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Varma or Varman (Hindi वर्मा varmā [Sanskrit वर्म+कः]) is a honorific title, literally meaning "To be or become swollen or inflamed;--to be distended (with rage, &c.); to be en- raged", which is affixed to the names of Kshatriyas.

It was used as a secundary title by many rulers, especially in princely states in India and in South East Asia. In many cases it's simply part of a persons's name, without any political meaning, as happens with many titles.

Classification Caste: Kshatriya (Pronounced: sh-ath-rheeh-aah)Warrior Caste

Significant populations in: North India/ Rajasthan

Languages: Rajasthani/ Hindi

Religions: Hinduism


[edit] Cambodia

The king who built Angkor complexes is known as Jeyavarman. some north indian bania communities also using varma sirname.

[edit] Kerala

It is the surname used by the Rajahs of Kerala. All these Rajahs belong to the Nair race which is a martial nobility. However for ritual purposes they are classed as Sudra and in some places and some experts as ksathriyas. The Varma Rajahs married Nair ladies. The Varmas are also, like the Nairs, a matriarchal caste. That is the reason why at the death of the king, he is succeeded by his sister's son and not his own.

[edit] Famous Varmas (modern)

[edit] Sources and references