Von Rauch

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The word Rauch literally means “smoke” in a variety of Slavic languages. Prior to the reformation of Prussian land, Rauch was a self sufficient state. The name Rauch originates from a technique used to drive out Germanic Tribes in which masses of smoke would be created to give the impression that a large fire was heading their way, when in reality it was in fact quite a small, controlled fire.

The House of Rauch owes its noble status to Countess [1]Rosalie von Rauch, a Princess of the Prussian Court by virtue of her marriage to Prince Albrecht of Prussia. The House holds the titles of Count von Hohenau and Baron von Rauch.

While the execution of Austrian and German nobles during the second world war caused the Rauch family and others of similar position to suffer greatly, the current title holder (Count Ludwig von Rauch), was lucky enough to escape to Australia where he currently resides. The next in line to inherit the title is his grandson, Hon. Lucas Rauch who will be created Count von Hohenau and Rauch at the time of his grandfathers passing.