USS Goldring (SS-360)

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USS Goldring (SS-360), would have been a Balao-class submarine, the only submarine of the United States Navy to be named for the goldring, an edible fish of the Mississippi River. Her keel was laid down at the Electric Boat Company of Groton, Connecticut, but construction was cancelled on 29 July 1944.

[edit] See also

Balao-class submarine

Balao | Billfish | Bowfin | Cabrilla | Capelin | Cisco | Crevalle | Devilfish | Dragonet | Escolar | Hackleback | Lancetfish | Ling | Lionfish | Manta | Moray | Roncador | Sabalo | Sablefish | Seahorse | Skate | Tang | Tilefish | Apogon | Aspro | Batfish | Archerfish | Burrfish | Perch | Shark | Sealion | Barbel | Barbero | Baya | Becuna | Bergall | Besugo | Blackfin | Caiman | Blenny | Blower | Blueback | Boarfish | Charr | Chub | Brill | Bugara | Bullhead | Bumper | Cabezon | Dentuda | Capitaine | Carbonero | Carp | Catfish | Entemedor | Chivo | Chopper | Clamagore | Cobbler | Cochino | Corporal | Cubera | Cusk | Diodon | Dogfish | Greenfish | Halfbeak | Dugong | Eel | Espada | Jawfish | Ono | Garlopa | Garrupa | Goldring | Golet | Guavina | Guitarro | Hammerhead | Hardhead | Hawkbill | Icefish | Jallao | Kete | Kraken | Lagarto | Lamprey | Lizardfish | Loggerhead | Macabi | Mapiro | Menhaden | Mero | Needlefish | Nerka | Sand Lance | Picuda | Pampanito | Parche | Bang | Pilotfish | Pintado | Pipefish | Piranha | Plaice | Pomfret | Sterlet | Queenfish | Razorback | Redfish | Ronquil | Scabbardfish | Segundo | Sea Cat | Sea Devil | Sea Dog | Sea Fox | Atule | Spikefish | Sea Owl | Sea Poacher | Sea Robin | Sennet | Piper | Threadfin | Spadefish | Trepang | Spot | Springer | Stickleback | Tiru

List of submarines of the United States Navy
List of submarine classes of the United States Navy