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Vincent Rioux was born in 1981 in the Verdun, Quebec, near Montreal, Canada. During his childhood, he operated a Bulletin board system named COM Tech BBS running on Renegade (BBS) at telephone number +1-514-769-0857, where users could get free access to sharewares, message boards, text-based games and UUCP mail. Later, that BBS also added text-based Internet access, all free for every user that could get hold of the single line. Just two years before it's shutdown, the BBS added a second line (no. +1-514-762-6543) and connected to the Internet by using by-then high-speed ISDN 128 KBits line.

In 1995, when the Internet started to become affordable at low-speed 28.8k speeds, Vincent decided it was time to move on and closed the BBS to focus on Internet-based services. That's when, his long-time free webhosting service, came about. At first, his experiences on the net were mainly based on Common Gateway Interface scripts running on Imatix's web server Xitami. Some of these services included dynamic DNS hosting, online server-based chatrooms, IRC community websites with some fancy IRC bot related features like "Les granyeules" (a list of the most active users within a channel, by word count). This experience led him to start designing custom scripts for other programs to interface with his server, hence the TripScript, an mIRC script that provided some high-level integration, for it's time.

After going to highschool at Collège Saint-Louis, he got an opportunity to work for the Consortium Multimédia CESAM as a web designer. While there, Vincent used his creative skills to produce specialty websites for various marketing and educational projects.

While at the CESAM, Vincent became friend with the System Administrator Luigi Bennardi and learned a lot about networking and general enterprise setups with him. When Luigi had an opportunity elsewhere, Vincent took the chance and seized the job. After months of changes, the entire CESAM network was remodeled, offering the company many new tools which were previously tought reserved to bigger businesses. Vincent's previous experience with custom programming and web design enabled him to impress his employer.

During the two years after being promoted to Network Administrator, Vincent was working with his direct superior, Christian Grégoire and Louise A. Perras, the General Manager of the CESAM to create a new non-profit organization to help young, talented people to start a career in multimedia. As the project was becoming more and more time-consuming, Vincent decided to accept his superior's request to work full-time for it.

This is how, in 2000, Vincent started working, as a founding member, for CyberCap, leaving Erik Voghell as the new Network Administrator at the then-renamed Alliance numériQC. The organization received various financial contributions enabling it to provide a very stimulating environment where participants could have first-hand experience with computers and web design, the ultimate goal being to help them find a job in the field or go back to school with a more comprehensive understanding of their future. Vincent understood the needs of the organization and did his best to model it's entire technical infrastructure around the ultimate goal. This led to many interresting approaches prepared exclusively to let the participants feel like in a real work environment while the staff performed their active academic duties.

Having only an high-school diploma himself, Vincent quickly realized he needed to follow the same path and obtain more knowledge and recognition if he was to continue advancing at a rapid pace in his career, which is why he left CyberCap to go back on the school benches at the Université du Québec à Montréal in Software Engineering.

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