User:Walter Humala/Sandbox
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User:Walter Humala/Sandbox/box-header Master the gruntjitsu User:Walter Humala/Sandbox/box-footer
Master the gruntjitsu
I don't agree with the following in some way:
IDIOTS The other story Idiots are stupid, not the regular kind of stupid, but the kind of stupid that you just have to say what the &@#%. Some people say idiots were born that way, I say that all life forms are idiots, especially humans. One problem with humans is that they tend to write about how stupid they are, like right now. Another reason humans are stupid, is that they don't learn from their mistakes, if you get a bloody nose from picking it, STOP PICKING IT! if you make a war which makes a lot of people die, and it wastes money, DON'T MAKE WARS! Religious Idiots. I have things to say about Religious Idiots. (1)There stupid. (2)Jesus is not coming back, you've said he's been coming back ever since he died, Get it, You always extend the dead line after he doesn't come back when you say. (3) intelligent design is not intelligent, man did not come from a mound of clay and women did not come from his rib! O and for Religious Idiots The apocalypse is happening next year in June 6, Tuesday 6, on 2006. (4)If God knows all why did he test Adam and Eve by making the forbidden tree, and after Adam and Eve took the fruit why did God punish them instead of fixing them! Idiots Were all Idiots. By Universe_is_42