail was delivered from the Aylesford Post Office three times a week until 1912 when daily delivery was introduced. The post office officially closed on November 30, 1919 when rural mail deliver was instituted from the Aylesford Post Office.

[edit] North Mountain Railroad

In 1912 construction began by the Dominion Atlantic Railway on a 14.8 mile railway line to Weston to improve transportation for local farming. On December 1, 1914 this Centreville to Weston Branch was inaugurated and was known as the North Mountain Railroad. Two apple warehouses where built near the end of the railway line in Weston to facilitate farmers. The railway tracks were eventually removed amost fifty years later in 1962.

Weston Community Center.
Weston Community Center.

[edit] Community Center

In 1885 John Skinner donated a piece of land for a Community Hall to be built on. On December 31, 1885 the first public meeting was held in the new Hall. The building was used for alternating Baptist and Methodist church services. In 1932 the Weston Branch of the Women's Institute was formed and has been a constant supporter of the hall. On July 14, 1985 the community celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the Center.

[edit] Schools

The first school of the community was build on what was then the Rand property. In 1863 when the free school law was passed a larger school was built at Weston Corner on what is now known as Power Hill. In 1876 the school was replaced again with a larger one farther north. This building also included an upstairs hall which was used until the current Community Center was built.

[edit] Community highlights

[edit] Maps

  • Map of Weston and surrounding areas.