Venta Icenorum

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Venta Icenorum was the civitas[1] capital of the powerful and independent Iceni tribe, who inhabited the flatlands and marshes of Norfolk and earned immortality for their revolt against Roman rule under their queen Boudica (or Boadicea) in the winter of 61 CE. The Iceni had close ties with their neighbouring tribe the Trinovantes to the south and possibly also with the civilised Coritani to the north-west, and their former adversaries the Catuvellauni lay to the south-west.

Venta Icenorum is mentioned in the Ravenna Cosmography,[2] and the Antonine Itinerary,[3] was a settlement near the village of Caistor St. Edmund, some 5 miles south of present-day Norwich, and a mile or two from the Bronze Age Henge at Arminghall.

The town was reduced in size after the Boudiccan revolt to around 40 acres[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ptolemy, Geography 2.2
  2. ^ Ravenna Cosmography (British section)
  3. ^ Antonine Itinerary (British section)
  4. ^

[edit] See also

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