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VeriFone is a company that makes point-of-sale equipment. They were founded and incorporated in Hawaii in 1981, and named themselves after their first product, the name standing for Verification telephone.
VeriFone, Inc. is the global leader in secure electronic payment solutions. VeriFone provides expertise, solutions and services that add value to the point of sale with merchant-operated, consumer-facing and self-service payment systems for the financial, retail, hospitality, petroleum, government and healthcare vertical markets. VeriFone solutions are designed to meet the needs of merchants, processors and acquirers in developed and emerging economies worldwide.
VeriFone's most popular products include the Omni 3700 Family, featurting the Omni 3730LE, Omni 3730, Omni 3740 and Omni 3750. In 2005, VeriFone introduced it's newest line of products, Vx Solutions. These solutions focus on the needs of the ever-changing payment market and include the Vx 510LE and Vx 510, the Vx 570, which boasts 4-second flash drive application downloads, the Vx 610, perfect for merchants who need a wireless payment solution and the newest addition, the Vx 670, which provides payment ON THE SPOT - at the table, carside, or delivery environments.
VeriFone will complete it's acquisition of Lipman in November 2006 and add NURIT solutions to an ever-growing portfolio.