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The latest in electronic technology weapons is the VMADS (Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System). Pentagon officials have said they were "developing a new non-lethal weapon which uses electromagnetic energy to cause a burning sensation on the skin." (3/1/01) It has been officially labeled as a huge breakthrough in weapons technology. These type of weapons, which have been in development for years, have finally arrived. Lt. Colonel Chuck Beason and Dr. Kirk Hackett are the team leaders of the ongoing project.


[edit] How it Works

Though the Air Force developed the technology first, the Marines are the ones expected to be "microwaving" people. The projected energy causes the moisture in a person's skin to heat up rapidly, causing an extreme burning sensation within a few seconds. It does not harm the individual when used as directed, though long-term effects may cause permanent damage or death. The success of this weapon is based on the fact that it "exploits a natural defense mechanism - pain - that has evolved to protect the human body from damage."

The VMADS is a radar dish on the top of a vehicle that releases a high powered beam that can penetrate up to 1/64th of an inch of skin. No long term effects have been detected, and there have been more than 6,000 tests on humans (as of 2001). All that has been released about its range is that it is over 750 meters.

[edit] Cost

New technology, such as this, is very expensive. To simply develop the technology, the Defense Department spent almost $40 million. It is predicted that it will cost another $26 million over the period of 2001-2006.

[edit] Usage

The VMADS is expected to be used in crowd control.

[edit] References