Uterine artery

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Artery: Uterine artery
Arteries of the female reproductive tract: uterine artery, ovarian artery and vaginal arteries. (Uterine artery labeled at center.)
Vessels of the uterus and its appendages, rear view. (Uterine artery labeled at center right.)
Latin arteria uterina
Gray's subject #155 615
Supplies round ligament of the uterus, ovary, uterus, vagina, uterine tube
Source internal iliac artery
Dorlands/Elsevier a_61/12156490

The uterine artery is an artery in females that supplies blood to the uterus.


[edit] Structure

The uterine artery usually arises from the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. It travels to the uterus, crossing the ureter anteriorly.

It travels through the parametrium of the inferior broad ligament of the uterus.

It commonly anastomoses (connects with) the vaginal artery. The vaginal artery sometimes arises from the uterine artery, instead of arising directly from the internal iliac artery.

[edit] Branches and organs supplied

[edit] Additional images

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Arteries of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis edit

pulmonary - aorta - ascending aorta
right coronary (sinuatrial nodal, atrioventricular nodal, atrial, right marginal, posterior interventricular)
left coronary (anterior interventricular, left circumflex, left marginal)
aortic arch - brachiocephalic - thyreoidea ima - common carotid | (Gray's s141-Gray's s143)

DESCENDING AORTA / THORACIC AORTA: bronchial - esophageal - posterior intercostal - subcostal | (Gray's s153)

ABDOMINAL AORTA: Anterior - celiac: left gastric

splenic: pancreatic branches (arteria pancreatica magna) - short gastric - left gastro-omental

common hepatic: proper hepatic (cystic), right gastric, gastroduodenal (right gastro-omental, superior pancreaticoduodenal)

superior mesenteric: inferior pancreaticoduodenal - intestinal - ileocolic (appendicular) - right colic - middle colic

inferior mesenteric: left colic - sigmoid - superior rectal

Posterior - Visceral: middle suprarenal - renal (inferior suprarenal) - testicular/ovarian - Parietal: inferior phrenic (superior suprarenal) - lumbar - median sacral

Terminal branches: common iliac - marginal - internal iliac | (Gray's s154)

INTERNAL ILIAC: Anterior: umbilical (superior vesical, to ductus deferens) - inferior vesical - middle rectal - uterine (azygos of the vagina) - vaginal - obturator
internal pudendal: (inferior rectal, perineal, artery of the urethral bulb, urethral, deep artery of the penis, dorsal artery of the penis)
inferior gluteal (accompanying of ischiadic nerve, crucial anastomosis)
Posterior: iliolumbar - lateral sacral - superior gluteal | (Gray's s155)

EXTERNAL ILIAC: inferior epigastric (cremasteric) - deep circumflex iliac | (Gray's s156)