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A VIRCATOR (VIRtual CAthode OscillatOR) is a narrow band, high-power microwave (HPM) source of simple design that is able to generate high power levels, with tunability over a wide frequency range. The output power level and frequency of emission are very sensitive to design parameters such as the anode-cathode gap and the transparency of the foil anode to high-energy electrons. This makes it essential to optimize design through detailed computer modeling before experiments can be started.

[edit] Design

The design of a simple Axially-Extracted-Vircator is shown in figure.


[edit] Simulation and requirements

The device works above the space charge limiting current and the the particle velocity distribution is highly non-maxwellian, which can be simulated using a Particle-in-Cell simulation (PIC). PIC technique require the maxwell solution on the grid nodes and particle push based on solved field.