Talk:Vicente Yáñez Pinzón

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[edit] Vicent Yáñez Pinzón DID NOT DISCOVERED BRAZIL

Please reffer to the discussion Talk:Brazil to discuss who discovered/landed on Brazil for the first time.

Pinnecco, the article says he was the first European to land in Brazil, not the first person to discover Brazil, and now says he sighted the river, not discovered it. Does that help? Moriori 22:28, Sep 22, 2004 (UTC)
Moriori, I am sorry but it doesn't help. The user edited the page about the History of Brazil. To talk about the first people to "sight" the Amazon River, please edit the article Amazon River -- Pinnecco 22:56, Sep 22, 2004 (CMT)
Pinnecco, this article doesn't say he was first to sight the river. But, if you think it a little ambiguous, how about we change it to read "he became the first European to see the Amazon river, on January 26, 1500". It's repetitious of the first sentence unfortunately, but......Moriori 23:17, Sep 22, 2004 (UTC)
Moriori, for the last time, whoever saw the river first is not the issue. Is the claim that he was the first one to LAND ON BRAZIL (see history) that is an issue, but the fact that the user edited the page about the History of Brazil and added Pinzón as the discover (along with Cabral) is the issue. "It's repetitious of my first sentence unfortunately, but......"
Pinzón where not on Brazilian territory at the time. However, Brazillian territory expanded with time. Please read Brazil:Talk as mentioned above. Pinnecco 07:10, Sep 23, 2004 (UTC).

[edit] This is all a bunch of nonsense -- where are the sources?

So, first the article said that Vicente Pinzón disembarked on the Amazon River (driven by a storm), now the last edit article said that he was in Pernambuco (not explaining how he got there) and then he went to the Amazon River. I'm sorry but this is all unfounded. As if the distance between Pernambuco and the Amazon River was the same distance from my home and our local corner-shop.

I want to see CREDIBLE sources. This is all a bunch of nonsense probably created by some Galician man in a tapas bar back in the 16 century. But please don't take only my word for it. I will draw the attention of other native Brazilian writters to this article so then can give their input about this. --Pinnecco 11:09, 15 July 2005 (UTC)

[edit] According the wikipedia em língua portuguesa

In [1]:

Vicente Yanéz Pinzón, navegador espanhol, partiu de Palos de la Frontera, Espanha em 19 de novembro de 1499. Em Janeiro de 1500 desembarcou no Brasil no local atualmente chamado Praia do Paraíso, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco. O local foi batizado por Pinzon como Cabo de Santa Maria de la Consolación. Pinzón seguiu sua viagem e em fevereiro de 1500 chegou à foz do Rio Amazonas, que batizou como Mar Dulce. A Viagem de Pinzón e sua chegada ao Brasil não constam da maior parte dos registros oficiais de história do Brasil pois pelo tratado de Tordesilhas as terras descobertas por Pinzón pertenciam, de fato, a Portugal.

Mas existe grande probabilidade de que mesmo a esquadra de Pinzón não seria a primeira expedição européia a desembarcar em terras brasileiras. Já em 1325 circulavam em Portugal lendas e mapas sobre uma terra rica em pau-brasil situada além mar. Na disputa com a Espanha por novas terras, os portugueses realizam expedições sigilosas chamadas "de arcano". Assim há relatos de que João Coelho da Porta da Cruz e Duarte Pacheco Pereira teriam estado no Brasil respectivamente em 1493 e 1498.

Diogo de Lepe, navegador espanhol, teria atingido a costa brasileira em março de 1500.

--Gimferrer 14:46, 15 September 2005 (UTC)

And since WHEN this is a credible source?