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The VFA-37 Bulls, sometimes called the Ragin Bulls, is a U.S. Navy strike fighter squadron stationed at NAS Oceana. Their call sign is Ragin, tail code is AC, and they fly the F-18 Hornet.

The insignia of the original VA-37 Bulls.
The insignia of the original VA-37 Bulls.

[edit] History

VA-37 was established as an A-7 Corsair II squadron in 1966. The Bulls became operational in 1967, deploying aboard the USS Kitty Hawk. The Bulls deployed twice to Vietnam.

In 1973, the squadron received their first A-7E, a more advanced version of the plane. They made seven cruises with this plane in the 1970s and early 1980s, including responding to regional crises in the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean.

Following the invasion of Kuwait, several Bulls were deployed with VA-72 in support of Operation Desert Shield.

On October 31, 1990, the Bulls flew the last official sortie in the A-7E Corsair II. This ended a 25-year association with the "Harley of the Fleet" in which over 115,000 flight hours and 25,000 arrestments were flown.

In 1990, VA-37 was redesignated VFA-37 and began flying the F/A-18 Hornet. From October 1992 to April 1993, the Bulls deployed to the Mediterranean Sea and were key participants in Operation Provide Comfort in northern Iraq and Operation Provide Promise in the airspace near the former Yugoslavia.

In 1994 the squadron flew missions over Iraq in support of Operation Southern Watch and later over Bosnia in support of Operation Deny Flight. The Bulls also participated in major exercises with the Kuwaitis, Saudis, and Israelis, as well as with many NATO allies.

In November 1996, the Bulls flew in support of Operation Southern Watch and Operation Deliberate Guard over Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The Bulls deployed again in November 1998. After four weeks of participating in Operation Southern Watch, the order was issued for Operation Desert Fox in Iraq. They also flew missions over the former Yugoslavia in Operation Deliberate Force.

The RAGIN BULLS relocated from NAS Cecil Field, Florida, to the Master Jet Base, NAS Oceana,Virginia in July 1999. The next major deployment for the BULLS was the maiden voyage of the USS HARRY S. TRUMAN (CVN-75) in 2000.

In December of 2002 VFA-37 got underway for their second cruise aboard the TRUMAN. On 19 March 2003, TEAM BULL joined its band of brothers spearheading combat operations in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). While flying from the TRUMAN in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Bulls participated in the "shock and awe" campaign in Southern Iraq before shifting focus to assisting U. S. Forces in Northern Iraq.

By the end of a successful 30-day air campaign in OIF, the BULLS flew over 1200 hours and 252 combat sorties over Northern Iraq. The squadron pilots delivered over 144 tons of ordnance and expended 9400 rounds of 20mm HEI ammunition. The BULLS maintained a 100% combat sortie completion rate and an outstanding safety record. The squadron returned home to Virginia to a heroes' homecoming on Memorial Day 2003.

The BULLS began work-ups with CVW-3 and the USS HARRY S TRUMAN (CVN-75) in early 2004. Throughout the year the squadron and airwing ramped up in preparation for a deployment in support of OIF later in the year. In October TEAM BULL and CVW-3 left Norfolk and headed east for the Northern Persian Gulf onboard the USS HARRY S. TRUMAN (CVN-75). On November 21, 2004 the HST took station on the tip of the spear and began combat operations in support of OIF. The airwing completed combat operations on March 18, 2005. At the completion of VFA-37's campaign the squadron had flown 430 combat sorties logging over 2100 hours in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM.

[edit] Present day

In 2003, the Bulls joined other squadrons to spearhead combat operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom, participating in the shock and awe campaign in Southern Iraq before shifting focus to assisting U.S. forces in Northern Iraq. The squadron returned home to Virginia in 2003 and are currently in training.

[edit] External links