USS Ono (SS-357)

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USS Ono (SS-357), would have been a Balao-class submarine, the first submarine and second ship of the United States Navy of that name. This Ono took its name from the ono, a dark blus scombrid fish found worldwide in tropical and subtropical seas, also known as the wahoo.

Ono (SS–357), ex-Friar, was authorized for construction at Electric Boat Co., Groton, Conn., but the contract was cancelled 29 July 1944.

[edit] References

This article includes text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships.

[edit] External links

Balao-class submarine

Balao | Billfish | Bowfin | Cabrilla | Capelin | Cisco | Crevalle | Devilfish | Dragonet | Escolar | Hackleback | Lancetfish | Ling | Lionfish | Manta | Moray | Roncador | Sabalo | Sablefish | Seahorse | Skate | Tang | Tilefish | Apogon | Aspro | Batfish | Archer-Fish | Burrfish | Perch | Shark | Sealion | Barbel | Barbero | Baya | Becuna | Bergall | Besugo | Blackfin | Caiman | Blenny | Blower | Blueback | Boarfish | Charr | Chub | Brill | Bugara | Bullhead | Bumper | Cabezon | Dentuda | Capitaine | Carbonero | Carp | Catfish | Entemedor | Chivo | Chopper | Clamagore | Cobbler | Cochino | Corporal | Cubera | Cusk | Diodon | Dogfish | Greenfish | Halfbeak | Dugong | Eel | Espada | Jawfish | Ono | Garlopa | Garrupa | Goldring | Golet | Guavina | Guitarro | Hammerhead | Hardhead | Hawkbill | Icefish | Jallao | Kete | Kraken | Lagarto | Lamprey | Lizardfish | Loggerhead | Macabi | Mapiro | Menhaden | Mero | Needlefish | Nerka | Sand Lance | Picuda | Pampanito | Parche | Bang | Pilotfish | Pintado | Pipefish | Piranha | Plaice | Pomfret | Sterlet | Queenfish | Razorback | Redfish | Ronquil | Scabbardfish | Segundo | Sea Cat | Sea Devil | Sea Dog | Sea Fox | Atule | Spikefish | Sea Owl | Sea Poacher | Sea Robin | Sennet | Piper | Threadfin | Spadefish | Trepang | Spot | Springer | Stickleback | Tiru

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy