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A sample of Variscite
A sample of Variscite

Variscite AlPO4·2H2O, hydrated aluminium phosphate, is a relatively rare phosphate mineral. It is sometimes confused with turquoise, however, variscite is usually greener in colour.

Variscite is formed by direct deposition from phosphate bearing water that has reacted with aluminium rich rocks in a near-surface environment. It occurs as fine-grained masses in nodules, cavity fillings, and crusts. Variscite often contains veins of the mineral crandallite.

Variscite is sometimes used as a semi-precious stone, and is popular for carvings and ornamental use. It is named after Variscia, the historical name of Vogtland in Germany. At one time, variscite was called Utahlite.

Two of the major mines in Utah are the Lucin mine in northern Utah and the Clay Canyon mine 40 minutes southwest of Salt Lake City. Both mines are practically mined out and inactive. Clay Canyon variscite fetches a high dollar and is prized by collectors and jewelry makers for the 10 other kinds of minerals that are found in the material, including wardite and crandelite, that make for very unique patterns. The US Postal Service put out a stamp with a sample piece of Clay Canyon variscite as a picture on the stamp. Lucin variscite is notable for deep emerald to minty greens and a grey chert matrix.

Variscite from Nevada typically contains black spiderwebbing in the matrix and is often confused with green turquoise. Nevada variscite mines tend to be smaller "one-man" mines.

Indeed, turquoise and variscite are both phosphate based minerals. Variscite is also mined in Poland.

A notable locality is Fairfield, Utah in the United States. It is also found in Germany, Australia, and Brazil.

[edit] See also

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