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Verucchio is a comune in the province of Rimini, region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.


[edit] Verucchio, the Malatesta's nest


Who, leaving from the plain tracing back the Marecchia river valley, sees, at little distance from the sea, high cliffs that surpass the course of the river. On the first one of these, in a privileged and spectacular position from which You can push your sight on all the coast of Romagna and on the first mountains of the Appennino, rises Verucchio. Above all there is the powerful Castle that dominates the village chosen by the Malatesta family as place of origin. A Malatestian capital, that boasts a history more ancient than millenia, the history of a refined population today told in a museum where You can admire objects of extraordinary beauty, only in Italy.

Between the IX and the XII century B.C. lived in Verucchio an advanced people, supposed of Etruscan origin, that have left evidence of art and culture incredibly refined. Draft of the so-called Villanovian Civilization (but would be more right to say Verucchiese-Villanovian) that, after numerous campaigns of diggings, we can today know through woven rarest, objects in wood, bronzes, ceramics, precious jewels of gold and of amber, weapons and instruments of the daily life. Practically only the great throne of inlaid wood that it has been recovered. All these objects are collected in the Archaeological Civic Museum prepared in an ancient monastery: the quality of the exposed objects and the environment of it make a museum of national relief.

After the splendors of this civilization other splendors mark Verucchio in the malatestian age, between Middle Ages and Renaissance. Traditionally Verucchio is called 'The Malatesta's nest', to demonstrate the privileged tie of the lineage with this castle. For approximately three hundred years the Malatesta family governed the city upgrading and enriching the village of civil and religious works. The historical center is still evidently of medieval print and the many monuments to visit, also going back to mor recent periods, are the signs of an historical wealth that is today to the base of the city tourist development.

[edit] Verucchio monuments and attractions

[edit] Rocca Malatestiana sec. Xii-xvi

Via Rocca Malatestiana tel. 0541.670222 Opening: from the 01/04 to the 30/09 every day 9.30~12.30 14.30~19.30 from the 01/10 to the 01/03 festive Saturday 14.30~18.30 Sunday and 10.00~12.30 14.30~18.30 It's one of largest and better conserved malatestian fortifications that has seen the merging and integrating of various architectural parts that go from the XII to XVI the century. It's also called 'Castle of the rock' for its position at the top of the cliff that dominates the country and all the surrounding territory. The castle is held by the Malatesta family since the end of 1100; Here was born the 'Mastin Vecchio'(so called the old mastiff for his wickedness) considered one of the forefahters of the Malatesta family (is that one that moved to Rimini to consolidate the power of the family) told about by Dante poet in the Divina Commedia. In the 1295 Malatestiana Lordship is developed towards Rimini but Verucchio remains a cultural and strategical important place. Beside the XIII century tower the parts built in 1449 by the more important representative of the Lordship, Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta. To see to the inside: the large hall, the several rooms, the Mastio tower with panoramic terraces, the secret rooms.

[edit] Archaeological Civic Museum

Via S.Agostino tel. 0541.670222 from the 01/04 to the 30/09 every day 9.30~12.30 14.30~19.30 from the 01/10 to the 01/03 festive Saturday 14.30~18.30 Sunday and 10.00~12.30 14.30~18.30 Income by payment Prepared in the monastery of the Agostinian fathers, founded douring the XII century, it is one collection of international relief, one of greater pearls and surprise of culture and art of the Rimini countryside. Not only the rarity but the great aesthetic refinement of the objects (found in hundred of graves datable between IX and VII century b. C.) make this a museum indeed not to lose.

[edit] The walls of the ditch

Are the town-walls that can be visited leaving from the Church of S.Agostino. They have been opportunely restaurated and gives a precise idea of the defensive structures built up during the malatestian age. Remarkable the panoramas and the several architectures.

[edit] Rocca and door of Passerello

In Verucchio there is another castle of the Malatesta: the castle of the Passerello (castle of the little sparrow) existed on the high in front of the Rock Castle. On the ruins of the Rocca di Passerello in the 1600 was built the convent of the Sisters of S.Chiara. Next to the castle You can find the ancient door reconstructed with the original materials the door was in part destructed in 1964.

[edit] Collegiata Church

It's one of the cathedrals of the Marecchia river valley, built up in the 1863 by Tondini, an architect from Verucchio. Iside You can admire paintings from 1300 to the 1600.

[edit] Ancient well and malatestian spring

At the entrance of the town there is the well that for centuries has supplied water to Verucchio. Recent explorations has evidenced the existence of two reserviors with cover to going back time to XV the century.

[edit] Malatesta Public square

It's the main public square of the town on which there is the Communal Palace and other important buildings.

[edit] Franciscan Monastery

The monastery is built on the plain, next to Villa Verucchio. Inside the church a masterpiece of the three hundred riminese painting school that represents the crucifixion, outside an authentic arboreal monument, the high cypress approximately 23 meters that dates 700 years and that the legend tells was planted by S.Francesco himself. This is the most ancient Franciscan Monastery of all the Romagna county, going back its foundation, according to tradition, in 1215.

[edit] Romanesque Pieve sec. X

It's at the base of the cliff on which is built the old town on the downhill that takes to Villa Verucchio place. Of Romanesque and gothic architecture it's dating back to the 990.

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 43°59′N 12°25′E