Walter Curt Behrendt

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Walter Curt Behrendt (*December 16, 1884, Metz - † April 26, 1945, Hanover) was a Lorraine-born German and American architect. He was an authority on city planning and housing.


[edit] Literary works

  • Die einheitliche Blockfront als Raumelement im Stadtbau, 1911
  • Der kampf um den Stil im Kunstgewerbe und in der Architektur, 1920
  • Der Sieg des neuen Baustils, 1927
  • Modern Building, 1938

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Behrendt, Walter Curt, 1884-1945, "The victory of the new building style", Los Angeles, Calif. : Getty Research Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities, c2000

[edit] See also

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