Valencia orange

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The Valencia Orange is an orange first created by the Californian agronomist William Wolfskill, on his farm in Santa Ana. The orange was later sold to the Irvine Company, who would dedicate nearly half of their land to its cultivation. The success of this crop in Southern California led to the naming of Orange County. The Irvine Company's Valencia operation later split from the company and became Sunkist. Cultivation of the Valencia in Orange County had all but ceased by the mid-1990s due to rising property costs, which drove what remained of the Southern California orange industry into Florida.

In the television series Family Guy, a caricature of Bing Crosby is quoted as saying, "That's right Peter, and if your kids don't obey you, you can always beat them with a sack of sweet valencia oranges. They dont leaves a bruise and you kids will always know who's the boss."

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