Visual Utopia
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Visual Utopia (or VU for short) is an online multiplayer game (Browser Based MMORTS) created by ZeTa in which the players can create empires, build armies and construct large colonies. You can also join kingdoms, or even create them. These kingdoms allow players to work together and help each other. Additionally, a kingdom has a special and closed forum for its members to communicate in alongside the general public forums. The amount of players allowed per kingdom was recently lowered to 3 players. The game runs in a web browser and makes heavy use of JavaScript.
The game is fantasy themed. A small amount of players like to pretend to really be a fantasy character through role-playing and often even writing a backstory (or history) for their character. Role-playing in the game is rewarded by the administrators by the adding of Sir. or other titles other than the generic Mr.
[edit] General Gameplay
The game revolves around building an empire. Generally speaking, there are two ways to do that. Either by "exploring" or by attacking. Exploring means that you build your colonies and is generally anything that is not attacking. With attacking you can take over other players colonies to grow your own empire.
The game consists of rounds called eras. Every round lasts till Armageddon is cast, which is usually about 1 - 2 months into the round. Armageddon currently takes 250 turns (each turn being 60 minutes long), after which the round is over. During that week, other players can try to take out the colony from which it is cast to cease the countdown. This will result in the round taking longer.
At the start of the round every player has to choose one of the six races: Humans, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, Trolls and Halflings. These races influence the gameplay of the player as each one has its own strengths and weaknesses.
Armageddon is a unique feature not found in many games of the same type, it allows players to decide how long a round in the game should last. This option of deciding when a round should end is uncommon in this type of game and has therefore become a focus for some players.