Web template system (terminology)

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[edit] Article terminology

Some original terms were introduced to precisely distinguish core concepts:

[edit] Established terminology

  • Content resource: an input supplier, like a SQL database or a XML file.
  • Substitution process: the basic process of variable substitution, performed by the template engine. It finds variable names and substitute by variable values. Example (see picture above): the substitution of $x by the content (on page 01 by value "Mother", on page 02 by "World").
    • Variable and related content: the name of the variable ($x on the picture) and the value that it assumes (related content resource).
    • Moment of the substitution process: before (see "Static web template"); during (see "Server-side web template"); or after (see "Client-side web template"), the "send web document" process.
  • Logic (encapsulating the substitution process): provided by more complex template languages and available only on more unrestricted template engines that interpret (parse) it. Conditionals (to decide whether to show a variable or not) and iteration (to block repetition) are the basic features to create more complex template structures.
  • Output language: templating need to deal with two languages, the template language, and the output language, one embedding another. See Hook compatibility strategies section.
  • Type of document: templates can be used to customize the presentation of a "standard web document" (mainly HTML documents), or to transform data into other kinds of documents, like a PDF format (see also object transformation concept). There are many types of output languages:
    • Specific types: a XML schema is a typical strategy to specify the requirements of more specific type of document (than a generic format like XHTML).
    • Standard formats: formats on the W3C standards for web (ex. XHTML-recommended formats).
    • Non-standard types: not-W3C, but widely used on web (PDF, Flash, etc.).
  • Presentation: web design and aesthetic aspects, related to the page layout, site navigability, page diagramation, page structure, and the look and feel of the proportioned web interface.
  • Good separation principles: on standard documents there are two or more levels (opportunities) of "content from its presentation" separation:
    • Web template: separate "pure content" from web presentation specification.
    • HTML/CSS: a good use of CSS permit a more accurate separation from "content structure and grouping" (the HTML core) from "visual specification".
    • Pure data and rendered data: there are "extended MVC models" like  M(VR)C  (R stands "renderer"), where data details such as date format ("11/10/2006" or "2006-10-11" presentation) or decimal point ("1,000,000" or "1000000" presentation) need to solved without breaking the separation strategy. A classical solution is to "pre-process" the data on template engine with renderer functions. Good CSS use can also solve a lot of these cases

[edit] References