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[edit] Present Day
The viscount Sphere de la Shropshire is known as one of the leading men in the English region. He once killed a flock of flamingos, and when asked why, he made them dance screaming "dance yankee doodle dance, i think i need me some dancin yankee doodle." while sometimes going into a frenzy of laughter or becoming furious over undercooked sushi, he is overall a good leader. His Father, the Earl K-Ball of North Wingshire, was a staunch supporter of wolves attacking the country side and enjoyed japanese caligraphy and 14th century French Poetry. The viscount has been stirring up trouble in recent days due to his beleif that his county should split from the mainland, literally.
[edit] Allies
The good prince Bphisher, son of Zoltar the Magnificent (of Union Station, STL) is widely regarded as an ally of the viscount. Some have also claimed he is an important member of the shadowy cult, thetapiomegaphi, although this is disputed.
[edit] Early Days
The good viscount started off as a well to do musician, unfortunately, due to a disagreement with a tree,he lost his left hand and half of his face. On a lighter note, he now has a half mask made from steel and uses evil force powers to pursue music to this day. Later, his father conquered shropshire due to a complete turn of events that are so advanced, we cannot possibly tell you. Well, long story short, after the fires went out everyone was very happy.
[edit] The Future
The Viscount has destroyed all enemies and hopes to some day rule the world through a seemingly harmless pyramid scheme that will render half the world dumb, and leave the other half just as dumb as they were.
[edit] Links to the territory of the powerful and all knowing Viscount Sphere
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I would say I'm a cynic but I bet you just wouldn't believe me. |
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