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This article has one more dot at it's end than the previous version. Unless someone give me a good reason why it meets criteria for deletion, I'll put it every time, with one more dot at it's end to show how "wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" is not so free. So, I'm saying to you: Free "wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"
[edit] Introduction
String theory suggests that we live in 11D hyperspace but no one can actually say exactlly what that means and what an 11D Hyperobject looks like because our existance is "limited" to the 4D Hyperspace (3D space + 1D time). For more informations about String Theory: Mathematical programming can give us an introduction to the mysterious field of "string theory" that involve Hyperobjects and Hyperspace, because of two reasons :
- HyperSpace can be fully described by mathematical equations, which mean that we can modelise HyperObjets and study their properties.
- Informatics give us the power to "simulate" our human perception of HyperObjects since we already know how our eyes act in our perception's process.
Here is a description of one program that go a bit more than others in the discovery of HyperObjects :
K3DSurf is a program to visualize and manipulate multidimensional surfaces by using Mathematical equations. It's also a "Modeler" for POV-Ray in the area of parametric surfaces.
[edit] Features
- 3D, 4D, 5D and 6D HyperObjects visualization.
- Full support of all functions (like C language).
- Support of mouse event in the drawing area (Left:Rotate, Right:Scale and Middle:Translate).
- Animation and Morph effect.
- POVscript and Mesh file generation (and Run if POV-Ray is installed). VRML2 and OBJ files also supported.
- More than 100 well known examples.
For downloads :
The article above has one more dot at it's end than the previous version. Unless someone give me a good reason why it meets criteria for deletion, I'll put it every time, with one more dot at it's end to show how "wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" is not so free. So, I'm saying to you: Free "wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"