Vector Trap

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Featured in Konami's video game series Zone of the Enders and its spin-off animations, a vector trap is a product of metatron-based technologies featured in that franchise.

Using Metatron's unique space warping qualities, a vector trap compresses and folds space in on itself to create a pocket-dimension in which objects can be stored and retrieved. Anything that is placed into a vector trap is effectively reduced to zero volume by the reference of objects outside the vector trap, but as is established in the animated series ZOE: Dolores, i, mass is still a consideration. Though the volume of objects that a vector trap can accommodate seems virtually limitless from the perspective of an external observer, the mass of objects can be limiting factor for the object generating the vector trap; thus any object generating a vector trap can still be "weighed down" by any objects that its vector trap contains. However, it is possible that in some advanced designs such as the vector traps used by the Orbital Frames Jehuty and Anubis, the apparent mass of objects contained within vector traps appears to be no longer a limiting factor.

Some examples of vector traps used in Zone of the Enders include Porters, which are small vector trap generators, Cellars, which are vector traps that typically carry a large quantity of unmanned combat vehicles that can be deployed very quickly, and the integrated vector traps that orbital frames use to carry their bulkier weaponry and other equipment.

It is also possible to vector traps in an offensive and/or defensive maneuver as shown by Colonel Nohman in ZOE: Dolores, i by temporarily shunting the missiles fired by the orbital frame Selkis piloted by Rebecca Hunter into a vector trap projected infront of Anubis. The vector trap is closed and Anubis is maneuvered to an optimal firing position via the use of Zero Shift before Nohman reopens Anubis's vector trap and releases the missiles back against the unsuspecting Rebecca and Selkis. It is worthy to note that the missiles thrusters or boosters were actively engaged prior to being shunted into, and when they were released from, Anubis's vector trap. As such, it appears that any object placed into a vector trap is also effectively placed in complete physical stasis until released from the confining vector trap.

[edit] See also