Voyage of the Scarlet Queen

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Elliott Lewis
Elliott Lewis

Voyage of the Scarlet Queen was a radio adventure on the high seas, airing on Mutual from 3 July 1947 to 14 February 1948. James Burton produced the scripts by Gil Doud and Robert Tallman. Elliott Lewis starred as Philip Carney, master of the ketch Scarlet Queen, with Ed Max as Mr. Gallagher.

With a gambit later used by Star Trek, the opening was an entry from the ship's log: "Log entry, the ketch Scarlet Queen, Philip Carney, master. Position -- three degrees, seven minutes north, 104 degrees, two minutes east. Wind, fresh to moderate; sky, fair..." with a similar closing: "Ship secured for the night. Signed, Philip Carney, master."

In between he would almost always have an adventure at an exotic port of call that involved saving one of his crew from great trouble with local customs.

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