Wayne Bertsch

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Wayne Bertsch is an artist, cartoonist and fledgling writer who contributes frequently to Nuvo Newsweekly in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has two regular comic features, the longest running of which is Barfly. Barfly acts as a review on Indiana's local music scene in comic strip form and follows the adventures of Wayne (Barfly) Bertsch as he travels from venue to venue in search of great local music.

The second strip, Gadfly, is a political cartoon lampooning local and national politics for which Bertsch won a Society of Professional Journalists award in 2005.

A life-long comic fan, Bertsch self-published his comic book The Law in 1989, which was distributed in 11 countries. No other issues were printed, however, the story that would have become the second issue of The Law appeared in the Gothik-APA, which Bertsch founded in the early 1990's.

His artwork has also appeared on Gig posters for various musical acts both local and national that have played Indianapolis venues. Marah, The Wailers, Les Claypool, Carbon Leaf, Citizen Cope, Toots and the Maytals & Kill Allen Wrench are among the national performers he's created posters for.

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