Vega-Bray Observatory

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Vega-Bray Observatory
Organization Skywatcher's Inn
Location Benson, Arizona (USA)
Coordinates ?°?′?″N, ?°?′?″W
Altitude 1180 meters (3870 feet)
Webpage [1]
Clark Telescope 3" refractor, f10
Meade Telescope 12" reflector, computerised, f10
Meade Telescope 12" reflector, f10
Newtonian Telescope 18" reflector, f5.5
Maksutov telescope 20" reflector, f10
Takahashi hyperbolic astrograph 6" f3.3
Newtonian Telescope 14.5" reflector
Meade Dobsonian Telescope 16" f4.5 reflector
Planetary telescope 8" reflector
Radio telescope 12 foot parabolic reflector

Vega-Bray Observatory is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by Skywatcher's Inn located on a small hill overlooking the San Pedro River Valley, just east of Benson, Arizona (USA). The observatory and the inn are owned by Dr. and Mrs. Ed Vega. Founded in 1990, It is home to the Hoot-Vega Radio Telescope.

[edit] See also

[edit] Reference

  1. Vega-Bray Observatory homepage. The Vega-Bray Observatory Homepage. Retrieved on December 16, 2005.