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Wehthun was an early Bishop of Selsey.

Wehthun seems to have been appointed bishop in 789, as he appears last among the bishops in the witness list of a charter issued by Osfrith, King of Mercia, to Bishop Wærmund in that year.

His last datable subscriptions are to two charters of 805: a grant by Cuthred, King of Kent, to Archbishop Wulfred [1], and a grant by Coenwulf, King of Mercia, and Cuthred, King of Kent, to a priest called Wulfhard [2]. He also witnessed a grant from between 805 and 807 by Cuthred, King of Kent, to Æthelnoth, praefectus [3].

Preceded by:
Bishop of Selsey Succeeded by:

[edit] Sources

  • Barker, E. 1947. Sussex Anglo-Saxon Charters, part 1. Sussex Archælogical Collections 86: 42-101
  • Kelly, S. E. 1998. Charters of Selsey. Anglo-Saxon Charters 6.

[edit] See also