Westfield River

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The Westfield River in Massachusetts flows through Westfield and empties into the Connecticut River by Springfield, MA. It has a 497 sq. mi. drainage area consisting of several tributaries. These include the North Branch, the Middle Branch and the West Branch. The Swift River joins the North Branch near Cummington. (Caution: there are two Swift Rivers in central Massachusetts).

The river runs for a total of 78.1 miles. It starts in the Berkshire Mountains in the west of the state and flows generally southeast to join the Connecticut River. The river used to be highly dirty and would change colors sometimes. Today the river is quite clean and it is possible to swim in it. It is a state and locally managed river featuring native trout fishing and rugged mountain scenery in the context of a historical mill town settlement. The river provides over 50 miles of whitewater canoeing and kayaking. The river corridor also contains one of the largest roadless wilderness areas remaining in the state and is home to several endangered species.

[edit] External Links

[[1]] Westfield River Watershed Association