Talk:Video Professor

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This is what I'd found here:

" 'Video Processor' is a television-advertised product which claims to offer easy-to-use tutorials for a variety of computer-related subjects, such as learning Microsoft Word, Microsoft Windows, and eBay."

I'm attempting to correct it.

As of June, 2006, I have not, yet, purchased anything from this brand. I have not decided what I think of this company; though, I may, eventually, choose to purchase.

The spelling "Video Processor" is fascinating, as it does relate to microProcessor [??].

< >.

Hopiakuta 23:10, 21 June 2006 (UTC)

I, hereby, note that these searches do not work:

< >;

< >;

< >.

Hopiakuta 21:44, 23 June 2006 (UTC)